Chapter 527 Send King Zhou away
King Zhou of Shang had already intended to punish Jiang Ziya, but now he was even more furious when he heard about it.

Over the years, Jiang Ziya has become more and more arrogant in his territory in the Western Zhou Dynasty, and now he even attacked his beloved concubine.

"It's really disgusting. Does Jiang Ziya really think that the entire Western Zhou Dynasty has become his world?"

"It's enough to oppose me everywhere, but it's like a devil's claws reaching out to my beloved concubine."

King Zhou of Shang looked at Su Daji with great pity.

He doted on Su Daji, which was not something that happened in a day or two. Everyone in the Western Zhou Dynasty knew it.

Now Jiang Ziya is blatantly bullying Su Daji, obviously deliberately going against him.

"King Zhou, please don't spare him lightly. You must avenge me. This guy is too much."

Su Daji hurriedly squeezed out a few tears and put on a pitiful look.

Shen Gongbao, who was standing at the bottom, also hurriedly spoke.

"This Jiang Ziya is really too much. He doesn't take the eldest sister into consideration at all."

"By bullying the eldest sister, he is trampling on the dignity of the king. I hope the king can come forward and make this guy remember."

Shen Gongbao spoke angrily.

Shen Gongbao looked extremely unconvinced after being given a harsh lesson by Jiang Ziya.

In recent years, he has always been against Jiang Ziya.

Shen Gongbao was puzzled when he saw that Jiang Ziya's skill had improved so much, but he was also a little unwilling to do so.

The two students came from the same school, but he didn't believe that Jiang Ziya's talent was really higher than his own.

"Don't worry, you two. I will send troops to attack right away. I don't believe that this guy is really capable of resisting my Western Zhou army."

King Zhou of Shang offered words of comfort.

After Su Daji and Shen Gongbao left, they directly mobilized soldiers and horses and led everyone to Jiang Ziya's territory.

Seeing the soldiers of Shang King Xie coming, Jiang Ziya was a little surprised at first, but then he reacted.

These two despicable and shameless guys must have said a lot of bad things about themselves in front of King Zhou after they returned home.

"King Zhou has come a long way, but he has failed to welcome you from afar. I still hope that King Zhou can atone for his sins. Don't argue with me."

Jiang Ziya adjusted his condition and walked out of the house with a smile.

As the host here, I naturally have to do what is appropriate for the landlord.

Although he usually doesn't get along with King Zhou of Shang Dynasty, today in front of many soldiers, he can't lose any face he deserves.

"You are really brave. How dare you appear in front of me. You know that you have done something wrong. Why do you refuse to admit your guilt? You even bully women!"

King Zhou scolded him.

Seeing Jiang Ziya's calm appearance, King Zhou seemed even more angry.

Just now, Su Daji and Shen Gongbao were in a state of embarrassment when they returned home. They had been tormented by this man for a long time.

"How can I have the courage? King Zhou dotes on Daji. This is something everyone in the Western Zhou Dynasty knows."

Jiang Ziya kept smiling and spoke in an extremely tactful tone, deliberately pretending to be a weakling.

Faced with such a big war launched by King Zhou of Shang, Jiang Ziya had no intention of caring about it. Once a war started at this time, the entire people of the Western Zhou Dynasty would be injured.

"Since you know you are wrong, why have you not apologized for so long? If you were really sincere, you should have gone to my palace early with the gift at this moment."

King Zhou of Shang looked at Jiang Ziya with some embarrassment.

Seeing Jiang Ziya looking so fragile, King Zhou felt relieved.

Although he had always wanted to punish Jiang Ziya, King Zhou was still very clear about Jiang Ziya's strength.

Never engage in a military confrontation with him unless absolutely necessary.

"Isn't it because I'm worried about offending King Zhou that I haven't dared to have sex for a long time? Now that King Zhou has personally led his troops here, I have realized my mistake."

"I hope King Zhou can calm down and don't argue with us commoners."

Jiang Ziya apologized repeatedly.

King Zhou also seemed very satisfied. Seeing that the soldiers behind him had no intention of fighting, King Zhou waved his hand to signal everyone to return.

Today, I should give Jiang Ziya a face and sell Jiang Ziya a favor.

"This matter is over for now. I hope you will not do such a stupid thing next time. If I hear other bad things again, I will punish you severely."

King Zhou threatened him.

Jiang Ziya hurriedly agreed, and then watched King Zhou leave.

Seeing King Zhou walking away, Jiang Ziya returned to the mansion.

The situation just now frightened Jiang Ziya.

Before the troops and horses are mobilized, such a thing must be handled with caution.

Jiang Ziya thought about the way he handled things just now and felt satisfied.

"King Zhou has led his troops to look for us. I don't think he will give up at this time. Although he let us go today, it may not happen next time."

Jiang Ziya asked.

Jiang Ziya was really worried about this matter.

If one day they meet King Zhou of Shang in battle, Ji Fa and Ji Ming's situation will become even more difficult.

"You sent them all away, and King Zhou didn't say anything else to you?"

Seeing that there was no movement outside the door, Jiang Chen asked curiously.

After expelling Su Daji just now, Jiang Chen returned to the mansion.

"On the surface, that guy wanted to declare war with me, but in fact he just made a few threats."

"Although King Zhou of Shang was stupid and unprincipled, fortunately, he sometimes behaved more rationally."

Jiang Ziya explained the situation to Jiang Chen.

What happened just now was considered a near miss.

This guy was in a big battle, but he only gave a few warning words, and there was no fistfight.

"We have to prepare early. Su Daji likes to blow the pillow wind the most."

"Presumably King Zhou of Shang will one day suppress and retaliate against us under her instigation."

Jiang Chen reminded him.

They had many grudges with Su Daji, and what happened to Yu Ruyi this time made Su Daji even more worried.

I'm afraid that after King Zhou returns, Su Daji will have to complain again.

"Then tell me what we should do now. It's impossible to escape everywhere."

"This war with King Zhou will eventually start, but for now we have to have certain countermeasures."

Jiang Ziya walked back and forth in front of Jiang Chen.

He wanted to hear the specific arrangements.

Just stalling for time is naturally not enough.

This time King Zhou didn't really mobilize his troops, but that might not be the case next time. The grudge between them and Su Daji was already deep, and there was always going to be an outbreak.

"We need to take out the spring water in the space. Only by letting everyone drink the spring water can the mana be improved in a short period of time."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to achieve it just by relying on external training."

Jiang Chen reminded him.

Jiang Ziya frowned, he naturally knew this method.

But how to enter Yu Ruyi now?
Just when Jiang Ziya was at a loss what to do, Jiang Chen opened his wrist.

Bright red blood dripped into Yu Ruyi, and after a moment, the space door opened again, and he successfully entered.

(End of this chapter)

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