Chapter 529 Accepting Yu Ruyi

Everyone was very confused, and Jiang Chen couldn't accept it either.

Although he was thinking about the treasure, the current situation was unclear, and Jiang Chen didn't want to let others take advantage of him.

"Ji Ming, is there something you haven't told me clearly?"

"If you are disgusted with my use of Yu Ruyi, I can apologize to you for my recklessness."

Jiang Chen looked at Ji Ming sincerely.

Thinking that he did act recklessly yesterday, Jiang Chen realized that he was somewhat wrong.

Before staying in Yu Ruyi yesterday, he should have greeted Ji Ming early.

It's a pity that he was so anxious to try the effects of the spring water that he lost his mind.

"We are all good brothers, so we shouldn't act so picky."

"What's more, you didn't create any problems after testing. I don't believe Ji Ming is really that stingy."

Nezha was on the side trying to smooth things over.

Seeing that Ji Ming didn't speak, Nezha was a little worried.

Initially, he wanted to get back Jade Ruyi, but Jiang Chen persisted and was able to get the object back.

In return, Ji Ming gave Jiang Chen something to use for a few days. In Nezha's opinion, it made sense.

"Why do you have to get involved in everything? I'm talking to Ji Ming, so don't interrupt at will, okay?"

Jiang Chen scolded angrily.

Nezha's behavior seems to be getting worse and worse.

The current situation needs to be explained personally by the owner, Ji Ming.

Jiang Chen is willing to apologize for his behavior.

He didn't want Ji Ming to lie to him for a while under Nezha's pressure, which would cause a rift between the two in the future.

"Where did you think you were going? I just wanted to give this thing to you."

"After all, I have been looking for a destined person for Yu Ruyi. The current situation seems to me that you are the person I have been looking for."

Worried that the two men would quarrel, Ji Ming hurriedly explained.

Although Yu Ruyi had been raised since childhood, Ji Ming sensed that Yu Ruyi still needed a real master to tame her.

I'm just keeping it temporarily.

More than ten years later, Jiang Chen's appearance also made Ji Ming see a different scene.

Countless people have come into contact with Yu Ruyi before.

Unfortunately, no one discovered the mystery. Only Jiang Chen's blood could merge with Yu Ruyi and enter it.

In Ji Ming's view, this is the destiny arranged by God.

If this jade Ruyi had other owners, the palace maid should have sold it long ago.

After all, several years have passed since Jade Ruyi was lost, and various accidents are likely to occur during this period.

"This thing is too precious for me to accept. If I have the honor to use it once, it is considered good."

"If you keep this thing on your body, it can help you in the future."

Jiang Chen hurriedly refused.

Jiang Chen was naturally very excited because Ji Ming was so generous.

But considering the preciousness of jade Ruyi, Jiang Chen didn't want to take advantage of others.

Ji Ming has this grateful heart, and Jiang Chen appreciates it.

You can send some other thank-you gifts in the future, but there is no need to give away Yu Ruyi.

Rare things like this are very rare in the world.

"Ji Ming, we all know that you have a grateful heart, but this jade Ruyi is your own personal thing and should not be given away casually."

"Didn't you tell me before? This is also the only thought between you and the Queen."

Worried that Jiang Chen would be embarrassed for a while, Jiang Ziya hurriedly tried to persuade him. The relationship between Jiang Chen and Ji Ming was pretty good.

But in front of such an extremely precious thing, Jiang Ziya felt that it was better to be measured.

"He is the destined person for Yu Ruyi. Why don't I give it to him generously?"

Ji Ming asked everyone in return, but no one had any answers. There was no definite answer as to who was the destined one.

"This jade Ruyi is left in my hand. It is just an ordinary jade pendant for decoration."

Ji Ming lowered his head and shook the jade pendant around his waist.

Everyone born into a clan is naturally indispensable for their body decorations.

Although after being expelled, his life was not as good as before, but he certainly never lacked the things that a rich man would wear to dress up.

"It can only be used to its fullest effect if it is handed over to him. I don't want to waste such a good thing in vain."

Seeing that everyone was still unmoved, Ji Ming simply spoke more clearly.

From the time I wore it to adulthood, I never discovered the secret between Yu Ruyi.

From this point of view, he and Yu Ruyi are really destined to have no connection.

Nezha was secretly happy, but Jiang Ziya was also a little at a loss.

Jiang Chen was excited but also a little embarrassed.

After all, when he got it back, he made repeated promises to Ji Ming.

This price was specially brought back for Ji Ming, not because of his own thoughts.

"If you really regard me as a good friend, then you should accept this thing."

"I hope you can use this thing to take back a piece of the world for me in the future. Let this be my thank you gift to you."

Ji Ming generously handed the object over to Jiang Chen's hands.

Although Jiang Chen felt a little embarrassed, he thought about it and accepted it generously.

"If that's the case, then I'd rather be respectful than obey. If you have any need in the future, boldly mention it to me, and I will do my best to help you."

Jiang Chen took Yu Ruyi back into his bag, and everyone became happy.

Just as a few people were preparing to celebrate, Jiang Ziya suddenly asked.

"King Zhou of Shang has sent people here to trouble me. Have you ever thought about how we will explain him when he comes again later?"

"Just escaping won't solve the problem. I'm worried that I'll make him angry and search our house."

Jiang Ziya looked at everyone seriously and explained the situation to these guys.

At present, King Zhou of Shang has set his sights on this object.

Under Su Daji's persuasion, she will definitely be tempted.

Over the years, he has searched for the magic of immortality more than once.

If King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty understood the effects of jade Ruyi, he would never give up.

By then, not only Jiang Chen will be in trouble.

Ji Ming will even suffer a disaster.

"Yes, they will definitely come and ask for it again. How should we explain the situation then?"

Qiqing also realized something was wrong and asked hurriedly.

At present, Su Daji and Shen Gongbao have seen the existence of Yu Ruyi with their own eyes, and they will definitely pursue this matter to the end.

"I think it's better to do this. Let's just treat him the way he wants and treat him the way he wants."

"Since King Zhou of Shang is so angry, we will return the favor and give him the jade Ruyi."

Jiang Chen chuckled and expressed his thoughts.

Nezha only felt that Jiang Chen was a little crazy.

"Don't worry, what I'm saying is that we send a fake one over. There will be no difference on the outside, but there is a big difference on the inside."

(End of this chapter)

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