Douluo, I, Huo Yuhao, reject Tianmeng at the beginning

Chapter 103 The frustrated Silver Dragon King

Chapter 103 The frustrated Silver Dragon King
Deep in the Star Dou Great Forest.

When Ditian began to use Dragon God Yaoyang, the Silver Dragon King's uneasiness became even stronger. The silver space elements on her body flashed, ready to take action at any time.

She was very afraid of the power of time and space in Huo Yuhao's hands, and was worried that Ditian would not be able to hold it.

The more she looked at it, the weirder it became. She simply didn't wait any longer and took action immediately to stop it all.

But the strange thing is that her attack disappeared inexplicably.

In her shocked eyes, a figure appeared in front of her.

Electrolux was dressed in a holy white robe, his white hair was combed meticulously, and there was no wrinkle on his cheeks.

Electrolux looked like an elegant scholar at this moment.

Feeling the aura on Electrolux's body, a hint of fear flashed in the Silver Dragon King's eyes.

This is her inner space.

Without her authorization, even a god-level expert would not be able to enter easily.

Electrolux is either a high-level god or a demigod who is proficient in the power of space.

Silver Dragon King speculated that it was the latter.

She once again gathered powerful space power in her body, and was about to cross Electrolux to bring Di Tian back, but Electrolux just chanted a spell and interrupted the Silver Dragon King's spell casting again.

The Silver Dragon King's uneasy feeling became stronger and stronger, Ditian, I'm afraid something is going to happen.

"Your Excellency, if you stop me again, I will go crazy."

The Silver Dragon King's huge dragon body breathed out terrifying dragon breath and began to threaten Electrolux.

"I heard that you are the upper body of the Dragon God? The Dragon God's body was chopped into a gold and silver Dragon King by God Shura's sword. The Golden Dragon King, who represents evil thoughts, was imprisoned in the God Realm.

But I'm curious, don't you represent the goodness of the Dragon God?Why do you want to hide in the lower world and not be discovered?Is there someone coveting your body? "

Electrolux's words made the Silver Dragon King's hair stand on end. How could the human in front of him know so clearly what happened tens of thousands of years ago?

Where is he holy?

"Why do you know my identity? Who are you?"

Electrolux smiled and said nothing!
Huo Yuhao naturally told him this.

Ever since Huo Yuhao merged with Qicai, there have been many more memories in his body, maybe from Jiucai, or maybe from Douluo Xing's will consciousness.

Although Electrolux finds it incredible, it is indeed possible. What he sees and hears on a planet enters the mind of his obedient apprentice through the plane master, allowing him to directly possess countless valuable news and intelligence.

Electrolux’s research on the soul and energy is very thorough. Its existence is reasonable. No matter how outrageous it is, he will choose to believe it and then explain this phenomenon from a research level.

It's impossible for Huo Yuhao to be born knowing these ancient secrets.

"Don't worry, Silver Dragon King. I'm just asking casually because I know you won't answer me. Now let's get to the point."

Electrolux's eyes darkened, and he said solemnly
"You want to save Di Tian, ​​but my precious disciple needs Di Tian's soul ring and soul bones. With me here, you have no chance to take action."

"Arrogant, your strength is only a little stronger than Extreme Douluo, but you dare to speak nonsense here? I have the power of the Dragon God."

The Silver Dragon King roared angrily, and her body slowly stood up. Several of her attempts were intercepted, and she was ready to break through and take action herself.

Although this would delay her recovery time, she had no choice.

Electrolux chuckled.

"I never talk big words. You are just a lizard dragon, but you still dare to call yourself Dragon God? I don't do anything because I am my disciple. Otherwise, I would have wanted to learn what level of god-level powerhouse you are in the world. Yes." Although there is Zhang Lexuan in the sky, cutting off all the atmosphere of the Star Forest.But if Douluo Star erupts with god-level fluctuations, it will still be sensed by the God Realm.

The forbidden technique he had engraved on Le Xuan's eighth soul ring couldn't stop the god-level fluctuations. Electrolux didn't want to provoke the Tang San Huo Yuhao talked about in advance.

According to Huo Yuhao's description, this person is a villain who will do anything to achieve his goals.

The supreme divine realm in his universe was actually ruled by a villain, and Electrolux felt a little uncomfortable.

He wants to overthrow this corrupt world of gods!
It just so happened that Huo Yuhao also wanted to

The two hit it off!
Such a passionate thing made Electrolux's blood burn again.

He suddenly found the meaning of life!
Upon hearing what Electrolux said, the Silver Dragon King became angry.

"In that case, there is no need to say more, let's fight!"

The Silver Dragon King exuded an extremely terrifying aura. Electrolux found her hiding place. The Silver Dragon King did not want to let him go. Today, even if the source is exhausted, Electrolux will be kept.

"Silver Dragon King, you are indeed not a competent Dragon God half." Electrolux shook his head regretfully, summoned a black crystal ball in his hand, and displayed the image of millions of soul beasts detained by the undead on the Silver Dragon King. before.

"Although Di Tian is the beast god, you are its master, so you should be the co-master of the soul beasts. However, you have been awake for so long, but you only focus on Di Tian and do not care about other soul beasts. They don’t care about their life and death, and they don’t even know that your soul beast clan is about to become extinct.”

The Silver Dragon King's breath suddenly stagnated, and she looked at Electrolux with an angry look.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm just giving you a choice. The beast tide army in the north led by Di Tian has basically been wiped out. As for the beast tide armies in the other three realms, I killed half of them, and the other half are all gathered here.

The reserve of soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest is very rich, but this time, your beast spirit has lost its head. Ninety percent of the soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest have been dispatched, leaving only some ten-year-old soul beasts that have no fighting power. In the past few years, If the army of millions of soul beasts dies, your soul beast clan can basically be declared extinct. "

"Save Ditian, or save the lives of these millions of soul beasts, it's your choice."

Electrolux's tone was strong and his eyes were electric.

The Silver Dragon King snorted coldly.

"Don't you dare. If the soul beast clan is extinct, you soul masters will also disappear. If you dare to massacre my people, you will become the sinner of Douluo Planet."

Electrolux's threat had no deterrent effect at all. Although the Silver Dragon King was shocked that the Star Dou Great Forest suffered such heavy damage, she did not believe that Electrolux would dare to do such a stupid thing.

If the soul beast clan is exterminated, the soul master will completely disappear in the long river of history. Exterminating the soul beasts will not do any good to mankind.

When Electrolux saw the Silver Dragon King's reaction, he sneered. With a thought, the army of undead in the crystal ball began to take action. Like slaughtering chickens and dogs, they launched an inhumane massacre against the army of soul beasts. For a moment, they were stained with blood. The earth turned red and corpses lay everywhere.

Don't think that Electrolux is righteous because he has the attribute of light. He is the Holy Law God of the Dead and a natural disaster of the undead. Hundreds of millions of lives have died in his hands.

"what are you doing?"

The Silver Dragon King roared and rushed towards Electrolux at top speed.

Electrolux took his time. A burst of silver light flashed in front of him, and a square cage appeared, blocking the Silver Dragon King's figure. He pointed at the crystal ball in front of him.

"Half the chips, double the value, save Ditian, or join the soul beast clan, you make your own decision."

Electrolux's decisive attack silenced the Silver Dragon King.

The old man in front of him didn't care about the future of the soul master at all. If all these soul beasts were slaughtered, the soul beast clan in the Star Dou Forest would be exterminated.

Her eyes were filled with uncertainty and she began to think crazily.

Should he forcefully fight Electrolux, risk being discovered by the gods, risk his origin being damaged, and risk the soul beast clan being exterminated, to save Di Tian, ​​or should he give up Di Tian and choose the soul beast clan? s future.

How should she choose?
(End of this chapter)

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