Douluo, I, Huo Yuhao, reject Tianmeng at the beginning

Chapter 132 Unlimited Soul Ring Recruitment

Chapter 132 Unlimited Soul Ring Recruitment

a month ago!

The demiplane of the undead.

After Huo Yuhao finished the matters related to Shrek Academy, he returned to the demiplane of the undead to prepare to absorb the soul ring.

At this moment!

There were ripples in the air, and Electrolux's figure suddenly appeared in front of Huo Yuhao.

Electrolux was wearing a golden and white loose robe, and his eyes were fixed on the pile of soul beast corpses in front of Huo Yuhao.

Among them, the huge bodies of the golden-eyed black dragon king Ditian and the evil-eyed tyrant master are particularly conspicuous. Their corpses, even if more than ten days have passed, are still extremely powerful. Huo Yuhao walked slowly to them, followed closely by Electrolux.

Their plan had been delayed for so many days, and it was time to start executing it.

"Yilao, I leave it to you to awaken the corpses of these soul beasts."

"It's a small thing, just a little effort. But..."

"But what?"

Huo Yuhao asked.

"There is still something missing." Eleksy paused, and then said: "Yu Hao, although the soul ring energy of this soul beast corpse overflows in the undead demiplane, the soul beast transformed into an undead soul beast with a soul ring is still It’s a little short of heat.”

"Yilao, what do you want?"

"Qicai is the clone of Douluo Star's will. She has the power of Douluo Star's rules in her body."

"In our universe, soul rings are the unique power of Douluo Star. If you want to obtain soul power and kill the undead that can generate soul rings after killing them, you must have the power of Douluo Star's rules. This is our Advantage."

Electrolux looked excited. As a research scholar, he enjoyed this feeling very much. Only when he was researching did he feel that he was still alive.

"Yu Hao, just summon the Dragon God Pearl. I will take care of it. These soul rings will dissipate soon. You should absorb them as soon as possible."

After Electrolux said this, Huo Yuhao stopped being pretentious. He decisively sat down cross-legged and began to prepare to absorb the soul ring.

Even though it had been so long since the soul rings of Di Tian and Evil Emperor, their energy was still huge. With a flash of light, Huo Yuhao's spiritual eye martial soul instantly possessed them.

His eyes suddenly became dazzling with golden light, and several blue and purple lines intertwined under his eyes, exuding a terrifying brilliance.

Without any reservation, Huo Yuhao's eyes flashed with golden light again, and the aura on his body suddenly strengthened.

The second awakening of the golden level of the body’s martial spirit

With a thought in Huo Yuhao's mind, under the pull of his soul power, the Evil Emperor's [-]-year-old soul ring was pulled onto Huo Yuhao's body and attached to his golden martial soul eyes.

Powerful soul power was instantly injected into his body along with the martial soul, first the martial soul, then the meridians of the body, and the limbs. Huo Yuhao's entire body was being nourished by pure soul power.

There was no hesitation in the allocation of these two soul rings. Huo Yuhao was prepared to use them for Lingmu Wuhun. This was undisputed.

After all, no matter what soul ring is attached to the Dragon Ball, it only has one ability, which is to enhance the level of mental power by one level. He only needs to randomly obtain a hundred thousand year soul ring.

However, at his current level, a hundred thousand year soul ring doesn't seem to be enough.

His current target is only ferocious beasts.

The Spirit Eye Martial Spirit has been attached with four martial spirits, namely two [-]-year-old soul rings, two [-]-year-old soul rings, and now there are two [-]-year-old soul rings. The soul ring configuration There are already six of them, but the spiritual eyes are still three short of the full configuration of soul rings, and the divine dragon ball is still short of one.

There are enough ferocious beasts on the mainland.

The three great kings of the Far North, the Snow Emperor, the Ice Emperor and the Titan Snow Demon King, as well as the Snow Emperor's son Dabai, are all suitable soul ring choices for him.

Among these, the only soul ring that made Huo Yuhao hesitate was the Ice Emperor.

You can get this soul ring, but it's not necessary. There are so many soul rings in Douluo Continent, and he doesn't want to offend Tang San because of a mere scorpion's soul ring.

Although he is not afraid of Tang San now, Xiao Zha San is the ruler of this universe after all. It is undoubtedly a tragedy for a villain to get into this position.

It is better to offend a gentleman than a villain, this is what Huo Yuhao has in mind.

He even hoped to never have anything to do with Tang San.

Douluo's status as a god is really too low. Once the divine realm is destroyed, it will be immediately desolate.

Tang San was a frog in the well.

But he, sitting on the Ten Thousand Worlds Trading System, has achieved invincibility and has too many opportunities to obtain eternal life. It is a very unwise decision to imprison himself in this very limited world of gods.

He decided that as long as Tang San didn't provoke him, he could let this little brat dominate the God Realm. He had nothing to lose anyway.

It's a pity that everything seems to be doomed somewhere. He and Tang San are destined to have a life and death battle.

Although the Ice Emperor cannot be obtained, the Snow Emperor and the Titan Snow Demon King are both good soul ring choices. There is also the Snow Emperor's son Xiaobai, who is no less powerful than the Titan Snow Demon King.

Four ferocious beast soul rings are very easy to put together.

With the experience of absorbing extreme soul rings many times, Huo Yuhao's absorption speed has become very fast, but the eight hundred thousand years of soul rings is already close to the limit of the mainland.

Although Huo Yuhao's body can withstand it, if it is forcibly absorbed, it will undoubtedly waste a lot. Therefore, in order to maximize the use of the soul rings of the Evil Emperor and Di Tian.

Huo Yuhao had the idea of ​​condensing soul cores in his mind.

This was not a whim, but a decision made after careful consideration.

The Eye of the Storm's soul core is extremely powerful, and no soul ring can resonate with it, so it can only be the complementation of yin and yang.

It just so happens that the only two owners of yin and yang complementary soul cores in the entire continent are lying here. Things are really unpredictable!

From their corpses, Huo Yuhao can gain a lot of experience.

Just do it, Huo Yuhao's spiritual eyes and martial soul activated, and his mental power began to look inside his body's meridians. Condensing the excess pure spiritual power and soul power of the Evil Emperor in his body on his left hand, he squeezed and rotated crazily.

Soon, a soul power cyclone was produced.

He completely followed the experience of condensing soul cores for the first time, and the main focus was a violent squeeze.

As time went by, the energy in Huo Yuhao's left hand became more and more violent, and the Evil Emperor's soul ring on his martial soul became very faint. Huo Yuhao sucked hard, and the Evil Emperor's soul ring completely disappeared. Behind him, A circle of blood-golden soul rings soon appeared.

The evil emperor's remnant soul never appeared, because when he absorbed the evil emperor's external soul bone before, the evil emperor's soul had been completely destroyed by him, and both body and soul were destroyed.

After absorbing the Evil Emperor Soul Ring, Huo Yuhao immediately turned his attention to the corpse of the Black-Eyed Golden Dragon King Ditian. This invincible strongman who had dominated the continent for a hundred thousand years was lying here quietly at this moment.

Huo Yuhao did not hesitate, released his soul power, and immediately pulled its soul ring to his spiritual eyes.

The spiritual soul core in his hand had not yet taken shape. While the evil emperor's soul power was interrupted, Huo Yuhao hurriedly filled it with the soul power of the Eye of the Storm soul core. Firstly, to stabilize it, and secondly, to allow the Eye of the Storm soul core to interact with him. The second soul core establishes contact.

The injection of Ditian's soul power made the soul core in his hand become violent again.

The evil emperor's soul power contains time, space and spiritual power, most of which is spiritual power.

Ditian is different. Its soul power contains the ultimate darkness and space attributes. Once Ditian's soul power was injected, a strong reaction occurred.

The soul core in Huo Yuhao's hand became extremely weird under the injection of such extreme and huge soul power.

(End of this chapter)

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