Douluo, I, Huo Yuhao, reject Tianmeng at the beginning

Chapter 137 Ten Thousand Years of Black Ice Essence

Chapter 137 Ten Thousand Years of Black Ice Essence

In the forbidden area of ​​Dilongmen, Huo Yuhao's figure appeared quietly.

When he was looking for Nan Qiuqiu, he just needed the coordinates.

With Nan Qiuqiu knowing everything, Huo Yuhao accurately learned the location of the Earth Dragon Gate forbidden area and had teleportation skills. Naturally, he would not take Nan Qiuqiu on an adventure and give him a ten thousand year level Rouge Dragon soul bone as a gift. As a reward, Huo Yuhao reached the entrance of the forbidden area of ​​Dilongmen with a flash of movement.

Since it is called a forbidden area, naturally no one dares to come, otherwise it would not be called a forbidden area.

The dusty entrance to the cave was covered in dust, and it seemed like almost no one had ever stepped foot here.

This is a secret place that only the sect masters of the Earth Dragon Sect have known for generations. Nan Qiuqiu knows this only because her mother has trained her as a sect master since she was a child.

Walking forward slowly, Huo Yuhao saw a well in front of him.

After sensing the aura inside, he was immediately overjoyed.

Under this well is a cold pool, and the cold aura emanating from it penetrates the bones and marrow, almost reaching the level of advanced ice power.

The cold spring contained terrifying ice-attributed spiritual power, but Huo Yuhao didn't want to feel cold and excited.

With a teleportation, his body avoided the spring water, avoided the traps set up by the Earth Dragon Gate in the past, and entered the cave.

This cave is not too big. It is densely covered with unknown ores and the temperature is extremely low. It was similar to the temperature of the ice spring he felt before. This level of cold air could not even penetrate his Black God Suit.

The ultra-low temperature here is caused by the ore on the rock wall that emits ice-blue light.

These brilliant brilliance give the entire cave a hallucinatory beauty.

Huo Yuhao's eyes widened.

The entire cave is completely composed of various crystals. These crystals are crystal clear. The floor, walls, and top of the cave are all covered with such crystals. Some are large and some are small. They are all different and radiant. It is impossible to describe this kind of crystals in any words. beauty.

"Is this the so-called Wanzai Xuan Ice Cave?"

Huo Yuhao muttered to himself, his soul power was released, and a pair of golden dragon claws instantly formed in his hands.


An ice crystal on the wall cut off a very smooth cross-section, and a palm-sized crystal appeared in Huo Yuhao's hand.

"Isn't the Wanzai Xuan Ice Marrow like this? I remember that in the original work, there were strands one by one, and there were a lot of them."

Looking around the cave again, Huo Yuhao still found nothing. With a thought in his mind, Huo Yuhao released his terrifying and vast mental power and began to explore every inch of the place.

After still getting no results, Huo Yuhao began to expand the scope of his exploration. His mental power was not limited to this cave, but also went deep into the cold pool where he had just come.

He also suddenly felt funny about his stupidity

Even the Earth Dragon Sect, a small sect that doesn't even have a Ultimate Douluo, can come here, so how can it possibly have the Mystic Ice Essence of Ten Thousand Years?

Sure enough, when Huo Yuhao's mental power was close to the cold pond spring, he suddenly felt an extremely terrifying chill. This chill penetrated his heart and made him feel palpitations even from such a distance. Huo Yuhao was immediately overjoyed. As expected, If so, that would be the location of Wanzai Xuanbing Marrow.

After locking the position, Huo Yuhao took a deep breath, transformed the Black God Suit into a protective suit, and covered his whole body with soul power.

He can look down on the strong men on the continent, but he will not underestimate any secret realm in Douluo Continent.

Any mistake may lead to irreversible consequences.

Celestial phenomena and secret realms are the most bizarre existences.

He is not invincible, just like the Qiankun Wenqing Valley in the Sun and Moon Empire, he doesn't know if he can escape unscathed. These are unpredictable, so be extra careful.

After being properly prepared, Huo Yuhao disappeared from the cave filled with ice crystals and appeared in a space of bluer ice.

As soon as his footsteps hit the ground, Huo Yuhao felt that his feet were frozen. Only after increasing the output of his soul power could he resist.


He took a breath of cold air, the temperature here had surpassed the ultimate ice.

He does not have ice attributes and cannot come and go freely in this ice world like the original work.

Moreover, he cannot release his mental power to resist, otherwise, these ten thousand years of black ice marrow will be shattered by him, and then the gain will really outweigh the loss.

Huo Yuhao looked around and was shocked again.

Although this is only a very small cave, the temperature, scenery and energy are many times higher than the Ice Divine Ice Cave above.

In this cave, there are many strange icicles, a total of seven or forty-nine. These icicles are crisscrossed, some are large and some are small. Each icicle is as white as jade. If you look closely, you will see that among the icicles, there are many strange icicles. , there is crystal liquid flowing, and the terrifying chill is emanating from it.

Unlike the Ice Divine Crystal, these chills cannot be restrained. The air seems to be sticky. The cold air Huo Yuhao breathed entered his body and wanted to condense it. But fortunately, his physique was strong and it was resolved. This terrifying ice.

These ten thousand years of black ice marrow are exactly what he needs.

Douluo Continent has the most powerful energy mineral besides the gold of living beings.

In the original work, he and his souls were absorbed by him, but in this life, Electrolux did not follow the Son of Destiny, so the soul system no longer exists.

Even if the son of New Luck discovers this Myriad Black Ice Cave, the Myriad Black Ice Essence that he can absorb is extremely limited. In line with the principle of not wasting, Huo Yuhao, he is here.

His plan required extremely terrifying energy, the gold of living beings, and he was reluctant to part with it. Only this natural ice marrow, which was also formed over hundreds of thousands of years, could meet his needs.

There are seventy-seven forty-nine here. Well, leave one for Huo Xingling. He is very generous. He even decided to give them all to him. Huo Yuhao is a generous person and pays special attention to him. The future development of the new son of luck.

He is such a good person!

Yes, after experiencing the beast tide, Huo Yuhao already knew that the new son of destiny, the little mute, was named Huo Xingling. It was a wonderful surname. He changed his fate line and specially found someone with the same surname as him. He was really thoughtful.

Huo Yuhao looked at the Wanzai Xuan Ice Essence that filled the cave, with a satisfied smile on his lips.

With this energy, his plans can be carried out smoothly, whether it is the refining of puppets, the cultivation of swallowing beasts, or those plans that are still in preparation, they can all be carried out smoothly.

However, he still had to absorb it before collecting the Xuan Bing Marrow.

It's not a waste of time to come here.

Just do it.

He immediately sat down cross-legged, reached out and touched a piece of Myriad Ice Marrow.

The golden light in his eyes flashed, and six soul rings of red, red, red, gold, and red instantly appeared at his feet. Behind him, a ferocious white tiger with an increasingly weird aura of black, gold, white, and green appeared.

The White Tiger Spirit, which has absorbed a lot of energy and the bloodline and spirit rings of top spirit beasts, has mutated several times and has even grown dragon horns and wings, almost becoming a divine beast.

The green-winged platinum tiger with dragon horns looked in all directions, roared, and bit into a piece of Myriad Ice Marrow.



(End of this chapter)

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