Douluo, I, Huo Yuhao, reject Tianmeng at the beginning

Chapter 165 A battle that went down in history

Chapter 165 A battle that went down in history

When Huo Xingling suppressed the evil fire of Ma Xiaotao, she discovered that she could fuse her martial soul with her and evolve into the terrifying dragon and phoenix martial soul. However, it could not last for long.

After three seconds, the terrifying dragon-phoenix martial soul fusion body will automatically decompose.

Tianmeng Bingcan guessed that the dragon and phoenix martial arts may have reached the category of god-level martial arts, so they were not allowed to appear in the lower realm at all.

However, Huo Xingling accidentally discovered that after merging martial souls with Wang Dong and then with Ma Xiaotao, not only did a more powerful martial soul fusion body appear, but the three people's martial soul fusion skills also lasted for three full years. minute.

How did they know that Wang Dong had divine power so that it could neutralize it?

I can only guess that it is the miraculous effect of the Trinity.

On the battlefield, the two lunatics Tang Mo and Zhong Lichen were already furious.

The raging sword energy was like destroying the world, slashing hard at the bone dragon at Zhong Lichen's feet.

The bone dragon breathed out ice breath to resist.

Huo Xingling hurriedly controlled the powerful colorful dragon-phoenix butterfly, flashing to the side of the huge bone dragon in an instant, and joined the fierce fight.

"Bang bang bang-"

The terrifying impact even caused the protective cover of the competition stage to vibrate.

While Zhong Lichen was fighting against the crazy Tang Mo, he was distracted by controlling the bone dragon to collide with the colorful dragon, phoenix and butterfly.

His face was full of ferocious expression.

"A mere beast dares to interfere in my battle? Why am I the captain? It's because of my invincible strength."

After saying that, his first to fourth soul rings lit up one after another.

There seemed to be countless black shadows being sacrificed and dissipated in his blood-red wand.

Soon, four six-pointed star teleportation circles appeared.

On the ground, four undead figures appeared instantly.

The eight-meter-tall undead grizzly bear, the nine-meter-tall undead dragon and horse, the ten-meter-long undead giant python, and the twelve-meter-tall undead giant tiger all emerged from the summoning circle, exuding a terrifying aura.

With a thought in Zhong Lichen's mind, he tapped his staff, and all the undead souls were controlled by him and rushed towards the bright and powerful figure in the sky.

Zhong Lichen is an anomaly from the Zhongli family. He has a mutated martial spirit. He cannot become the strongest because of acquired deficiencies, but he is invincible in the early stage.

He can refine the body of the soul ring into an undead body, or he can replace the poor undead body with a more powerful undead body.

This is a very powerful ability, but the weirdest thing is that when he summons these undead, he consumes not soul power, but soul.

His soul power has always had only one function, and that is to control the undead souls summoned by him.

That's why he can summon pets that are not of his level.

Summoning five powerful undead bodies at once, he consumed at least tens of thousands of resentful spirits.

In other words, in this battle, tens of thousands of lives will be used as consumables.

Zhong Lichen was famous for his cruelty in the Holy Spirit Sect.

Every day he is either killing people or on the way to kill people.

The colorful dragon-phoenix butterfly already has the attribute of light, and also has the flame power of the phoenix, which are the nemesis of the undead.

Facing these four powerful undead that suddenly appeared, Huo Xingling secretly sighed that her decision was correct, and she was also ready to go all out.

Terrifying and blazing flames spurted out from the mouths of the colorful dragon and phoenix butterflies, sweeping across these four strange undead bodies.

Zhong Lichen quickly distracted himself and controlled the undead to resist.

Although these four undead are huge in size, they are unconscious and have poor combat awareness.

They used their own energy shields to resist the line of fire, but they didn't expect that the colorful dragon and phoenix butterflies would get close instantly.

The next moment, the colorful dragon and phoenix butterflies staged a show of tearing apart the undead with their hands.

After all, Zhong Lichen was alone and had no time to care about so much. Faced with Tang Mo's violent attack, Zhong Lichen could only try his best to resist his attack and let go of the other undead.

This gave Huo Xingling the opportunity to massacre.

There are only three minutes, so we must make a quick decision to maximize the benefits.

Huo Xingling is not a god either. After this trinity spirit fusion technique, she will completely lose her fighting power, so she must be quick.

With attribute restraint and stronger strength than the undead summoned later, and with no one to control it, the Colorful Dragon Phoenix Butterfly can be said to be devastating.

He can tear apart a grizzly bear with his hands, slay a dragon and a horse with his wings, bite a giant python with his mouth, and step on a giant tiger with his feet.

Every blow is thrilling and makes people's blood boil with excitement.

Soon, these undead souls were dismantled into undead bone fragments.

The fire of light still burns on his heap of bones.

After getting rid of these vulnerable undead, Huo Xingling led the colorful dragon and phoenix butterflies, and locked his eyes on a figure on the edge who was playing hide and seek with the Zhang brothers.

Astonishingly, it was the ghost wolf with the dark soul-devouring wolf spirit.

On this side, Xu Sanshi had already been eliminated, and only the three of them were left.

The wings of the butterfly phoenix streaked across the sky, leaving behind a streak of colorful clouds. The terrifying blazing line of fire fluttered and instantly hit the spirit wolf that was dodging at a high speed, knocking it out of the competition stage and completely disqualifying it from the competition.

At this moment, Ghost Wolf already had the expression of a lost dog.

Instead of dealing with those two guys first with the Trinity Spirit Fusion Skill, he eliminated them first.

This kind of treatment really flattered him!

"Two seniors, don't waste time. I don't have much time. You should quickly perform martial soul fusion skills and give this a try."

After Huo Xingling finished speaking, he went straight towards the huge bone dragon in the sky and fought with it again.

Tang Mo was already in decline, but the rejoining of Colorful Dragon Phoenix Butterfly relieved his pressure and allowed him to find another opportunity to attack Zhong Lichen.

After Zhang Toushu and Zhang Toumu heard Huo Xingling's words, they resolutely started to fuse their martial souls.

They are not stupid, they can see that this is indeed the last chance.

Soon, a huge sky-swallowing rat appeared and headed towards the huge bone dragon in the sky.

At this time, everyone in Xingluo Square stood up.

Among them, they are basically ordinary people, and those in the front are some rich people. They have not been exposed to too many martial arts on weekdays, so they are eager to compete in this kind of competition, which is one of the best in the continent.

In the first competition of the competition, Shrek Academy, the first academy in mainland China, used several martial soul fusion techniques in succession.

This is a complete visual enjoyment.

The other contestants also looked at the two powerful martial soul fusion skills belonging to Shrek Academy on the competition stage with complicated expressions, and they also kept these people who used martial soul fusion skills firmly in their hearts.

If the secret passage encounters the Shrek Academy team in the future, they must deal with one of them as soon as possible, otherwise they will not be able to win with such a powerful martial soul fusion skill.

On the competition stage, the powerful magic sword hovers in the air and accumulates power. Every minute and second, the momentum of the magic sword will become several times stronger.

While the colorful dragon-phoenix butterfly was fighting with the bone dragon, the butterfly whiskers on its head also condensed a bright light spot, accumulating power and exuding a terrifying aura.

The sky-swallowing rat crazily gnawed at the bones of the bone dragon. Although the effect was not good, it still played a very good blocking role.

Zhong Lichen already had a displeased look on his face at this moment, and mobilized all his soul power to be injected into the bone dragon's body.

All the bones of the bone dragon began to glow with a strange blue-green sheen, connecting in a straight line.

The soul power flows into the bone dragon's bloody mouth along this energy path.

A terrifying force of frost gathered.

His expression was ferocious, and he even laughed in a twisted manner.

"Go to hell"

(End of this chapter)

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