Douluo, I, Huo Yuhao, reject Tianmeng at the beginning

Chapter 167 Meeting the Soul Saint Again

Chapter 167 Meeting the Soul Saint Again

After the first knockout round ended, the next battle was still in full swing.

Sun Moon Royal Soul Master Academy vs. Ultron Academy

Star Luo Royal Soul Master Academy vs. Tianxing Academy

Tianhun Academy vs. Earth Dragon Academy

After the first splendid duel, the subsequent matches were basically not very exciting, and the audience felt a little drowsy.

Of course, when watching the competition, apart from the geniuses, the only thing left is the beautiful soul master.

The upcoming game of the Holy Law of the Dead immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Firstly, the team leader and deputy team leader were both stunning beauties, who were particularly eye-catching. Secondly, as the state religion of the new Star Luo Empire, the Holy Law of the Dead had too many legendary experiences.

As an officially recognized cult, the key to the Necronomicon is that they suffered countless casualties in the beast tide and selflessly saved millions of civilians from the beast tide.

After winning a huge public base, the Holy Law of the Dead really has the means to restrain its evil soul masters from doing evil.

Of course, the most critical and ironic thing is that the evil soul master wearing the Questioning Heart Jade has actually become a model for punishing rape and eradicating evil on the mainland.

With the law enforcement of the Holy Law of the Dead, the number of murders and massacres of villages by evil soul masters in the Star Luo Empire has been infinitely close to zero. This has brought the Holy Law of the Dead to the altar in one fell swoop.

Of course, the leader of the Holy Law of the Dead is a supreme being who suppresses the entire continent. This is the fundamental reason why the Holy Law of the Dead can develop.

With white hair and a long dress, she walked gracefully at the front, leading a group of students who also wore Wenrun Wenxin jade on their heads to step onto the competition stage. Her beautiful eyes looked coldly at the team that had been prepared on the stage. Team.

The captain of Zhengtian Academy is a young man who is about twenty years old. His handsome appearance is only a little inferior to Huo Yuhao. He is also a very handsome guy, but in Zero's eyes, he has nothing outstanding. place.

After Ye Wuqing saw Ling's leering eyes, the fear in his eyes became even stronger.

After entering the competition stage, the Necromancer Holy Law team naturally formed a one-two-four formation. This is a formation with the strongest fighting at the front, the second and third strong supporting, and the rest of the people assisting. This is a formation that relies heavily on the strength of the captain.

The uneasiness in Ye Qingqing's heart became more and more intense.

The members of the Holy Spirit of the Dead subconsciously used this formation as soon as they went up. There is no doubt that they have great trust in their captain.

Therefore, the Zero in front of him is very powerful.

The referee also came up at this time, and it was Wang Xianer who was replaced midway through the first game. Xingluo Empire replaced Medical Immortal Douluo again. The other people watching the game could not see anything, but they were excited to have a beautiful referee to watch. But the other participating teams all smelled something fishy.

Could it be that in this game, there will be a situation that even Contra cannot control?

Zhengtian Academy doesn’t even have a soul emperor.

The members of the Holy Law of the Dead were unable to detect their specific cultivation level because they were wearing the Heart-Questing Jade.

But since it’s not Zhengtian Academy, it must be the Holy Law of the Dead.

Just as the two sides were confronting each other, Wang Xianer suddenly appeared in the middle and his voice sounded.

"I believe you all understand the rules of the competition. You are not allowed to intentionally maim or kill your opponent. Violators will be disqualified from the competition. There are no other requirements. With me here, as long as your head is not gone, even if you only have one breath left, I will Can be saved."

"Okay, to make a long story short, now, each step back ten meters, get into position, and make one final adjustment."

After Wang Xian'er finished his sentence, both sides retreated slowly. The Holy Law of the Dead retreated according to their formation, while the Zhengtian team changed their formation several times in this short period of time.

In the end, it was decided that captain Ye Wuqing, who had a golden leaf martial spirit and a cultivation level of fifty-nine, would be at the front and serve as the main attacker.

The second soul king of Zhengtian College, Yu Mengdi, who possesses the angel martial soul, is flanking him. The other soul masters are in the middle, and the last remaining soul king, Tang Xiaolei of the remote control department, is at the end. consumption.

Seeing that both parties were ready, Wang Xianer did not hesitate anymore and waved her hand.

"The game begins." The sonorous voice resounded in all directions, not only on the competition stage, but also in the entire stadium.

The moment after her announcement, her figure disappeared from the spot. At the same time, the protective shield was instantly activated, isolating the inside and outside. Everyone could not hear any sound and could only watch the battle quietly.

On the competition stage.

The people from Zhengtian Academy activated their martial spirits almost instantly.

Ye Qingqing's golden leaf martial soul instantly possessed him, and several golden leaves suddenly appeared in his hands, floating quietly on his fingertips. Although there was no momentum, these golden leaves contained a hidden meaning. It has terrifying soul power and sharpness.

Completely different from Ye Wuqing's ordinary.

As soon as Yu Mengdi's angel martial spirit was released, it attracted the attention of many people. The golden figure next to Huo Yuhao suddenly lit up his eyes and became interested. A pair of beautiful eyes stared at this ordinary angel without divine attributes.

After all, angels possess divine power, and purification is their instinct.

A pair of white wings instantly appeared behind Yu Mengdi, spreading out behind her with a thick golden light. Immediately, her body was covered with a soft golden layer, which was full of sacredness and made people want to worship. .

Golden light flashed in her hands, and each of them had a long sword that was completely condensed with soul power. Five optimal soul ring combinations, two yellow, two purple, and one black, appeared behind her.

Tang Xiaolei was tall and tall, but not very strong. His eyes were particularly bright. The moment his martial spirit was released, his eyes turned bright purple, as if there were bright purple flames. Overflowing from the eye sockets.

He raised his left hand, and his martial soul Zihua Bow appeared in his hand.

This long bow is 1.8 meters long and is bright purple in color, with luxurious patterns flowing with a purple halo.

At the same time, five soul rings, two yellow and three purple, circled around the purple moon bow and moved slowly.

With the martial soul in hand, he immediately pulled out a full moon, and the energy arrow pointed directly at the opposite side.

The main force of the three soul kings completed the possession in an instant, and the other soul sects followed closely behind. Soon, the blood wolf transformed into a blood wolf, Yang Yifan held a dagger, Yan'er, a long-range attack type flame martial spirit, and Shangguan, a control type Everyone is ready.

In just a few breaths, all the students of Zhengtian Academy completed the possession of martial souls and looked at the Necromancer Holy Law Team with eagerness to fight.

Ling's face was still cold, like an iceberg beauty.

She did not show any contempt for Zhengtian Academy, because the master once said that you must not underestimate any opponent. A lion fights a rabbit, even if it is really a rabbit, you must use all your strength.

"Open the martial spirit"

Zero's cold voice sounded, and countless "buzz--" sounds suddenly appeared on the competition stage.

Unlike Zhengtian Academy, the soul ring ratios of the Holy Law of the Dead are very uniform.

The soul king's soul ring configuration is basically uniform in yellow, yellow, purple, purple and black.

But the configuration of the soul rings of the three main forces made everyone stand up in horror.

Especially the beautiful white-haired figure in the lead and her soul ring configuration are even more shocking.

"Soul Saint, I actually see the Soul Saint again, and he is still a Soul Saint with a hundred thousand year soul ring."

"What kind of monsters are these?"

 I wish you all a happy new year and good luck!



(End of this chapter)

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