After Huo Yuhao said a word, Zhang Lexuan's beautiful eyes suddenly widened, and her little cherry mouth opened slightly. She was obviously shocked by Huo Yuhao's bold move.

But what shocked her even more was what happened later. Taking advantage of the gap between Zhang Lexuan's mouth, Huo Yuhao directly put the drop of living gold essence and pure life liquid on his finger into Zhang Lexuan's mouth at lightning speed.


In an instant, Zhang Lexuan let out a moan, but she only resisted slightly, but did not resist.

She knew that Huo Yuhao was treating her injuries. During the last beast wave, Huo Yuhao gave her the same food, but the way of administering the medicine was not so bold.

Huo Yuhao now has no taboo against physical contact with her.

At this time, Zhang Lexuan suddenly had a terrible thought in her heart. Huo Yuhao wouldn't like her too!

Thinking of this, Zhang Lexuan's bright hands began to clench and she looked at Huo Yuhao nervously, but there was clearly a trace of expectation in her eyes.

At this time, Huo Yuhao's cold voice suddenly came out.

"Zhang Lexuan, hurry up and refine the medicine. Once your body recovers, I will send you back."


Zhang Lexuan was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted. After a gentle hum, she began to absorb the pure life of the living gold.

The healing effect of Living Gold is undoubtedly excellent.

The moment she entered the body, Zhang Lexuan's body began to moan comfortably. Then, the wounds on her body were repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Zhang Lexuan's soul power was also slowly recovering.

Zhang Lexuan's side was simple. Huo Yuhao mainly focused on Qicai aside. After all, Jiucai was the master of the Douluo Star's plane, and the rules and laws she contained were very powerful.

Although it has been divided a lot by her, the remaining part still cannot be underestimated.

This is a great blessing for Qicai, and Qicai is the natal weapon of the light demiplane. If she swallows Jiucai, it is equivalent to the light demiplane swallowing Jiucai.

Absorbing Jiucai's energy, Qicai's body is slowly growing at an incredible speed. A cocoon of colorful energy begins to appear around her, wrapping Jiucai's body layer by layer.

At this moment, she really seemed to be the colorful butterfly that was about to break out of its cocoon and be reborn, and the day of transformation was right in front of her.

While the colors are transforming, the changes in the light demiplane are also huge. While the laws are constantly improving, it also brings about the renewal of celestial phenomena. Celestial phenomena such as lightning, thunder, violent winds and rains come one after another. The entire light demiplane, It really seems like we have entered the end of the world.

In the Great Forest of Light, all the spirit beasts were frightened by this movement. As outsiders, they had not yet established a foothold in the light half-plane and were unfamiliar with everything. They had just settled down for a while and encountered such a terrifying celestial reaction. How could they not be worried or scared?

Some powerful soul beasts are okay, but some weak soul beasts have long been frightened to the point of losing control. The transformation of Qicai has reached a critical stage, and the celestial phenomena have become more intense.

Sensing the reaction of these soul beasts in the Great Bright Forest, Huo Yuhao frowned slightly. He felt that he should indeed provide these soul beasts with some protective measures.

These soul beasts are the first batch of beings in the light demiplane. In the future, they will also be the only creatures in the entire light demiplane, the soul beast clan.

Yes, Huo Yuhao was not joking with the Silver Dragon King. He had no intention of letting humans live and live in the Demiplane of Light from the beginning. The Demiplane of Light was born by chance. His teacher Electrolux A gift for him. The original intention of operating the light demiplane was to build a refuge to prevent Tang San from discovering him. As the subsequent plans developed, Huo Yuhao had to move the soul beast clan into it. However, it was precisely this fantastic idea. , but Huo Yuhao found a way out for soul beasts and soul masters together, and he could finally break the curse of soul beasts and soul masters killing each other for the rest of their lives.

The light demiplane is a perfect world for soul beasts. Of course, there is a prerequisite, that is, he is the master of the light demiplane.

No matter how well the soul beast survives in this world, or how perfect its management is? Huo Yuhao has always been the master of this plane.

Huo Yuhao began to chant a profound spell, and the soul power in his body began to surge wildly, gathering in the palm of his hand. Soon, two hexagram formations appeared.

One is white and the other is black.

Under his control, the two six-pointed star formations began to spread to the sides, slowly growing larger and larger from the bottom of the bright forest, until they enveloped the entire forest.

Soon, a black and white barrier appeared out of thin air, covering the entire Guangming Forest, blocking all the lightning, thunder, wind and rain from the outside of the Guangming Forest. At this moment, the entire Guangming Forest instantly became quiet. All the soul beasts began to raise their heads curiously, looking at the barrier in the sky.

This barrier blocked out all the strange phenomena that occurred in the light half plane, and also made all the soul beasts in the light forest feel grateful.

At the same time, a very faint white light point slowly appeared from their bodies. It was invisible and intangible. It was very mysterious.

Countless light spots converged towards Huo Yuhao's body. However, in Huo Yuhao's eyes, everything in front of him was so normal. He, and even all the soul beasts, did not notice or see these things. White light spots.

After seeing that the light curtain he had cast blocked everything out and that the soul beasts became peaceful, Huo Yuhao finally nodded with satisfaction.

As time went by, Zhang Lexuan had refined the liquid of life transformed from that drop of living gold, and her injuries were completely restored to their original state.

On the other side, Qicai's aura is getting stronger and stronger, and has even reached its peak. Her entire body is covered by Jiucai's cocoon of light, and the aura she emits is becoming more and more mysterious.

Qicai was originally a plane true dragon, and now he was about to transform again. He could no longer predict how strong he would become.

Zhang Lexuan also stood up at this moment, looking straight at Qicai with a pair of big black eyes, and a trace of worry flashed in her eyes.

Zhang Lexuan quite liked Qicai, a little girl with a bad personality. She also began to pray for Qicai in her heart, hoping that she could successfully transform and become stronger.

"Let's go! We should go back."

At this time, Huo Yuhao's deep voice came from behind. With a gentle touch of his hand, a golden whirlpool door appeared in front of the two of them.

Looking at the whirlpool door, a trace of hesitation flashed in Zhang Lexuan's eyes.

She knew that the appearance of this door meant that it was time for her to leave, but her feet were reluctant to move even half a minute, and her heart was filled with reluctance.

(End of this chapter)

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