Douluo, I, Huo Yuhao, reject Tianmeng at the beginning

Chapter 200 Huo Xingling vs. Huo Yuhao

(Everyone please exit and re-enter this chapter to refresh. The author is still at the station and hasn’t gotten home yet. He directly inputted it by voice and corrected it. He just revised it completely. I’m really sorry. I’ve been very busy recently. busy.)

"Snow Emperor, in fact, we have made very careful planning for this rescue plan. Just in case, Ice Emperor and I have used all the resources we can think of.

In fact, bringing the Sigh of the Ice and Snow Goddess is our only choice. You have been in the far north, so you may not be aware that the Star Luo Empire has a powerful Douluo who surpasses the limit, and even surpasses the demigod level. Or, without him, our hope of escaping is very slim, but with this artifact, our chance of escape can be increased by 50%. "

"A strong person who surpasses the demigod level? Is this possible?" Snow Emperor questioned.

Tianmeng Bingcan's tone was very solemn, "Both Di Tian and Evil Emperor have been killed by him. In fact, speaking of it now, you are already the top ten ferocious beasts."


Snow Emperor was shocked. There was no news in the far north. She really didn't know the news.

"Ditian is dead, and the Evil Emperor is also dead. Is what you said, Tianmeng, true?"

"It's absolutely true, how can it be false? I saw with my own eyes that Marshal Xing Luo killed Di Tian as easily as he killed a hundred-year-old soul beast."

"Existences beyond the demigod level are in trouble now."

"Tianmeng, it's humans who are recognized by the goddess of ice and snow, right?"

"Well, she is my host and my investment target. I bet my future on her, and now there is an Ice Emperor in my investment target."

The Snow Emperor knew that this was the case. The only reason why she could not get the approval of the Ice and Snow Goddess was because she was not human.

The God Realm has always been tolerant towards humans, but it is very harsh towards spirit beasts, even to the point of cruelty.

"Then what level of cultivation is she now?" Snow Emperor asked.

Tianmeng Bingcan hesitated for a moment, and then said with a serious face: "She is now a fourth-ring soul sect, but her combat power can reach that of a soul saint."

"So weak? How can he withstand the backlash of the Ice and Snow Goddess's sigh?"

"Xue Emperor, don't worry about this. My host has no other advantages, except her ability to withstand stress, and her body has been strengthened countless times. What's more, she has been recognized by the artifact, and the backlash will be smaller.

Don't worry, she has begun to accumulate strength in secret now. She will naturally be able to deal with Xing Luo Shuai of the Xing Luo Empire. Now it's up to you whether we kill or leave. "

Snow Emperor's body exuded a terrifying murderous aura and a cold air, and one word came out of her mouth.


At this time, after hearing the Snow Emperor's order, all the soul beasts in the far north rushed madly towards the Terrorclaw Soul Mentor Group and the Xingluo army.

The soul beasts taken into the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness by Huo Xingling are basically ten thousand years old, and there are also a lot of hundred thousand year old soul beasts. These are the elites in the core area.

Compared with the soul beasts in other places, the combat effectiveness of the soul beasts in the far north is naturally much stronger. The ice attribute on their bodies greatly increases their combat effectiveness.

The soul beasts that rushed into the crowd quickly caused a large number of casualties. Although the soul masters of the Terrorclaw Soul Guidance Legion had soul guidance armors, their levels were not very high and they could not withstand the tearing of the ten thousand year soul beasts. On the other hand, looking at the Xingluo Empire Shuai Zi Camp, although the situation is not optimistic, the armor on everyone's body is not damaged at all, and the injuries they suffered are more from the force of the shock.

Jing Hongchen originally wanted to leave. After all, the Snow Emperor embryo was gone. To stop the loss in time, these soul beasts should be dealt with by people from the Star Luo Empire and other empires. Anyway, they were not within their Sun Moon Empire.

However, Snow Emperor's sudden outburst caught everyone off guard. The soldiers of the Terrorclaw Soul Guide Corps had been stuck by these soul beasts from the far north. He and the ninth-level soul guides of Mingde Hall could attack them at any time. Go, but if he loses one of the empire's protective hands in Douluo Continent, then his sin will be great.

He couldn't bear this responsibility, so he could only bite the bullet and fight these soul beasts. Xiaobai, the big white bear in the ice field, has always been dissatisfied with Xu Changsheng. The Snow Emperor gave an order, and his huge body directly came to Xu Changsheng. The huge bear claws exuded a terrifying cold air and could tear everything apart. The sharp force grabbed Xu Changsheng's nebula body.

A big war also broke out.

The Snow Emperor on the side also began to speed up the movements of his hands, wanting to stabilize and restore his strength as soon as possible. From Tianmeng Bingcan's mouth, it can be known that the Star Luo Commander of the Star Luo Empire is the biggest enemy they have to face.

On the battlefield, the soul beasts from the far north achieved an overwhelming victory, and the human soul masters and soul mentors were beaten back and forth.

The Titan Snow Demon family has the blood of ancient Titans. Each of them is huge in size and powerful. They are all living war machines. With their high cultivation years, a dozen or so powerful Titan Snow Demons will almost dominate them. battlefield.

Although Xu Changsheng wanted to pass, the strength of the Great White Bear in the Icefield was close to 300,000 years old, and he and Xu Changsheng were on the same level.

However, Xu Changsheng had consumed so much before that he could only seriously deal with the Great White Bear in the Icefield and had no time to take care of anything else.

At this time, Huo Yuhao, who was watching the show secretly, could only shake his head helplessly. In this situation, he was no longer allowed to watch from the sidelines.

He took one step forward and his figure appeared in the center of the battlefield. As soon as he appeared, he immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Huo Yuhao raised his hands slightly, and an extremely terrifying mental pressure suddenly appeared on his body. Vast spiritual power spurted out, covering the entire battlefield.

Then, he accurately suppressed all the soul beasts, and his powerful mental power even pressed some powerful soul beasts deeply into the soil. No matter how hard they struggled, they could not break free. Among them, there were many The spirit beast of the year.

Seeing Huo Yuhao, Xu Changsheng suddenly became excited.

"Huo Yuhao, I knew you were here."

Huo Yuhao complained directly: "I didn't plan to come out. Who knew you were so useless and couldn't control the situation?"

After saying that, Huo Yuhao cast his eyes on the Snow Emperor in the sky.

"Snow Emperor, from the moment I appear, you can already declare failure. Now I give you two choices.

First, if you leave, all the soul beasts in the Far North will have to stay. There will be a price to pay for trespassing into our Star Luo Empire without permission.

The second one is that if you stay, I can let them go.

"What if we all have to leave?" Snow Emperor asked coldly.

Huo Yuhao smiled slightly after hearing this, "If you have the ability, then give it a try!"

After saying that, a flying knife in Huo Yuhao's hand instantly flew out and went straight to the Snow Emperor's forehead.

However, the bloody flesh and blood did not appear as expected. With a "click", Huo Yuhao's flying knife was actually knocked away, and a golden figure also appeared in front of the Snow Emperor.

There was Huo Yuhao's familiar aura on her body, and if nothing else, it was the aura of God.

Huo Yuhao narrowed his eyes slightly

"Things get interesting" (End of Chapter)

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