Douluo, I, Huo Yuhao, reject Tianmeng at the beginning

Chapter 224 Noumenon Sect vs. Xingluo Royal Soul Master Academy

Old Chen sighed, seeming to feel bad about his luck.

Originally, the joining of the Noumenon Sect made him very high-spirited and thought that he would have a chance to compete with Shrek Academy this time. However, there were too many dark horses in this competition.

In this game, unless there is a chance to win in the second, second, and third team battles, there is no chance of winning.

Because, if he read correctly, the leader of the Star Luo Royal Soul Master Academy should be the mysterious strong man with unfathomable strength on the day of the best auction.

He would never believe in his strength if he was less than twenty years old.

However, Xu Changsheng signed up to participate in this competition openly. It can be confirmed that although he did not know what means he relied on, he did meet the standards.

"Long Aochen, just do your best in this competition." Mr. Chen looked solemnly as he looked at the leader of the Tianhun Royal Soul Master Academy.

But the relationship between the two is obviously very unfamiliar.

After Long Aochen heard this, he just nodded slightly arrogantly.

Mr. Chen has no dissatisfaction with this. After all, although it is said to be the Tianhun Royal Soul Master Academy, there is only one soul emperor-level auxiliary soul master in this team who is from their Tianhun Royal Soul Master Academy.

On the other side, in the rest area of ​​Xingluo Royal Soul Master Academy, the beautiful Ancestor looked at the ancestor who was drinking tea for a long time, hesitated, and then asked

"Ancestor, don't you go up to draw lots? The leader of the Tianhun Royal Soul Master Academy has already gone up."

"Jiujiu, just go, I don't plan to play."

"Ancestor, why is this?" asked for a long time in confusion. After all, with the ability of the ancestor, it was easy to win the championship in this competition.

Xu Changsheng chuckled.

"Your ancestor, I am thick-skinned, but the Star Luo Empire still wants to be shameless. That day I took action. In desperation, I did not hide my identity. All the three empires knew that I, the master of the Judgment Hall, participated in this competition. If things were fine in the past, the championship would be just a false name, but it’s different now, and I can’t just do it casually.”

"But..." He was confused for a long time.

"But Ancestor, the opponent is the elite of the Noumenon Sect. Without you, it is impossible for me and other team members to be their opponents."

"Don't worry, I have more than one clone. Xu Sansheng will come on stage later. The Soul Saint clone should be enough to cope with this game."

After listening to Xu Changsheng's words, Xu Jiujiu finally realized what he was saying. He looked towards the seats of the reserve team and saw a silver figure sitting there.

It should be the clone condensed by the ancestor.

The ancestor is really shameless. He really didn't want to be fucked, but he let another clone of himself get fucked.

But this time, Xu Jiujiu finally felt relieved, strode onto the competition stage, and stood in front of the lottery box with Long Aochen.

"The captains of both sides began to draw lots."

The referee was silent. Long Aochen and Xu Jiujiu put their hands into the lottery box, drew three times respectively, and then handed the results to the referee.

In order to ensure fairness, in the finals, the draw rules are that the captains of both sides draw lots three times, and the most identical results in the draws of both sides will be the final form of the game.

a moment later

"The drawing of lots has been completed. Tianhun Royal Soul Master Academy will face off against Star Luo Royal Soul Master Academy. Two-two-three tactics. Please make arrangements. In five minutes, the first match of two-two-three tactics will begin."

The leaders of both teams walked off the stage with expressionless faces.

Long Aochen looked indifferent. He didn't care what form the competition was. This time, the main body sect sent out a lineup of three soul emperors and three soul kings, and he was an even more powerful soul saint. Although there were several soul saints in the previous competition. There were soul saint level experts in the team, but he didn't take them seriously.

They are from the Noumenon Sect, and the second awakening of the Noumenon Martial Spirit makes them basically invincible at the same level.

The winner of this competition can only be from their Noumenon Sect.

His opponent has never been a rubbish academy like the Star Luo Royal Soul Master Academy.

"First game, Qingfeng, Wang He, you two go." Long Aochen directly ignored the team leader Chen Lao and arranged the order of playing on his own. After all, the leader of the Tianhun Empire had no control over their Noumenon Sect.

After their names were called by Long Aochen, two sturdy young men came out. After looking at each other, they strode towards the competition stage.

At this time, Xu Jiujiu also took off the luxurious gilt cloak she was wearing behind her, revealing her refreshing combat attire. She looked very heroic. After discussing with Xu Changsheng, she also boarded the board with Huang Chuhe. Competition stage.

For the first game, I decided for a long time to play in person. Their Xingluo Royal Soul Master Academy team has already won a game with their ancestor on the scene, so as long as they win this game, they will win.

After walking onto the competition stage, he cast his eyes on the two figures opposite for a long time.

The young man named Qingfeng has a larger head, just like a big-headed doll. I have long guessed that this person's martial spirit is probably his head, while the other one's right arm has very developed muscles. If nothing else, his martial spirit should be his arm. .

This is the only good thing about the original martial soul, it is very easy to guess.

You can tell by looking at the appearance.

I just don’t know what level it is.

Below the Soul Saint, she will definitely win, but if there is a Soul Saint, it will be difficult to judge the outcome.

Jiujiujiu couldn't tell the opponent's soul power level, but the referee, who was a titled Douluo, could tell. He looked at Jiujiujiu with a solemn expression, and then he also spoke loudly.

"Both sides should adjust their positions. I emphasize once again that you are not allowed to intentionally injure your opponent until the point is reached."

After hearing this, the four people retreated one after another. Qingfeng and Wang He retreated slowly. They didn't care much about the distance, but Xu Jiujiu and Huang Heyun retreated very quickly. In just a few breaths, they were with the two of them. opened a very long distance.

At this moment, the referee's voice suddenly sounded.

"Tianhun Royal Soul Master Academy versus Star Luo Royal Soul Master Academy, the first battle of the two-two-three battle method has officially begun."

After saying one sentence, his figure disappeared from the competition stage in an instant. The four people who heard the sound reacted extremely quickly.

Qingfeng and Wang He were instantly possessed by martial spirits.

Qingfeng's body was filled with soul power, and his entire head grew three-thirds larger again, making his body look so small and funny.

Six soul rings, two yellow, one purple, and three black, emerged from the soles of his feet, spinning around his iron-headed martial soul.

And Wang He was not weaker than him at all. All the soul power in his body surged towards his right arm. His arm instantly became thicker, and then the color became darker. Under the irradiation of the sun, it actually appeared. A shiny luster.

After the martial soul possessed him, six soul rings of yellow, purple, purple, and black appeared on his arm soon, and they moved slowly.

Seeing this, a look of solemnity flashed across Xu Jiujiu's face, but her face was still full of confidence.

The opponent's team leader was not stupid and did not look down upon them. In this game, two soul emperors were dispatched. However, what Xu Jiujiu wanted to say was that although the gap in soul power was obvious, they would definitely win this game.

If it were another academy, it would be difficult for her to deal with it, but this opponent is the Noumenon Sect, the sect that hates soul tools the most in Douluo Continent.

Fighting against them means that the opponent does not have any other means other than a soul master, and it is impossible to even have a soul shield.

On the contrary to the Noumenon Sect, the Star Luo Empire was the most active and most effective empire in pursuing the Soul Guidance Device of the Sun and Moon Empire.

She has countless soul guidance methods on her body, and paired with the starlight soul skills she can cultivate, she can deal with these two soul emperors.

When the two people from the Noumenon Sect were possessed by their martial spirits, Xu Jiujiu and Huang Heyun did not possess their martial spirits immediately. Instead, they densely arranged things in all directions towards the edge of the competition stage.

It was a combination of a soul-guiding milk bottle and a special movable soul-guiding device. Judging from the quantity, it should be worthless soul-guiding devices, otherwise it would not be possible to put so many.

When Qingfeng saw this, the third purple soul ring behind him lit up, and an invisible wave of light appeared, blasting towards one of the soul guides.

The hit was a hit, but before he could be happy, a chain reaction seemed to occur. All the special soul guides began to move. Then, countless white mists spurted out from them. Soon, a huge number of The thick white fog spewed out from the soul guidance device enveloped the entire competition stage, and visibility was close to zero.

Although Qingfeng and Wang He were a little surprised, they didn't think it was poisonous. After all, the use of poisonous methods other than martial arts was prohibited in the competition, and the two opposite people were also on the competition stage, so they would not poison themselves.

This is just ordinary white mist.

However, this level of white mist has completely blocked their sight, and all four of them are now blind.

At this moment for a long time, a smile finally appeared on her lips, her martial soul was released instantly, and the first yellow soul ring shone.

"The number one soul skill, Star Guidance Technique."

The two people opposite became blind, but she did not. (End of chapter)

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