Douluo, I, Huo Yuhao, reject Tianmeng at the beginning

Chapter 300 A Yin dies and Tang Hao explodes

After Huo Yuhao used Wood Release, he released the huge Wooden Man and Wood Dragon, and then he used the Mangekyou Sharingan.

Because he knew that the Mangekyō Sharingan also had a very interesting ability, and that was Susanoo.

And it can be used in conjunction with his wood escape ability, the powerful Susano, and the Susanoo Daibutsu. On top of the wooden man and wooden dragon, a layer of energy armor was superimposed, which increased his combat power several times again.

Huo Yuhao's chakra is very powerful, already comparable to the Six Paths. He is fully capable of using the top killing move of the complete Susanata Buddha.

After the armor was completely covered, Huo Yuhao stood with his arms folded over the head of Susana Daibutsu. Susana Daibutsu pulled out a Susano sword hundreds of meters long from his forehead. The full body was two thousand meters long and stared at Tang Hao. .

At this moment, Tang Hao was like an ant in his eyes.

While Huo Yuhao was accumulating power, Tang Hao did not wait for death. Instead, he released his soul skills to resist him, but the effect was not very good.

So he felt very heavy now. The way he looked at Huo Yuhao was as if he was seeing a monster.

Damn it, where did this monster come from? Douluo Star actually has such a character.

The perfect Susano Daibutsu held the Susano sword and struck it down hard. When Tang Hao saw this, the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand instantly grew dozens of times in size. He resisted the blow with difficulty, but the powerful force But it sent Tang Hao flying hundreds of meters away.

Just one collision made Tang Hao realize how terrible the gap between the two was. He took a deep breath, the seventh golden divine ring on his body shone, and his whole body melted. For a hammer thousands of meters long.

This is his god-level martial spirit true body, the god, Haotian body.

Moreover, he chose the True Spirit Possession, which completely transformed into the form of the Clear Sky Hammer. The thousand-meter Clear Sky Hammer started a fierce fight with Huo Yuhao's Susana Daibutsu, but Huo Yuhao repelled him very easily. .

At the same time, Huo Yuhao was also a little surprised. You must know that he used the strength that completely belonged to the Naruto world and did not use his mental power and martial arts. To be able to fight like this with the God of Douluo Star, one can imagine how sewer the Douluo Star is.

Of course, the power of Huo Yuhao's Susana Daibutsu is also due to his own power. There is no doubt about this.

In this underground space, one person and one hammer engaged in a very fierce physical fight, but Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer, even if he had used the most powerful enhancement, could only condense a body of one thousand meters.

As for Huo Yuhao's complete body, it was two thousand meters tall, and it was a solid body. This terrifying force beat Tang Hao back steadily.

The entire underground space is constantly vibrating. Countless spaces were broken by them, and countless cracks began to appear on the ground.

This place is deep in the center of the earth, and the gravity is very strong, but the two people are not affected too much here. This is the ability of top experts to withstand pressure.

Huo Yuhao uses chakra, and the current Susano Daibutsu does not need to consume his chakra. But Tang Hao is different. Tang Hao's Haotian incarnation requires a huge amount of soul power and divine power, and he can only last for five minutes at most.

"damn it"

Tang Hao's face in Haotian's body showed a solemn expression. This was the first time such an expression appeared on his face after becoming a god. But soon, these all turned into a strong fighting spirit.

He didn't know how long it had been since he had such a hearty battle, it seemed like ten thousand years. His blood has been cold for ten thousand years. If he can fight so fiercely today, even if he dies, his life will not be in vain.

Thinking in his mind, Tang Hao's first golden divine ring began to break. "Bang", there was a violent explosion in the space, and the explosion of the soul was very strong. Huo Yuhao, who stood on the head of Susana Daibutsu, also saw Tang Hao's determination.

The Tang family basically don't use soul skills very much. What they are best at is the ring explosion and Haotian's magic. When used in conjunction with Haotian's magic and superimposed with the power of the ring explosion, he can unleash the power of the Clear Sky Hammer. Ten times, or even a hundred times the strength.

The first divine ring was just the beginning, "bang bang bang..." several explosions sounded in succession.

The powerful explosion even caused the entire space to tremble violently again. It was not until Tang Hao stopped exploding the rings from the first to the seventh soul ring.

Then, the Clear Sky Hammer began to swing wildly, seeming to be accumulating power in a very rhythmic manner. There seemed to be a virtual person several thousand meters in size in the sky waving the Haotian Divine Hammer transformed by Tang Hao, and at this time, Tang Hao's unique voice also sounded in the air.

"The explosive ring is followed by the cloak-hammering technique of Chaos, and the supreme technique of Haotian is followed"

After saying that, the powerful Clear Sky Hammer hit Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yuhao didn't wait any longer. While Tang Hao was accumulating power, the wooden dragon covered with Susanoo began to fly towards Tang Hao.

The wooden dragon that covered the sky and the sun generated a powerful aura. With a huge dragon roar, it was about to rush towards Tang Hao. At this time, Tang Hao's attack had also arrived, and the two violently collided in the air.

At this moment, there was no light in the sky and the earth, the space exploded, and a terrifying black hole was created in the center of the collision between the two, in which the stars were bright, gorgeous and dangerous.

Tang Hao obviously had the upper hand in this collision. The wooden dragon covered with Susan was shattered inch by inch. Tang Hao's Haotian body with various buffs was also heading straight towards Huo Yuhao's Susan Buddha. Blast away.

There was a roar, and the terrifying collision sounded again, and a big hole was opened in Huo Yuhao's Susanai Buddha. However, the Susano Daibutsu who had slowed down used his full strength to cut off the hammer handle of Tang Hao's Haotian body with the Susano sword in both hands.

This blow can be said to have damaged both sides. After the collision, the kilometer-long Haotian's body had disappeared. Tang Hao's martial soul was cut off. His face was pale, he spit out countless blood, and fell to the ground with a weak breath.

However, Huo Yuhao's Susana Daibutsu did not lose the ability to move after being blown open. Instead, it walked towards him step by step. With a huge body of two thousand meters, every step can produce a huge roar, especially in this space that is already riddled with holes. Every step can cause countless meteorites to fall.

Tang Hao was seriously injured and was unable to stand up under such gravity. He could only watch Huo Yuhao walking toward him step by step with a look of despair. Huo Yuhao, standing on the Susana Daibutsu, crossed his arms and looked at Tang Hao with some regret in his eyes.

In fact, he didn't have to kill Tang Hao, but Tang San had to seek death to cheat his father, and there was nothing he could do. If Tang San hadn't been a bitch and scattered Huo Yun'er's soul, why would he have done this?
Tang Hao, I blame you for giving birth to a cheating child. Have a good trip!
Huo Yuhao's face was cold. After walking in front of Tang Hao, he raised Susana Daibutsu's right leg and stepped on Tang Hao fiercely.

But at this moment, countless rays of blue light bloomed on Tang Hao's body, and the overwhelming blue silver grass appeared on him, helping him resist the trampling of Susanoo Daibutsu. As for the Blue Silver Emperor, who was distracted while doing this, her body was completely penetrated by Huo Yuhao's flying knife.

"No, Ah Yin!"

Tang Hao let out a desperate roar. He watched with his own eyes as Ah Yin's chest was pierced, and then he lay on the ground, gradually losing his breath.

His gaze, his eyes instantly turned red.

At the same time, a Shura Sword Seal began to appear on his forehead. At this time, the Shura Divine Sword suppressing the plane dragon also sensed his call and appeared in his hand.

"You deserve to die!" Tang Hao was holding the Shura Divine Sword in his hand, exuding supreme murderous aura and Shura Sword Qi, it was really like Shura coming to the world! (End of chapter)

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