Douluo, I, Huo Yuhao, reject Tianmeng at the beginning

Chapter 308: Extra People in the World

Chapter 308: Extra People in the World

Of course, Qiankun Qinggu is only the safest way. If the gods in the divine world really want to go to the lower realm, there is another simplest and crudest method, which is the one chosen by Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing. They forcefully break the barrier and reach the lower realm after breaking through the barrier.

This kind of disadvantage is very obvious. Not only is the risk extremely high, but the chance of being discovered by the God Realm Judith is 100%. As long as you use this method, you will definitely be known by the gods, and you will be punished.

But the situation was too critical at that time. If the two of them had gone a step too late, they would not be able to save their own people, but they were still a step too late. Not only did it cost a lot, but he also paid for it with his own life. Unfortunately, he could not save Dai Huabin. It can only be said that he suffered it himself.

As soon as he entered the Qiankun Wenqing Valley, Huo Yuhao saw Ma Hongjun, and so did Ma Hongjun. After seeing Huo Yuhao, he walked over enthusiastically, and then said to him, "This is the Qiankun Wenqing Valley. There is a teleportation array leading to the God Realm in the ruins of the God of Love. Through it, you can teleport to the God Realm."

Huo Yuhao nodded, "Well, you can lead the way!"

"Okay, come with me."

Ma Hongjun seemed to particularly want to settle these matters as soon as possible so that he and Bai Chenxiang could go on a two-night stand together, so he showed great enthusiasm and rushed in immediately.

Huo Yuhao followed him in without doubting his presence, but as soon as he stepped into Qiankun Wenqing Valley, the moment he stepped on the ground, he felt as if he had touched something.

The ground glowed with golden light, and at this time, the entire Qiankun Wenqing Valley started to move completely. Under the extremely fast rotation, it actually turned into a huge golden cage, shrouding Huo Yuhao tightly in it.

At this time, blue energy light actually appeared on Ma Hongjun's body. The Poseidon's Crown in Huo Yuhao's storage soul guide and the flying knife made from the Poseidon's Trident both resonated fiercely with these blue lights.

Huo Yuhao still didn't know why at this time, he had been tricked by Tang San, and Ma Hongjun in front of him was actually controlled by Tang San.

And Ma Hongjun didn't seem to know it. At this moment, Ma Hongjun was holding his head crazily with both hands, and screamed in pain, "Ahhhhh... what is going on? Why do I have the power of Poseidon in my body? My Why does the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness become like this?"

In just an instant, Ma Hongjun lost control of his body, and his soul was suppressed.

The quality of his and Tang San's souls were very different. One was a god king, and the other was only a mere second-level god, and a very marginal second-level god at that.

Even if Tang San only sent out a few soul fragments, he could crush Ma Hongjun's entire soul. "Tang San, you are such a villain, you actually attack your brother."

In Ma Hongjun's soul space, the fragment of Tang San's soul gradually took shape after absorbing the huge spiritual energy in Ma Hongjun's sea of ​​spiritual consciousness. He looked at Ma Hongjun with disdain, "You guys Guys, if you hadn't been lucky enough to meet me and get the first few Poseidon exams by chance and successfully transformed, would you have achieved such results?

But even so, with your talents, you can only stay in the title Douluo throughout your life. It is more difficult to reach the ultimate Douluo. If it weren't for me, would you be qualified to become gods?

Everything you have is brought by me. I will make you gods and live forever, so you can only surrender to me. Do you know why I have been so tolerant of you for thousands of years? Because you are under my control from beginning to end. To be honest, Rongrong's distraction control is really good. Over the years, I have used distraction control to differentiate into many soul fragments, which are attached to the five of you, controlling your life and death at all times.

It's a pity that Mubai and Zhuqing died too quickly, and they didn't even have time to activate the soul fragments in their soul spaces, which was also their fate. "

"So what exactly are you going to do?"

Ma Hongjun roared angrily, but soon, his entire soul was tightly grasped by Tang San's soul fragment, and then completely devoured.

Tang San's ghostly soul fragment had completely transformed into a physical soul. He licked his lips with an excited expression on his face, and then completely took control of Ma Hongjun's body, "Huo Yuhao, we meet again."

When Huo Yuhao heard what the abnormal Ma Hongjun said, his face suddenly became furious. At this moment, Ma Hongjun had obviously become a clone of Tang San for some unknown reason and was firmly controlled by Tang San.

Huo Yuhao said coldly, "You are just a remnant soul now. What's the point of meeting again? I said that the next time we meet, I will definitely take your dog's head, so it's better not to show up with a clone like you who can't stand on the stage." Okay, get out of here."

When Huo Yuhao said these words, he still had the last glimmer of hope. He felt that Tang San had lived with Ma Hongjun for so many years and had some feelings for him, so Tang San would not kill him.

But how did he know that in just a short period of time, Tang San had devoured Ma Hongjun's soul while talking and laughing, but he only felt sorry for the newly resurrected Bai Chenxiang.

Faced with Huo Yuhao's ridicule, Tang San remained calm, "I regard you as a being more precious than the son of destiny, but it's a pity that you don't know how to cherish it. When I saw your mother's appearance through Ma Hongjun's body, I knew After you have done these things, I know that your identity is even more extraordinary.

It was no accident that your mother was caught in the God Realm by me. I, Tang San, have always done things perfectly, so how could such a low-level mistake happen? Therefore, there is only one truth. This is a conclusion I came to after thinking hard.

The original Son of Destiny was basically you, but you didn't know what method you used to completely change the identity of the Son of Destiny, and even erased the rules of the entire world. It was really a good trick.

If I hadn't figured it out in time, I would have been confused and allowed you to continue to develop. However, now that you are here, your ambitions only stop here. I deliberately planned all of this just to trick you into the Qiankun Qing Valley.

Since we can't solve the problem, let's solve the problem like you. I found that you are the extra person. Douluo Continent will be better without you. "

After Tang San finished speaking, the light screen under his feet began to flicker continuously, and soon the entire Qiankun Wenqing Valley shook violently.

But as soon as Tang San finished speaking, Huo Yuhao's voice came one after another, "Tang San, Tang San, don't even give me a half-hearted laugh. Our two existences have no meaning to this world. I am There are more people in this world, so why don't you? You, the abandoned son of the Tang Sect."

(End of this chapter)

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