Douluo, I, Huo Yuhao, reject Tianmeng at the beginning

Chapter 316 Blue Silver Hammer Gundam VS Susana Daibutsu

Chapter 316 Blue Silver Hammer Gundam VS Susana Daibutsu
At this time, Tang San was finally shocked. He didn't expect that in the head-on collision, he would be at a disadvantage.

He didn't expect that Huo Yuhao's mental power was so strong.

His domain has reached the limit of the God Realm, and his Shura Domain is blessed by the Shura Divine Sword, and his murderous intent is rampant.

Although his Poseidon Domain no longer has the Poseidon Trident, it doesn't matter. After all, Shura Divine Sword is a divine sword that can kill even dragons and gods, but now they are all at a disadvantage, which is simply unbelievable.

How strong is Huo Yuhao? Tang San now needs to re-evaluate. At the scene, in addition to Tang San's shock, the God of Destruction, the Goddess of Life, the God of Evil Ji Dong and the God of Kindness Lie Yan were also shocked.

They didn't expect that Huo Yuhao's strength would be so strong. He could crush Tang San in all directions in just one encounter. This was really shocking.

After all, even powerful god-kings like them might not be able to escape unscathed from Tang San. But when they thought that Huo Yuhao had killed the powerful Golden Dragon King alone, they felt relieved.

It seems that Tang San is in danger today. The God of Destruction is thinking about whether he should go for a last-ditch attack, but the Goddess of Life is hesitating on whether to save this villain Tang San.

After all, Tang San controls the center of the God Realm, so it would not be good if he died, and the same goes for the God of Kindness and the God of Evil. They are all wondering whether to save Tang San or just watch indifferently. Stay out of it.

In fact, it makes no sense for them to be so entangled, because if they want to intervene, the God of Destruction will stop them. After all, he and Huo Yuhao are allies now.

"Blue Silver Winding"

As soon as the mother's entanglement came out, the overwhelming golden, silver and blue silver grass began to entangle towards Huo Yuhao.

Seeing such a large amount of blue silver grass, Huo Yuhao's flying knife suddenly exerted force. Under the high-speed rotation, the powerful force instantly cut the blue silver grass into pieces.

But after cutting it, Tang San's blue silver grass came again, continuous and endless, worthy of the ancestral blue and silver entanglement.

Huo Yuhao placed three combat knives in front of him to perform rotating cutting movements, while the other nine flying knives, under his control, flew towards Tang San's body at extremely high speeds.

But when it was about to cut into Tang San's body, the Eight Spider Spears behind Tang San suddenly emitted a cold light, blocking the attack of these flying knives.


Fire suddenly burst out in the sky, and the flying knives and the Eight Spider Spears collided fiercely. Although the Eight Spider Spears were very hard and had reached the level of gods, it was a pity that each of Huo Yuhao's flying knives had reached the level of god. Extreme strength.

Although Tang San's Eight Spider Spears were hard, sharp, and covered in poison, they were still no match for these flying knives. It can be seen that Tang San's Eight Spider Spears are being worn away bit by bit, just like scraping off bones, layer by layer.

The soul bone was connected to the heart, the Eight Spider Spear was damaged, Tang San felt uncomfortable, but Tang San still had a divine weapon in his hand. While the Eight Spider Spears struggled to resist, he also activated the Shura Divine Sword in his hand and began to fight with Huo Yuhao's flying knives.

The two people were fighting like this crazily, without caring about the surrounding scene, and the cliff had been shattered inch by inch. And even if this is the God Realm, countless black hole spaces have been punched out. The stars inside are twinkling, and it seems that if you are not careful, you will fall into the long river of time and space and be exiled to another space.

The God of Destruction and the Goddess of Life, who were watching the battle, also looked at each other. After releasing their divine power, they began to repair these broken spaces. The God Realm has never been a stable space. The God Realm is a very special place.

It is a special space condensed by the faith and spiritual power of all the planes in the Douluo Universe. It is supported by countless divine pillars. Only gods can live in the divine world.

However, even though it was supported by the divine pillar, it could not withstand such powerful destruction. The Goddess of Life frowned, these two people were so powerful that the Divine Punishment Sin Domain would be shattered by them. The God of Destruction also looked solemn. From the battle between Huo Yuhao and Tang San, we can see how powerful Tang San is? That's why he felt lucky that Huo Yuhao came in advance, otherwise, if he rashly fought against Tang San, he would probably lose.

He didn't expect that Tang San actually hid so much strength. It seemed that this bitch used the resources of the God Realm to secretly become a lot stronger.

Although the two of them are trying their best to repair the broken space, where can the repair be faster than the destruction? So the God of Evil and the God of Good also joined the mending team.

The space was still shattering, and the battle between the two was extremely fierce. At this moment, Tang San had released his true soul.

He released both the Blue Silver Emperor's martial spirit and the Clear Sky Hammer's martial spirit. The sight of the thousands-meter-high spirits was full of oppression.

Tang San's Haotian Divine Hammer emitted strong thunder and lightning power, as well as energy fluctuations of various attributes, such as gravity, power of destruction, power of darkness, power of light, and various attributes of soul beast energy.

Just like dragon power, these are the soul rings that Tang San absorbed and added some blood energy to him. After he became a god, he used them and merged them into his soul, making his soul body look more powerful. The power of deterrence.

The hammer in his left hand was still gathering strength, and the grass in Tang San's right hand was not to be outdone. The thick vines of the god-level martial spirit Blue Silver Emperor covered with golden patterns were intertwined and weaved together, and soon formed a tower thousands of meters high. A giant, emitting endless blue-gold divine light.

Under Tang San's control, this giant woven by the Blue Silver Emperor grasped the Haotian Divine Hammer. His entire divine soul body was like a Titan descending, and his body that was thousands of meters high seemed to be able to move with just one hammer. Smash Huo Yuhao into pieces.

Seeing Tang San unleash his ultimate move, Huo Yuhao was not to be outdone, "Playing Gundam? I can do it too! And I can play more sneak games than you."

As soon as he thought about it, a wooden figure thousands of meters tall appeared behind Huo Yuhao, and then a wooden dragon thousands of meters long also suddenly appeared.

After fusing the energy and soul of the Golden Dragon King and absorbing its bloodline, Huo Yuhao's now condensed wooden dragon glowed golden and seemed to be alive.

The dragon's roar shook the sky, exuding supreme dragon power. The golden wooden dragon was entrenched on the golden Buddha statue, and it looked astonishingly powerful.

Then, the Susanoo power in Huo Yuhao's right hand bloomed. Starting from the wooden man's hand, a pair of crystal and bright blue armor gradually spread to the wooden man's body, and soon covered the entire wooden man and wooden dragon's body.

In this way, a new and evolved version of Susana Daibutsu appeared in front of everyone.

Its size was twice as tall as Tang San's true spirit body. But it wasn't over yet. Huo Yuhao, who was standing on top of the wooden dragon, had a bright light in his eyes. He activated his third diamond-level awakening of his true spirit. At the same time, The sword that Susanoo's power had condensed also began to vibrate, and he released the Nine-Level Thunder Sword.

Now the strength of the entire Susana Daibutsu had increased several times again. He cut off the entire divine cliff with a single stroke of his sword, and then slashed directly towards Tang San's body.

Tang San was also unwilling to be outdone. Although Huo Yuhao's changes had a very strong visual impact on him, he couldn't just wait for death. He chose the same method as Tang Hao, which was to explode the ring.

The divine rings behind Tang San broke one after another, causing powerful energy to condense on him. The entire divine world began to make a powerful roar, and the entire ground began to shake.

The four people who were working hard to repair it were immediately shocked. The battle between the two of them was actually going to destroy the entire Prison of Divine Punishment.

(End of this chapter)

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