Douluo, I, Huo Yuhao, reject Tianmeng at the beginning

Chapter 319 Countdown to becoming the Lord of God Realm

Chapter 319 Countdown to becoming the Lord of God Realm

Huo Yuhao's invincible attitude just now has not dissipated in everyone's minds. Now that he suddenly said these words, everyone was shocked. They didn't know what Huo Yuhao meant by this sentence.

Because Huo Yuhao did not explain clearly, they did not know whether Huo Yuhao wanted to distribute these five divine positions, or whether he wanted to enjoy these five divine positions by himself.

Although the enemy of an enemy is a friend, now that the enemy is gone, the enemy is naturally still an enemy. The God of Destruction did not expect that Huo Yuhao was so greedy. After killing Tang San, he immediately wanted to inherit everything from him. And what's even more outrageous is that he also directly asked for the divine thrones of other people in Tang San's camp. Didn't this make it clear that he planned to enter the God Realm?

"The gods in the God Realm are nervous. It's not appropriate for you to take five gods at once." The God of Destruction questioned, neither humble nor overbearing.

Facing the question from the God of Destruction, Huo Yuhao remained calm, and then a domineering voice came out, "I'm not discussing with you, I'm just informing you."

Huo Yuhao's attitude immediately made the God of Destruction unhappy, "Junior, don't think that you are great just because you killed Tang San. No matter how powerful you are, you are only one person, and we have four gods here. king."

Huo Yuhao smiled disdainfully.

"Then let's try and see how much of the God Realm is left after the five of us fight?"

Huo Yuhao didn't panic at all, he just said a word lightly, which was both a suggestion and a warning.

After all, the battle between him and Tang San had just shattered the entire Divine Punishment Prison, causing space to shatter and time and space to become unstable.

If the Four Gods War continues to break out in the God Realm, and it is also a war between the four most powerful God Kings in the God Realm, I am afraid that the God Realm may really be destroyed in advance. Therefore, as soon as Huo Yuhao said this, the other four people Also fell into deliberation.

Even the God of Destruction fell into silence. After a while, he said helplessly, "Okay, these five gods are at your disposal, but..."

The God of Destruction was about to say something, but Huo Yuhao interrupted him directly, "Well, after I become a god, the center of the God Realm will also be mine."

Huo Yuhao knew what the God of Destruction wanted from him, which was simply to get Tang San's body and seize the key to the center of the divine world above him.

After all, what the God of Destruction wants most is to seize the power of the God Realm and then carry out his plan to expand the God Realm. So what he was most concerned about was Tang San's control of the key to the center of the God Realm.

However, since Tang San had died in Huo Yuhao's hands, it was impossible for Huo Yuhao to give up the key to the center of the God Realm. After all, it was his trophy.

After hearing Huo Yuhao's unreasonable request, the God of Destruction, the Goddess of Life, the God of Kindness, and the God of Evil couldn't sit still. They all looked at Huo Yuhao with displeasure.

This little guy went to the God Realm, killed Tang San, and immediately wanted to be the Lord of the God Realm. Isn't it too arrogant?

However, in this tense atmosphere, Huo Yuhao suddenly laughed, "As soon as Tang San dies, the master of the center of the God Realm will inevitably be born among the four of you... You two are both husband and wife, so the God Realm The master of the middle school actually chooses between two people, one is the God of Destruction and the other is the God of Evil.

Letting the God of Destruction be the master of the center of the God Realm, I'm afraid his wife, the Goddess of Life, would not agree. After all, letting a god king of an evil order serve as the leader of the God Realm will inevitably lead the God Realm to the abyss. "

"What did you say?" Huo Yuhao's words made the God of Destruction furious. However, the Goddess of Life rarely refuted because everything Huo Yuhao said was right.

After talking about the God of Destruction, Huo Yuhao turned his attention to the God of Good and Evil. You two inherited the oldest and most powerful god in the God Realm. Originally, this center of the God Realm belonged to you, but Tang San thought that you were temporarily For no reason, he completely snatched it away.

It can be seen that you two are not suitable to be the masters of this divine world at all. If that is the case, why can't this person be me! The world of gods should be led by the strongest person.

"Then why is it you? I won't even give up my position as the center of the God Realm to the God of Evil to you."

The God of Destruction was already furious at this moment. He didn't expect that he wouldn't have a chance if Tang San was alive, and he still wouldn't have a chance if Tang San died. How could this not make him angry?
After hearing the words of the God of Destruction, Huo Yuhao suddenly smiled, "God of Destruction, you gave up the center of the God Realm to the evil couple, and your plan still cannot be carried out. But when I become a god and control the center of the God Realm, I will You will be allowed to implement the God Realm expansion plan, and you will be responsible for everything.

And I will mobilize all resources in the divine world and let all gods help you implement this great plan.

Moreover, what I want to say is that Tang San's so-called prophecy does exist, but the crisis will still come in ten thousand years. During these ten thousand years, I will use my methods to stabilize the entire God Realm. To resist this natural disaster. "

After that, Huo Yuhao extracted a key from the dead Tang San, which was the key to control the center of the entire God Realm!
He put the key in his hand, then glanced at the four god kings, and finally put all his eyes on the God of Destruction, "Now the key is here, you have to think about it carefully. You become the god of the world." Lord, your plan still cannot be launched because I will not support you, and whether it is your wife or the evil and good gods who obtain this key and become the master of the divine world, they will not support your plan.

You know it very well in your heart, so make a choice now. Support me, the powerful god king who will merge the five gods into one, as the Lord of the God Realm. You can get what you want. Otherwise, you will get nothing. Everything will return to normal. "

After Huo Yuhao finished speaking, the God of Destruction fell into silence. He was weighing the pros and cons, because what Huo Yuhao said was very reasonable.

However, compared to the God of Destruction, the expressions of the other three gods are more intriguing. They are not interested in the power of the divine world. Whether they are the goddess of life or the gods of good and evil, they actually don't care much about rights. .

They objected just now because they didn't want to hand over the divine world to a stranger who didn't know the details in such an inexplicable way. However, what Huo Yuhao just said made them very concerned.

Huo Yuhao just said that he admitted that the crisis Tang San mentioned was real, and that it would come in ten thousand years, that is, twenty years in the God Realm.

Compared with power, the three of them care more about the development of the God Realm, so the Goddess of Life asked doubtfully, "Huo Yuhao, you just said that the crisis in the God Realm will come, and it will come in twenty years. Is that what it means?" What kind of crisis is this? Are what Poseidon and Shura God said true? Are all his predictions correct?"

Huo Yuhao was not surprised by her question. He smiled slightly and corrected, "The current Poseidon and Shura God are me, not Tang San. And, compared to Huo Yuhao, I prefer you to call me King Huo God, because soon, I will merge the positions of these five gods and become the first god-king with five gods in one body in the history of the God Realm."

(End of this chapter)

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