Douluo, I, Huo Yuhao, reject Tianmeng at the beginning

Chapter 324: The God King is angry and lays down thousands of corpses

Chapter 324: The God King is angry and lays down millions of corpses
"Xu Tianran, you, a eunuch, dare to covet my woman. I really want to know where you get the confidence?" Huo Yuhao's eyes were full of disdain.

After becoming a god, Huo Yuhao was no longer on the same level as humans. If this incident had not happened, Huo Yuhao would not have had any interaction with Xu Tianran.

But it is a pity that people who seek death cannot be stopped. He did not choose to deal with Xu Tianran first. Instead, he turned his attention to several large soul guide legions behind him, hundreds of thousands of soul guide legions and hundreds of thousands of soul guide legions. Ordinary armies, which are powerful enough to destroy any country, are vulnerable in Huo Yuhao's eyes.

But just when he was about to take action, he suddenly turned to look at Zhang Lexuan, "Lexuan, have you rebuilt Shrek Academy? What's its name?"

Zhang Lexuan obviously didn't know why Huo Yuhao asked this question? However, she answered him quickly, "Shrek Academy is in the past. Now there is only Shrek City, not Shrek Academy. The new academy was named Poseidon Academy after Poseidon Pavilion."

After Huo Yuhao heard Zhang Lexuan's answer, he immediately showed a satisfied expression, "Poseidon College, Poseidon College is good, it sounds much better than Shrek College."

After saying that, Huo Yuhao no longer had any scruples. The energy in his body surged crazily. The huge Susano energy armor instantly enveloped the entire Shrek City, guarding Shrek City tightly. Then, in Huo Yuhao's hand, A black energy ball containing terrifying energy appeared.

Under Huo Yuhao's control, the black ball flew high into the sky and seemed to merge with the entire sun. The next moment, a terrifying force of gravity fell from the sky. With Shrek City as the center, it quickly spread to the surrounding areas.

It can be seen that the areas not protected by the Susano Armor are broken every inch, and the strong pressure crushes everything on the ground into dust and nothingness.

It would be fine if it were just earth and rocks, but around here, there are thousands of troops from the Sun and Moon Empire.

Under this terrifying repulsive force, no one had the slightest resistance. The soul guides of the soul guide legion all released their soul guides in an attempt to withstand this terrifying gravity. But it is a pity that after only resisting for a moment, all the defensive formations were crushed, and everyone who was touched by this gravity turned into a ball of blood mist.


This word flashed through everyone's mind, but what's the use of running away? How could a mere mortal resist the super-powerful God-King level, the Shenluo Tianzheng?

This terrifying attack was in a crushing manner. Wherever it passed, not a single blade of grass grew, and everyone was crushed into a ball of blood mist. No matter whether they are ordinary soldiers or powerful soul masters, they have no resistance in the face of this powerful divine punishment.

Even Titled Douluo-level soul masters, these powerful ninth-level soul masters had no resistance at all, and they all turned into a ball of blood mist, floating in the air.

In this whole space, there was nothing happening except Shrek City, which was shrouded by the mighty Susan, and Xu Tianran, whom Huo Yuhao deliberately left to kill last. Everyone else was crushed in just a few breaths. into pieces.

Even Kong Deming, the Soul Guidance God of the Sun and Moon Empire, had no effect even if he used the ninth-level half-soul guidance device. He only resisted for a few breaths and died under this powerful pressure.

This was no longer a massacre, this was simply a divine punishment. In just a moment, the Sun Moon Empire's menacing and overwhelming soul guide army was all destroyed. Zhang Lexuan's eyes widened. This scene was so visually shocking after all. Huo Yuhao slaughtered millions of people in an instant. Feeling the blood all over the sky, Zhang Lexuan suddenly felt overwhelmed, but at this time Huo Yuhao held her hand tightly, "What's the matter? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Zhang Lexuan, they are all enemies, you won't do it again." Is it because I’m cruel?”

Zhang Lexuan shook her head, her eyes showing determination. Ever since she had the child, Zhang Lexuan only had Huo Yuhao in her heart. No matter what Huo Yuhao did, she would support him unconditionally.

This was just the most basic physiological reaction of hers, and Zhang Lexuan reacted like this, and so did everyone else in Shrek City. Which of the elders of the Poseidon Pavilion had not experienced mountains of corpses and seas of blood? What scene haven’t you seen? But they have never seen this kind of scene before.

Seeing that Huo Yuhao killed millions of people in an instant, and there were so many powerful soul masters and powerful warriors, I was disgusted but also shocked in my heart. This is no different from a god, right? It seems that it is a continent, and Huo Yuhao has the final say.

With a simple move, Super Shinra Tianzhen slaughtered everyone and turned them into blood mist. Huo Yuhao turned his attention to Xu Tianran, who was in shock. At this moment, his face was full of shock, disbelief and despair.

He couldn't believe that there were such powerful beings in this world, that there were beings that non-human beings could resist, that could kill millions of elite soldiers in an instant. Is it really reasonable for this kind of power to appear in Douluo Continent? His eternal dream of becoming an emperor has only lasted a year, is it about to be shattered?
Xu Tianran suddenly yelled, "You can't be a human being, you are a god, you are a god in heaven, right?"

Huo Yuhao smiled cruelly, Xu Tianran was really right, he was really a god, and he was also the master of the divine world. Then his cold and arrogant voice sounded, "Now that you know it, go on your way and die in my hands. You won’t suffer, Xu Tianran.”

After that, Huo Yuhao smashed the collapsed Xu Tianran into pieces, turning it into a blood mist that filled the sky. Huo Yuhao covered Huo Yutong's eyes throughout the whole process. He didn't want his daughter to witness these cruel things at a young age.

But now that everyone has been killed, it's time to give out the gift he promised his precious daughter. Looking at the blood mist all over the sky and so much pure life energy, Huo Yuhao had a sneer on his face.

With a thought, a huge altar slowly rose from the ground. Under Huo Yuhao's control, the blood mist in the air quickly gathered towards it. If Electrolux had been at the scene, he would have discovered that Huo Yuhao was using the same method to refine the Life and Death Pearl.

However, he only refined the life beads, not the death beads. Huo Yuhao did not want to waste so much pure energy. He slaughtered millions of people in a rage, and they were basically some powerful soul masters. Among these energies, All contain powerful spiritual energy and life energy.

Soon, under Huo Yuhao's refining, a raw bead exuding pure life energy was ready. Without a moment's hesitation, Huo Yuhao integrated the raw bead full of pure life energy into Huo Yutong's body.

This is the purest life energy that can restore dead bodies. After being perfectly integrated with Huo Yutong, her body immediately exudes strong life fluctuations. It can even be clearly seen that Huo Yutong's body has grown a lot. He looks almost three or four years old.

Zhang Lexuan watched with brilliance and a happy smile on her face. Seeing that Huo Yuhao liked her daughter so much, she felt relieved. At this moment, the three of them really seemed to be a family of three.

(End of this chapter)

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