After breakfast, Gu Tangxin happily carried bags of pet club leaflets and distributed them to everyone in the school.

And she has to distribute flyers to everyone personally. She and She Xinyu have been distributing flyers to other students on campus, and everyone is very supportive.

Gu Tangxin bit her lower lip and hesitated whether to send it to Han Beier.

She always felt that Han Beier didn't like her very much, what if she sent it to her and made her angry.

Hey, so distressed ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Finally, when Gu Tang made up her mind and turned to leave, someone behind her stopped her.

"Tangxin, didn't you send it to me after you sent it to all the students in the school?" Han Beier's voice came to her ears, and Gu Tangxin's small body trembled and almost fell to the ground.

Han Bei'er was able to take the initiative to talk to her, which she never expected!

"Hello, Belle." Gu Tangxin turned around and handed her a leaflet with a smile.

"My pet club is next to the school, and it will open next Sunday. I hope you can come~"

Gu Tangxin really hopes that Han Beier can come, maybe they can become good friends (^^_^^*) Hehe...

"Of course I will go~" Han Beier smiled sweetly, took Gu Tangxin's hand and said, "I've been handing out leaflets for a day, shall I help you?"

Before Gu Tangxin could speak, Han Beier took all the leaflets in her hand and walked outside the school, "You go back and have a rest, I will help you with these."

Originally, Gu Tangxin wanted to decline, but Han Beier left too fast, causing her to lose sight of the figure before she could speak.

Walking out of the school gate, staring at the four-story luxury pet club on the left side of the school, Han Beier's entire face twisted into one angrily.

She went to the trash can on the side and reached out to throw all the leaflets into the trash can, then turned and walked towards the pet club that was being renovated.


______________________________【Ask for a red envelope】______________________________________________

____________________________【Seek Favorites】_____________________________________________


______________________________【Please leave a message】_______________________________________________

____________________________【Do the above equals more】____________________________________

______________________________ [Aiwen, you should do the above~! 】________________________________

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