LOL: Showing affection in the name of competition is too much

Chapter 105: Wear less high heels!Injured foot?wrong!Tasty

Chapter 105: Wear less high heels!Injured foot?wrong!Tasty
[Is this snake too strong? 】

[It’s not that snake is strong, but that snake’s bottom lane is strong. 】

[This couple in a costume is really over the top, completely crushing them in every way. 】

【Couple?This is a couple! 】

【No difference! 】

[These two people really like to show off their affection. They hold hands on stage, hold hands after the game, and even hold hands during interviews! 】

【Depend on! 】

[I can only say that I have strength and willfulness! 】

[And Snake’s treatment is really good. During the previous interview, I thought the female players would be embarrassed, but now I think about it. 】

[I’m so embarrassed! 】

The origin of all this was naturally after the previous interview.

Snake's public relations.

Seize the opportunity immediately.

All of Snake’s living conditions were revealed.

Luxurious dormitories that are comparable to a hotel, well-equipped training halls, and cleaning aunts and cafeteria uncles who are always ready to give orders.

And there’s a team doctor!

As soon as this scene came out, many people couldn't help but sigh.

The treatment of this team is not generally good.

Go directly to the hot search.

And after snake showed off, other teams also showed off.

For example, the craftsmanship of the JDG cafeteria uncle.

EDG's gym.

There is also OMG’s luxury e-sports club.

wait wait wait!
Only RNG just showed an interview with UZI.

You have the configuration, we have the Uzi.

You have treatment, we have Uzi.

You have a guarantee, we have an Uzi.

But the reason for this is very clear to Chen Yi, because RNG really has nothing to show before going on the field.

The dormitories are all eight-person rooms!
But fortunately...

At that time, Su Nuan and Chen Yi went out to live. Even if they went to the first team, the living conditions were a bit crude, and the conditions of the canteen were average.

It is also for this reason that most of the players inside order takeout.

This situation is not normal.

But for Chen Yi, this has passed, and what is he doing now?

gone back!
With the end of the regular season, LPL enters the playoffs.

That is the knockout round.

There have also been some changes in the competition system this year.

Arena format!

Group AB advanced to four teams, and then the four teams dispersed.

Group A first, third

Group B is second and fourth.

In a row!
Second and fourth in Group A
Group B first, third

in one column.

The fourth challenges the third, but the winner challenges the second. Only after winning can he challenge the first. The winner enters the final decisive stage. It can be said that if you are the first.

It only takes two games to win the final championship.

And now snake is number one.

It's at the top position.

Because of this, they had a long period of free time, so... snake was on vacation, and others could choose to rest.

Can be broadcast live.

But Chen Yi and Su Nuan came forward.

It was a commercial shoot, the two of us shot it together.

female player!

This flow itself is sufficient.

Coupled with the CP identity, the traffic was even greater, so the two of them were busy for a while. After all this was over, the two of them returned directly to their cabin.

Su Nuan had thought about renting a house before?


forget about it.

Especially after coming back that night, Su Nuan lay down directly on the sofa.

He complained for a while and said: "I'm so tired!"

“I don’t know who started looking forward to it.”


Su Nuan's face felt hot.

Snake's system rules are very simple and clear. If you shoot an advertisement, you will get a certain share, and the number is quite large. Su Nuan is looking forward to this.

Because you want to save money?

She didn't expect to be so tired, which completely broke Su Nuan's fantasy.

ε=(ο`*))) Alas!
In the end, she sighed and said: "I'm exhausted anyway, and my feet are so sore. In order to shoot an advertisement, I have to wear high heels. I don't like that. I have to wear them, and the high heels are too bad." Xiao, I’m so angry.”

"Would you like me to rub it for you?"


Su Nuan refused at first!
How can this be done? A girl’s feet cannot be touched casually.
But thinking about it, I seemed to have reached out on my own initiative.


Su Nuan shook her head.

Said it was an accident.

There was no similar scene after that.

Su Nuan didn't particularly refuse this. Others couldn't, but Chen Yi could. However, thinking about being pinched by a boy, she still felt a little shy and resistant.

He immediately spoke and said, "No need!" "Yeah!"

But you are right to think so.

But after relaxing, my feet felt heavier.

It was rejected at first!
But as Chen Yi sat on the edge, Su Nuan still chose to give up her dignity and spoke in a low voice, "Um...can I trouble you with something?"


next second!
Su Nuan put her little foot on Su Nuan's thigh and said, "It hurts so much. Can you rub it for me?"

"Didn't you refuse just now?"


At this time, Su Nuan's face was as red as if she was about to bleed, and then she said angrily, "Forget it if you don't rub it, I don't need you anymore!"

"do not!"

Su Nuan was about to leave.

But he was caught by Chen Yi.


She felt as if she had been electrocuted all over her body. Her face suddenly turned red and she asked, "What are you doing?"

"Knead it for you, aren't you in pain? If you don't rub it, it may not be pain tomorrow, but swelling. Are you sure?"

"Then... let's do it!"




But I think this is not the first time.

So be it.

Chen Yi also used his fingers to knead little by little.

Su Nuan was a little resistant at first.

But gradually!

Also gradually adapted.

"Are you good at it?"


Chen Yi didn't say much, after all, he was a professional.

have to say!

Su Nuan's little feet are really beautiful.

The five delicate toes are of varying lengths, the pads on the forefoot look soft, the soles of the feet are gracefully curved, and the heels are somewhat fat and round. They look very cute and very ornamental.

The whole little foot is plump but not fat, looking slender and well-proportioned with a bit of softness.

It feels good to pinch.

It also looks good.

Chen Yi felt a little lost.

But soon... I realized what I was doing and yelled, "When did I get this hobby?"



I am not a pervert.

At this time, Chen Yi's mind was very active, but the movements of his hands did not stop. He looked at Su Nuan, who narrowed his eyes slightly and had a different rosy look on his face.

Chen Yi looked away.

never mind!

If you are perverted, be perverted.

There will be many perverted behaviors in the future!

At the same time, he also spoke and said: "Wear less high heels from now on."

"I know, it hurts my feet!"

"No! Tasty!"


In a word!

Originally, Su Nuan was enjoying it and felt that she had found a good man.

But as soon as the words came out.

Su Nuan was immediately furious. She went up and gave Chen Yi a kick and said, "What did you say? I washed my feet when I came back! Don't insult others."

The angle is a bit high.

When this foot stepped on Chen Yi's face.

The atmosphere was awkward.

Su Nuan didn't expect this at all, but fortunately, the force was not strong. From the look on Chen Yi's face, she didn't seem angry, just a little surprised. Then she coughed dryly and said:
"That... doesn't taste good?"


The corner of Chen Yi's mouth twitched slightly and said, "I know, but your behavior is somewhat excessive!"


Su Nuan snorted coldly and slowly put her feet down.

Maybe the behavior feels wrong.

But she didn't admit her mistake.

I even feel like this is what I should do.

Let you slander people.

But Su Nuan recalled the feeling just now and didn't know why.

It feels like stepping on people is quite fun.

Especially stepping on...Chen Yi.

There was a sense of satisfaction, and Su Nuan couldn't believe it. Could it be that he had such a hobby?

This is not a hobby.

This is just revenge!
Let him bully you and plot against you.

That's it.

(End of this chapter)

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