LOL: Showing affection in the name of competition is too much

Chapter 116 You two, don’t be such a bully

Chapter 116 You two, don’t be such bullies
Sparks explode across the screen!

iboy and meiko didn't understand at all how he dared to go up. Maybe there were some accidents, but it didn't mean he couldn't fight. Now he has a troop advantage in the bottom lane.

Relying on the damage of the minions, you can completely counterattack.

However, Meiko discovered.

This soldier was stupid.

Don't fight this little cannon at all.


The narrator answers this question.

Miller: "This wave of meaning operations is very detailed, and the timing of the attack is well chosen. Attack when the enemy creeps raise their hands to attack your own creeps, so that they will not attract hatred from the creeps!"

Watanabe: "But Meiko didn't sit still and waited for death. She also released her Q skill Bibo Prison, but this should be difficult to hit."


Nami's mechanics are very powerful.

But this skill is very difficult to master, but this is in the eyes of professionals.

Not at all.

Because Meiko, as the strongest newcomer in S5, has his own strong eyesight, he can determine the attack frequency of small cannons and block the small soldiers to attack.

He needs to match this frequency.

This is a good thing.

But it's also a bad thing. As long as you find the frequency, just release the skill at the moment when the cannon attacks, because the hero is releasing the attack.

There will be a brief pause!
The lower the attack speed, the longer this pause will be.

This is what people often call attack delay.

This was the opportunity Meiko found, but almost at the moment of contact, the cannon flashed directly.


Meiko's plans have all come to nothing.

And the position of the flash is still forward, which can almost be said to have blocked the back path of the big mouth.

Sparks burst!

The horrific damage reduced Dazui's health to the extreme.


Miller: "It's too late to flash!"

Wawa: "The displacement of the small cannon has been improved, and it can completely keep up with the output."

Rita: "Big Mouth has no skills, and Nami... also has no skills, and it has ignition. Now this ignition is not very useful. Isn't it going to cause first blood?"

Miller: "The treatment for Big Mouth doesn't have enough blood!"

Doll: "Gone!"

A blood!

break out!

There was an uproar in the audience.

It's that simple and straightforward.

Especially this Thresh, it didn't move much at all.

How many people thought that Thresh was just a decoration, but after killing Big Mouth, Thresh's role was also revealed, clinging to Nami.

Don't let go!
Can only flash.

But after flashing, what awaited him was Thresh's fatal hook.

3 minutes!
Less than 4 minutes.

When the double play appeared, the whole audience was in an uproar.

Factory Manager: "????"

iboy: "Mine!"

Factory Director: "Pay attention."

"it is good!"

On the surface iboy nodded, but in his heart he was still very unconvinced.

They are all newcomers!

What's the difference?
However, the audience can clearly see the difference.

Not to mention this wave of strong attacks, but also the wave of consumption at the beginning. The big mouth has the advantage of attack distance, but it is still numbed by the small cannon.

There was no advantage at all, and this was the reason for the subsequent forceful opening.

Miller: “Meaning’s basic abilities are terrifyingly strong.”

Wawa: "iboy is indeed a genius, but in the LPL, there is no shortage of geniuses."

Rita: "Indeed!"

Compared with other industries, in the field of e-sports, talent is more important than hard work, especially in the bottom lane at this time, as both sides go online again.

Chen Yi immediately spoke and said, "Do you know where the factory director is?"

"Go home! What?"

"It's okay! I just have to fight!"

sofm wondered if he heard wrongly.

wait wait wait!
What did you say
He wanted to fight as soon as he got online. Obviously sofm heard it right, he wanted to fight. When he jumped on it, iboy was dumbfounded because he had to wait for the opportunity before.

The opportunity is no longer needed!

Because in the face of absolute harm, there is no need to wait for this.

After the last wave of kills, Big Mouth bought two daggers after returning, and Xiao Pao had a big storm sword in his hand, and he had this equipment.

No need to make any sense at all.

EDG has some surprises here.

But this is an opportunity!

Now that the cannon has not flashed, in order to prevent the cannon from moving to avoid Nami's Q skill Blue Wave Prison, Meiko first added the E skill Tidecaller's Blessing to Big Mouth.

Attach an attack buff that slows down!

Then cooperate with Big Mouth's E skill Void Sludge to create a wave of double deceleration.

No more movement speed!

Xiao Pao lost the right to move to avoid skills, but at the moment when the Blue Wave Prison was about to hit, a lantern fell in front of Xiao Pao.


I thought it would end like this.

But as a hook fell on Dazui, many people knew it.

From the moment the cannon jumped up, this confrontation was already going on without end. It was crazy and... EDG was scheming, and Snake was naturally scheming too.

It even counts from the location.

Pawn line!

Now the troop line is definitely EDG's advantage, because they are not online for a long time, but this is also a good thing, because after jumping up with the small cannon.

The last snake minion disappeared, and EDG's minion set off towards the tower.

As for why it didn't attract any hatred from the soldiers?
The technique is the same as before.

Nami and Big Mouth wanted to use deceleration to force the cannon to move. They were right in thinking so, and the same was true for the two of them. The cannon's movement was also slowed down.

The slowing mouth tried to avoid Thresh's hook.

Difficult to reach the sky!

And the most critical point is that when Thresh's hook hits, the lantern of the small cannon point is only halfway through, and Thresh triggers the second stage of Q.

The little cannon is back.

Back around Dazui, iboy's face turned into the color of pig liver at this time.

No flash, no cure!

Got slapped on the face.

But I found I couldn’t leave.

Looking at the gray screen in front of him, iboy was speechless for a long time, wondering how long it had been since his last death.

Now again?

And after Big Mouth was killed in battle, Nami couldn't survive.

As another double kill echoed in the scene.

How many people were lost in thought.

[The bottom lane exploded 1]

[Do you know what this story tells us? 】

【what? 】

[Don’t press the line. Look at this position. You can’t leave even if you want to. 】

【indeed! 】

There's no way to go!
And after this wave of double kills, Su Nuan and Chen Yi sealed another wave of successes.

This time, the camera was also given to the two of them.

If it were before, some comments would be refreshed on the barrage, but now... the situation is very calm. As for the reason, I can only say that I am used to it.

Isn't it just a show of affection?
Very normal!


Chen Yi nodded and said: "This wave of Xiaonuan is okay. A Thresh can actually act like a trickster enchantress. It's amazing!"

Su Nuan scratched her head and said, "The same goes for you. If you hadn't slowed down your mouth, my hook wouldn't have hit it so easily."



Compliment each other?


But when these remarks fell into the ears of several teammates, the feeling was completely different.

You two have gone too far.

Is it interesting to praise yourself?

(End of this chapter)

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