LOL: Showing affection in the name of competition is too much

Chapter 119 If I win this game, can you kiss me?

Chapter 119 If I win this game, can you kiss me?
The voice of the commentary echoed in the scene!

As the game ended, there was a commotion at the scene.

Someone is insulting!
no way!
In the eyes of many people, EDG's performance in this game was too frustrating. They chose a lineup with four guarantees and one, and didn't do much in other lanes.

The bottom lane exploded first.

There are also people congratulating Snake for winning this game.

However, these have no impact on Snake. After all, they are also people who have experienced great storms.

Don't lose your mind because of the victory in front of you.

The first game of many bo5s.

It was just a test, the real killer move was yet to come, but... for Su Nuan, that was not what she was thinking about.

But the physical condition.

very good!
It even feels like everything is better than usual.

If she hadn't been able to feel something, she might have thought her relative was gone.

As for why this is so?

Naturally, it was because of Chen Yi that when I thought of this... Su Nuan also spoke and said, "Thank you this time. I don't know what I would do without you."

"What else can we two thank you for?"


"It's better to express it directly!"


As soon as this statement came out, Su Nuan had a question mark.


I heard Chen Yi say in a cowardly manner: "Since you want to thank me, then be more direct. Why don't you kiss me?"




Before Su Nuan could react, the people around him heard Chen Yi's words.

Everyone in the audience had goosebumps.

Many people even have a wonderful idea in their minds.

I want to report!

Someone here is teasing female players.

Reporting is OK!

In the past, a player molested a female referee and was immediately banned and fined. But the situation now is different from that time because Su Nuan was at this time.

It seems that... she is looking forward to this kind of teasing.

After hearing this statement.

That little face turned red instantly. If she had said this before, Su Nuan would have definitely slapped her up, but it was completely different now.

Because the two of them came here before.

Su Nuan also said that this was a way of saying hello, which completely dug a big hole for herself, so the current situation is embarrassing.

How to answer?


Or accept it...

In the end, Su Nuan chose to escape and said, "We'll talk about it after we win the game."

Before Chen Yi could continue to speak, Su Nuan had already left.

As for the previous remarks.

Chen Yi touched his beardless chin and felt that there seemed to be something interesting about this. However, Chen Yi didn't say much about this issue.

Brother Shengqiang, on the other hand, patted Chen Yi on the shoulder and said, "Brothers, please calm down. We are already competing, so stop teasing the female players."


Chen Yi was speechless for a long time, wondering if he could speak.

How could teasing his wife be called teasing? It was called flirting, but Chen Yi did not choose to say this.

But after dealing with it for a while, he went back.

Su Nuan went back earlier!

After seeing Chen Yi, he lowered his head shyly. His little face was as red as a peach. Even with makeup, he couldn't hide the blush inside.

To this...

Chen Yi could only express silently.

Shy Su Nuan looks good too.

She will be shy.

But Chen Yi can't.

who cares!
He went directly to sit beside her, and then held her little hand.

At the beginning, Su Nuan would still look away, staring at Chen Yi with a pair of misty eyes, her eyes seemed to be saying something.

go away!

I don't want to talk to you.

But once, twice, three times...then I became honest.

An An was quietly grabbed by Chen Yi's hand, as shy as a little daughter-in-law, and these small actions were naturally noticed by others.

So there is another wave of dog food value refreshes.

Jun also coughed dryly and said: "Um...please stop what you are doing! We are about to start this review!"

As for who?
No need to ask!

Chen Yi and Su Nuan are actually fine even if they don't let go.

But now that the coach has spoken, he must give others some face. Jun did not continue to pursue the case, but cleared his throat and began to review the game.

Briefly talk about some mistakes and then sort out your thoughts.


The most important thing is the arrangements for the next game.

"Xiaoyi, your performance this time is really good, but good performance also has good disadvantages. You may be targeted in various ways in the next game, so..."

"The coach said it directly and I listened!"

"I hope you can be a little more obscene next time."

"okay, I get it."


As soon as this was said, everyone asked questions.

Is it so happy?

" you know what obscene means?"


As soon as these remarks came out, Chen Yi looked at Jun with confusion.

That look seemed to be asking a question.

Coach, do you think I'm mentally retarded?

Jun also coughed dryly and said: "I am sure of your strength, but your current playing style is very fierce. I don't know if you can adapt to the rhythm of wretched development."

"Don't worry. If I want to fight, I will definitely fight. But if I don't want to fight, even if the King of Heaven is here, don't ask me to go out and fight with them. If you don't believe me, ask Xiao Nuan, is this how I used to fight in the passerby game?"

Jun: "Yes...really?"


Su Nuan nodded, agreeing with Chen Yi's statement.

But his teammates still didn't believe it.

After all, from his debut to now, Chen Yi has not only played at the second level, but also at the third level. He has rarely developed, but now that Su Nuan has said so.

That can only be so.

Jun also continued with the arrangements for the next game, and they were right.

The same goes for EDG!

And Jun also guessed it right. In the next game, EDG will really target the bottom lane. What I said before is targeting, but it is relatively soft in comparison.

But that's not necessarily the case this time.

let go.

Four guarantees and one?



The second game officially begins.


The BP of both parties is determined.

EDG red!

Move: [Airplane, Big Insect, Bull Head, Thresh, Snake Girl]

Choose: [Top laner Big Tree, jungle mantis, mid laner Clockwork, ADC policewoman, auxiliary Fengnu]


Moving: [Lucian, Rock Bird, Morgana, Skateboard Shoes, Rambo]

Choose: [Top laner Prince, jungler Barrel, mid laner Ekko, ADC Mouse, assistant Bard]

As soon as the support Bard came out, many people understood.

Snake wants to play and wander!

The lineup is okay.

However, a few people still felt a little unsure. It was hard for them to imagine that an aggressive ADC would be able to survive?
Even Su Nuan spoke up and said: "Be careful on the way down, don't get caught by the opportunity."

"Don't worry, don't worry about me yet!"


Su Nuan wanted to refute, but she didn't know how. But just when she was about to say something, Chen Yi spoke first and said:

"Instead of caring about this, it's better to care about the topics we talked about before."


"Just kiss me after you win the game!"

(End of this chapter)

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