If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 204 I remember back then, when my father was beaten on the ground, he cried and said it was

Chapter 204 I remember back then, when my father was pushed to the ground and beaten, he cried and said that the beating was good.

This makes typing much faster.

But it took more than ten minutes.

Just solved so many mobile phone numbers.

Bai Lu was just thinking about how to praise herself for being smart when she heard the sound of flushing water.

Lin Yi walked out of the toilet with a pale face.

Bai Lu couldn't help but asked curiously.

"I read from the Internet that every man seemed to have had a fight when he came out of the toilet. Why?"

Lin Yi showed an inscrutable expression.

"Of course it's because fighting is fun!"

"You women don't understand what it feels like for a man to fight with a toilet as comrades."

Bai Lu scratched her head in confusion.

I really don’t understand the matter of going to the toilet to fight.

However, Bai Lu quickly raised her head and said.

"But, I feel that Brother Lin, if you flush, you are falling out of love."

"how do you know?"

"Well, because you loved it before, when it was still cake or garlic pork ribs."

Looking at Bai Lu's serious face.

Lin Yi fell into silence.

My stupid girlfriend's thinking is getting more and more outrageous.

"Brother Lin, what are these phone numbers for?"

Bai Lu tilted her head and said with confusion on her face.

Lin Yi spoke seriously.

"Knowing whether there is an express company anywhere, I asked for the contact information of a lot of talented people and strangers, and decided to set up an express company, starting with maintaining peace in China and the balance of time and space."

without hesitation.

call out.

The pillow flew towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi caught it casually and laughed.

"Maybe there is an idol you like in it. Apologize now and I will forgive you."

Bai Lu waved her hands casually.

"Forget it, please fast forward to the time when Zhao Yunqi enters the Kingdom of Light, fights Zoffi and Taylor, Ma Chao conquers Xinpo, and Kong Ming overthrows Diping."

To put it bluntly, these are things I learned from the sand sculpture friends in the live broadcast room.

The main thing is to complete the work.

the student surpasses the master,

"But these are really strong people. They all have their own special abilities."

Looking at Lin Yi's serious look.

Bai Lu nodded, her face full of disbelief.

"Okay, okay, yes, yes, they are all very powerful."


At this time, the other side.

In the office of Director Han Chunming.

Han Chunming: "Thank you very much for your strong support. Although the final result is uncertain whether it can meet expectations, but currently, this young man has more potential than imagined."

Those numbers just now.

It is indeed okay to say that they are capable people and strangers.

Because those people are all intangible cultural heritage people, or talented people from various intangible cultural heritage research institutes, as well as talented people among the people.

From all over the world, there are only more than 300 people who can be contacted.

The amount of things Lin Yi wanted to borrow was not a small amount, and more importantly, many of them were close to being lost, or they had no time to fool around with him.

For example, guqin, chimes, etc.

As soon as I hung up the phone, there was a knock on the door.

The next moment, the deputy director hurriedly walked in and stared at Han Chunming as if he was asking for help.

"No, you gave the cultural tourism city project to that young man?"

"So many people have worked hard on this project, but it has no effect. If it is given to such a young person, isn't this just a scam?"

Han Chunming smiled bitterly.

"I stopped, why didn't I stop, but it had no effect at all. Who doesn't know that I spent so much money, but now..."

Looking at Han Chunming's confident smile.

The deputy director fell silent.

After a long time, he said: "Mr. Liu just said the same thing. Are you sure that young man is not a pyramid scheme?"

"I feel like I've brainwashed you all."

Han Chunming waved his hand casually.

Looking at Lin Yi who rushed to the phone again, he shook his head helplessly.

"Young people have ideas, we should support them more..."

With that said, he pushed the phone in front of the deputy director. Above, is a planning document.

"Just take a look. It's easy to see from the prototype of the plan that once it's implemented, the effect will be explosive."

The deputy director picked up the phone doubtfully.

The above planning document contains a lot of content.

Propaganda of intangible cultural heritage, promotion of national culture, promotion of Chinese classical music, there are all kinds of them, and without exception they are all promoting culture.

The more he looked at it, the less calm the deputy curator's expression became.

At the end, he looked shocked and confused.

He stared at Han Chunming and frowned.

"With such a large investment and such a large consumption of resources, how long will it take to complete it, and how much money will it cost..."

Han Chunming waved his hand and said, "Relax, these are not things we old guys need to consider. Just help us. Who are we to owe a favor?"


the other side.

In a beach house.

Lin and Lu were having breakfast.

Lin Yi bit his fork and looked at the show crew's car outside.

"They came so early, and they were still thinking about messing things up for a while."

"I just want to show off. Brother Lin, look, the guy from yesterday has already left for somewhere else."

Bai Lu's eyes lit up and she pushed the phone out.

Looking at Lin Yi, he couldn't help but shake his head.

"I don't quite understand the idea of ​​couples quarreling."


Lin Yi was a little confused and continued.

"Did your parents never quarrel?"

Bai Lu shook her head slightly.

"No, at least not in my mind. It's very harmonious. But I heard my grandma say once that when they first got married, they often fought and quarreled."

"The last time we had a fight, my dad said something cruel and said I would beat him to death if I had the guts."

Lin Yi: "???"

No, how can we do it without quarreling in your mind when we fight so fiercely?


Where is the peace?

"and then?"

Bai Lu thought.

"Then that day, my father was pinned to the ground and beaten for more than half an hour. While crying, he praised my mother for her ability, which made my grandma laugh."

"Since then, the two of them haven't even had a quarrel."

Lin Yi: "..."

Bai Lu continued: "So, I don't understand couples fighting. Wouldn't it be better to have a good fight?"

Lin Yi: "6"

As soon as these words came out, all the fans in the live broadcast room shouted "f*ck".

"Good guy, what a harmonious family!"

"It made grandma laugh. I have to say that grandma Lulu is a ruthless and understanding person, hahahahahahaha."

"Grandma said that if you hit my son, you can't hit me anymore."

""Beat me to death if you can!" "Pushed to the ground" "Crying and praising my wife for being capable"!"

"Co-author, the talent for comedy is inherited."

"Brothers, laugh a little lower. My uncle and aunt are watching the live broadcast. Now the whole Internet knows that my uncle was blasted."

"Someone go @uncle and let him see. Her great son revealed his dark history hahahahaha."

Bai Lu seemed to be aware of the laughter in the live broadcast room. ,

He shook his head helplessly and said, "Besides, my mother is a martial arts practitioner and fights very fiercely, but I don't understand why I can't unscrew the bottle cap."

"Give my father the bottle cap, pretending to be weak and saying he can't unscrew it."

"My father really doesn't care about food and not fights. He is becoming more and more addicted in my mother's gentle country."

Bai Lu said with some dissatisfaction.

Obviously, Bai Lu was very dissatisfied with eating dog food at home.

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(End of this chapter)

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