If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 209 I was walking on the ordinary street, looking at the ordinary scenery, and suddenly I wa

Chapter 209 I was walking on the ordinary street, looking at the ordinary scenery, and suddenly I wanted to see you, so I love you.

It's fine to be scolded, but to be ridiculed for a while.

Bai Lu tilted her head angrily, not wanting to pay attention to Lin Yi.

Look like I'm already angry, apologize to me quickly and I'll forgive you.

Lin Yi glanced at the black lion head.

"Well, don't tell me, this lion head is really not suitable for you."

Bai Lu turned her head and smiled. ,

"That's natural. I'm definitely suitable for it. It's such a beautiful and good-looking little lion. It's so cute!"

Lin Yi shook his head and said: "The lion's head represents many excellent qualities, such as wisdom, courage, benevolence, righteousness, etc., but you have not taken advantage of it."

Hearing this, Bai Lu couldn't bear it anymore.

Scan around, quickly from the side.

Seeing a pair of sledge hammers, he grabbed them and rushed towards Lin Yi, swinging one of them.

"Lin Yi, suffer death."

"This move makes a Buddha appear."

With that said, he waved another one.

"This is called two Buddhas ascending to heaven!"

Seeing that he was about to take action, the camera boy and the rest of the crew immediately stepped back knowingly.

The main thing is to avoid getting hurt.

"Brother Lin, you are so dissatisfied with me every day, am I still the perfect girlfriend who meets all your requirements and standards?"

Bai Lu said angrily, hammering the small hammer in her hand.

"As required, it's not you."

Lin Yi said immediately.

Hearing this, Bai Lu smiled disdainfully.

Everyone watching was full of questions.

When did Bai Lu's mood become so stable?

Bai Lu chuckled and said, "Then why are Brother Lin and me together?"

"I'm already starting to regret it."

Bai Lu shook her head and smiled.

Not a dangerous smile, but a cheerful smile.

"Brother Lin, your moves no longer work on me, I won't be angry at all!"

"You don't like me, but you are still with me, and the one who feels the most uncomfortable is you."

Lin Yi stared at Bai Lu with slightly shocked eyes.

Don't tell me, Bai Lu is progressing really fast.

Now I can draw inferences from one instance.

With your own attacks, you can also inflict a wave of damage in return.

Lin Yi touched his chin and groaned.

"Well, in comparison, I still like your bestie."

At this time, a certain girl in the car.

Reba: "???"

At this time, Bai Lu said: "???"

The double hammers in his hands could no longer hold back.

He smashed it at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi reacted very quickly. He picked up the shield next to him and blocked it.


Fortunately, the shield is strong enough.

Bai Lu didn't use much force.

But the sound caught everyone's attention.

They were all ashamed.

Bai Lu said angrily: "If you were given a chance now, would you still choose to be with me?"

"That's inevitable."

Lin Yi answered without hesitation.

Bai Lu's stern face was suddenly filled with joy and she couldn't hold back her laughter.

He looked down at the two hammers in his hands and whispered.

"Then, is it because during this period of getting along, feelings developed."

"The so-called rules and regulations are for others, not for me?"

Lin Yi: "Because you already have it."

Lin Yi's voice was not loud, just enough to spread throughout the entire courtyard.

For a moment, the entire courtyard fell silent.

Huang Huihong turned his head, his eyes shocked.

On the other side of the live broadcast room, Reba, who was drinking water, sprayed all of it on Kunkun's face before she could hold it back.

The water friends in the live broadcast room all started to praise me.

"No, brother, I went online just to make a joke. How can I really advance to the stage of having a baby so fast? No, I am just a loser. You can't do this to me."

"Ah??? Where's the prophet? Give her the knife quickly."

"That's outrageous. Is it so fast? How long has it been here?"

"Don't talk about it. It can be seen from this incident that Brother Lin is still very responsible. If you have him, you will take care of him... No, you have him???" "So, who is Bai Lu's best friend?"

"It's really fast forward, mom, I've traveled through time!"

"Okay, in the past, we used to fight hand-to-hand, but now we use weapons directly. Please stay tuned, we will see the drum, urn, and golden hammer versus the vibranium shield!"

Bai Lu froze on the spot.

"Brother Lin, how do you know this? I don't even know yet."

"No, what's the matter? Why didn't I know?"


Bai Lu's pretty face suddenly turned red, and she waved her hammers and rushed towards Lin Yi again.

Lin Yi hurriedly said: "No, I have feelings!"

"Well, how should I put it, it was just a normal day, I was walking on the road..."

Watching Lin Yi quibble in a hurry.

Bai Lu held the hammers in her arms with a dangerous smile on her face, as if she was watching a good show.

"Keep going, Brother Lin, let me see what you can say."

Lin Yi coughed lightly.

"On a normal day, I was walking on an ordinary street. There was no special scenery and nothing interesting happened."

"It's as plain as water."

"I suddenly wanted to see you. Well, maybe from that time on, I was sure that I liked you."

A life as ordinary as water.

Because your skirt is lighter.

There were ripples.

Many feelings are not vigorous, but they are inseparable.

Bai Lu was stunned by the sudden confession.

He didn't respond for a long time.

Looking at Lin Yi's serious look.

"OK then."

Bai Lu threw two hammers casually and jumped up and hugged Lin Yi's arm.

"Brother Lin, I like you too!"

Huang Huihong: "..."

Turning around to look at the disciples who were also stunned, he suddenly became furious.

"Look at everything, whatever you're looking at, keep going!"

"Today's training is not effective. No one should sleep at night. Let me dig holes in the North Pole and Antarctica!"

At this time, the youngest disciple raised his hand carefully.

"Master, do you mean to bury them both in the South Pole and the North Pole?"

Huang Huihong: "..."

Everyone at the scene: "..."

The camera guy suddenly had the urge to smash the camera.

No, am I a very mean person?

Why don't you just follow the filming? As for treating me like this?

The water friends in the live broadcast room all shouted to sell bean paste.

Lin Yi pulled Bai Lu and walked towards the room full of lion heads next to her.

"Since you're here, I'll give you a customized little lion head. Anyway, we don't need anything here."

Hear this.

Bai Lu flew up excitedly.

Not feeling dissatisfied just now, he happily hugged Lin Yi's arm.

The main focus is Xiaolu Yiren.

After all, who can say no to an exclusive gift.

"By the way, Brother Lin, what are you going to do tomorrow?"

"Is there any surprise? Do I participate?"

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly and whispered something into Bai Lu's ear.

The radio engineer's microphone was placed in front of both of them, but nothing could be heard clearly.

Bai Lu was confused after hearing this.

I scratched my head, it was over, it seemed that it was flowing through my brain together with the knowledge.

I just know a few place names and some strange vocabulary.

Watching Lin Yi walk into the house and start looking for materials.

Bai Lu shook her head casually, getting rid of irrelevant thoughts from her mind.

It doesn’t matter what he has or doesn’t have.

Just be happy.

Moreover, there will be surprises when you wake up after sleeping.

That's not very happy, so why care.

"Brother Lin, take me with you and I'll help you!"

(End of this chapter)

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