Chapter 224 You have a way to die!

"Don't say it, don't say it. If that's true, I'll know what to watch at this year's Spring Festival Gala."

"War reporters are here. It will be difficult to end this without catching a spy."

"I have to say that the scenery early in the morning is very good. This small square is filled with the breath of life."

"By the way, if Brother Lin is caught, will he be surrounded by little old men and then fight dozens of people alone?"

"No, they will probably ask why the baby hasn't been born yet after so long."

Some time ago, after Lin Yi was surrounded, he said that we were going to take a pregnancy test, which shocked all the adults.

The audience can vividly remember it.

While netizens were talking in the live broadcast room.

Lin Yi led the camera crew and lurked into the grass next to the chess table.

Lin Yi blinked at the sound engineer

The sound engineer nodded immediately and reached out to poke the microphone out of the grass. The long pole seemed to be poking someone to death.

Bai Lu scratched her head.

It's so strange, so weird, I can't understand it.

Why do you want to secretly photograph the grandfathers playing chess?

What on earth was going on in Lin Yi's mind.

As expected, the little old men found nothing unusual.

He was fully focused on the battlefield in front of him, and didn't notice the cameras and recorders in the grass, as well as a lot of old men.

Grandpa Liu is also among them.

At this time, he was fighting with another uncle.

Obviously, the strength of the opponent cannot be underestimated.

Grandpa Liu frowned.

The elders around were talking a lot.

"As expected of a strong man from the neighborhood next door, this vaulting move really left Old Liu Tou helpless."

"That's right, if Old Liu Tou loses, we old men will all be slapped in the face. The situation is not going well now. I really don't know who can dampen his spirit."

"Well, maybe only the legendary young man can test it out and see that this person's strength is unfathomable."

Grandpa Liu lit a cigarette and took a sip of tea.

His tightened brows suddenly relaxed, and he stretched out his hand to pinch the horse.

He slapped it on the chessboard and said with a smile.

"Young man, you are still too anxious."

This time, there is a two-level reversal.

The situation that was one-sided just now was reversed in one step.

The expression of the uncle who was so proud just now changed slightly.

Grandpa Liu's face was filled with pride again.

You know, before meeting Lin Yi, I had always been the little bully in this square. How dare you provoke me?

You have the means of death.

The sound engineer listened to the sound from the headset and fell into silence.

I originally thought that Brother Lin was going to take them to do something big.

For example, super ancient musical instruments, some cultural inheritance, or other things that ordinary people don't pay attention to.

As a result, it was really a candid photo.

Still secretly filming a bunch of old men playing chess there.

Moreover, why are these remarks so similar to the fantasy novels I have read recently.

Even though the sound engineer didn't understand, he still had to work.

Bai Lu muttered dissatisfiedly: "Brother Lin, when can we go out?"

There is a lot of dew inside the bushes.

As they moved, they slid inside along the clothes.

It's a bit cold, of course, but more importantly, the clothes are uncomfortable when they stick to my body.

Bai Lu's forehead had drops of dew dripping down her cheeks.

Lin Yi waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, after this scene is over, there will be a loud bang in the sky, and we will make our debut directly."

Bai Lu smiled cheerfully and said: "Stop it, if there is a loud noise, it would be a bit rude. Besides, he keeps saying that I have some serious illness. I feel that Brother Lin is not doing well either." Lin Yi nodded seriously.

"It's like this. A love that goes both ways can't be as vigorous as a disease that goes both ways."

Bai Lu: "o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o?"

Not to mention, if you taste it carefully, it really has a light taste.

Well, I must have become stupid.

Following Lin Yi, I felt like I was looking for sweets and romance.

The water friends in the live broadcast room are still in a state of confusion.

"Good guy, I asked you to make a love drama. What we want to see is you guys falling in love, but you show us little old men playing chess?"

"It's just outrageous."

"In other words, I feel that things are not that simple. Brother Lin must have his own ideas, but these lines, the little old man said them so passionately..."

"Well, it's like reading a fantasy novel."

"Should I say it or not, the grandfathers are really energetic and excited. I, a twenty-year-old boy, feel like I have lost half my life at eight in the morning. They get up at six o'clock to play chess?"

"Don't tell me, I also like to play chess, of course Teamfight Tactics."

"I also like playing chess, but it's in the canyon."

"You guys know how to change the subject."

"Everyone, look, Brother Lin is moving!"

The sound engineer made an OK gesture to Lin Yi.

After the whole set sounded under the road to success.

Lin Yi stood up directly from the grass, with a sloth-like Bai Lu hanging on his body.

This scene shocked the grandfathers who played chess.

"Instead of setting up a formation, there is an ambush, let the young and old retreat first!"

"Get in formation, ready to take action at any time... By the way, why does this young man look familiar?"

"I remember, wasn't he the young man who was very good at chess last time?"

Grandpa Liu was also shocked when he saw Lin Yi.

Staring at Lin Yi, he suddenly laughed out loud.

"Xiao Lin, you're here. I just got your call and I went to the square. I thought you would come running, but... the way you came out is quite special."

"By the way, don't you want to take some fun videos for Xiaopian and us?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Lin Yi, obviously very curious.

"Hello, grandpas, we just finished shooting."

Grandpas: "???"

Grandpa Liu showed an expression like a subway man.

"What? The filming of this game has already been completed?"

Bai Lu followed Xiao Mingyue's example and shook the dew off her body.

But it had no effect, so he smiled helplessly: "We had already finished filming when we were squatting in the grass just now."

Grandpa Liu scratched his head and said with a look of confusion on his face: "Just now, you guys just finished filming, and I was still thinking about performing."

Lin Yi shook his head and smiled.

"Ah no, the purpose of our program is to focus on real love."

As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly realized.

No wonder they had to take secret photos, it turned out to be true. ,

Although I still don’t know why Lin Yi secretly photographed these little old men.

But if you shoot directly at their faces, the effect will definitely be poor.

But the effect of such candid photography is the best in comparison.

Not formal, very natural.

Originally there was a bit of dialect, and it was from all over the world, full of fun.

If you get caught up and do some weird Mandarin, the effect of that show will definitely be explosive, and it will be extremely embarrassing.

Bai Lu smoothed her hair that stuck to her face.

"Brother Lin, why are we filming the grandpas playing chess?"

(End of this chapter)

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