If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 227 Mr. Zhou: “But I’m doing it all by myself.”

Chapter 227 Mr. Zhou: “But I’m doing this alone.”

Man is such a strange creature.

Look at Lin Yi's complacent look.

Bai Lu flattened her mouth in dissatisfaction and said: "Brother Lin, you are really a straight man, a stinky pig. In a real battle bath, of course you have to fight, one-on-one."

Lin Yi shook his head and said: "It must not smell bad. I also sprayed perfume. You girls feel that you don't have enough time."

"It takes a long time to eat, and it takes a long time to remove makeup and put on makeup. Well, in the remaining time, I can eat a lot of pig's trotters."

"Or have an exciting and exciting masturbation session."

As soon as these words came out, Bai Lu finally understood.

Co-authored by Combat Bathing is for fighting.

Seeing it, Lin Yi had already opened the alliance.

Go in and select Yasuo in three seconds.

He touched his chin and said seriously: "There are all kinds of weapons in the world, but the past can hurt people the most."

At this time, Bai Lu was so angry that she turned into a little ball.

Looking at Lin Yi's back, he glanced around.

He didn't find any handy weapons, so he reached inside his clothes and hit Lin Yi.

Lin Yi didn't look back and subconsciously caught it.

Lin Yi turned his head subconsciously because of the warmth.

A very fresh bra.

"Go and go with Yasuo."

"I originally wanted to teach you what a real battle bath is."

With that said, he turned around and walked into the bathroom.

At this time, Lin Yi had two options in his mind.

A: Continue to be a happy man, galloping in the canyon, but you may be disgusted by your teammates or the opponent.

B: Go find Bai Lu and fight again. Well, let’s experience what girls say about taking a bath during a fight.

After thinking briefly, Lin Yi started typing on the keyboard.

"You're a poem fairy, I'll be the first to win."

Amid the tributes from his teammates, Lin Yi turned off his computer.

Lin Yi looked at the bathroom and nodded seriously.

Between these two options, is there any room for hesitation?

Of course, choose B, choose B.


in the afternoon.

With the lunch break over.

The young couple also finished their bath slowly.

The AE86 started up and went out buzzing.

Bai Lu leaned against the passenger seat, obviously tired.

"Brother Lin, where are we going now?"

"Well, let's go to the recording studio first, and then change the company's name."

Bai Lu nodded, turned on her phone and watched the video.

There are many comments on the Internet about "Teenage Fantasy".

The song was sung by everyone at the Lion Dance Square the day before. With Lin Yi singing as the lead singer and the cultural promotion, the song quickly became a hot search topic.

Of course, more importantly.

This song sings out the passion of being a middle school student.

Compared with before, music critics on the Internet have mixed praise and criticism for this song. Of course, the majority of them are positive.

"The adrenaline of a teenager, get on the green horse and find the true spirit of youth." 》

"Some middle school students are not suitable for teenagers, but middle-aged people are just right. About a song, the grassland GDP grows in a straight line." 》

"From now on, run all the way forward and embrace the highest scenery!" 》

Comments like this have been trending on various hot searches.

With the edited images, it directly took the short video platform by storm.

However, the interesting thing is that although "Teenage Fantasy" swept the Internet, it did not reach the top three.

The top three are still "Shu Embroidery" and "Blue and White Porcelain".

Internet popularity has a shelf life, and the Internet has no memory, which is also a very objective comment. It usually disappears in three to five days, or at most half a month.

But Lin Yi's national style dominated the rankings.

Some marketing accounts even rated Lin Yi as the last defender of Chinese style.


Bai Lu put the phone aside casually.

Looking at the scenery receding outside the car window.

He opened the window and opened his mouth.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Feel the wind on your face.

Bai Lu's fragrance rushed into Lin Yi's nose.

Lin Yi gently rubbed Bai Lu's head.

Bai Lu tilted her head, resting her head on Lin Yi's hand, and said with a wrinkled face.

"Brother Lin, I suddenly feel very distressed."

"You indicate that you have some serious illness."

Bai Lu flattened her mouth and said, "My eyes seem to be inseparable from you every day. When I checked my phone and saw you, I turned around and it was still you on the TV."

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly.

"It's not my fault for being too popular, it's your search content. Big data will push content you are interested in."

Bai Lu tilted her head and said, "So, it's me who gets pushed on your phone every day?" '

Lin Yi shook his head and said: "That's impossible. I have kept my number for a long time."

Keep an account?

Does Cyber ​​keep pets?

Before Bai Lu could understand the meaning.

Cheche has arrived at the recording studio.

Different from the previous recording, Lin Yi started editing this time, having a heated discussion with the editor, and stayed in the recording studio for several hours.

Bai Lu, on the other hand, was bored playing games.

Starting from the moba game, I was criticized and didn’t want to play anymore.

I turned around to watch TV dramas, got to play Landlords, and turned around to play Landlords.

When the time was almost up, Bai Lu was hit in the face by the last bomb and fell into silence.

I saw Lin Yi walking out of the recording studio.

Bai Lu was so aggrieved that she almost cried.

"No, I just left for a few hours, and you're going to cry thinking about what I'm thinking?"

Bai Lu shook her head vigorously.

"No, Brother Lin, I will lose all your Happy Beans soon."

Lin Yi: "Ah???"

Women's thinking is much more complicated than functions and formulas.

The thoughts in my mind are even more outrageous than pi.

Of course, the best outcome is to ignore it.

If you were to follow the story, you would probably talk about the fact that it was the man's fault that Mario EQ did not play Guo Yuhang in the second company, which caused Nuo Shou to fail to catch the Breath of the Wind.

This can't be answered.

Lin Yi conveniently transferred the edited music to Bai Lu's mobile phone.

"Publish it while it's hot."

Bai Lu immediately turned on her phone and plugged in her headphones.

Enjoy it by yourself first and open it up with the music.

The previous unhappy mood of losing Happy Bean was swept away.

She had no idea that the audio collected in the school square would be so eye-catching after editing.

There is no sense of dissonance in the song.

Although the theme is chess culture, through CG pictures, it feels like strategizing and winning thousands of miles away.

However, Lin Yi's way of singing is a bit outrageous.

While it's hot, according to the brokerage company's routine, it should be to manage the popularity and then release the song.

But Lin Yi doesn't need it, he brings his own heat.

Bai Lu followed Lin Yi, swaying to the rhythm.

By the way, the video was uploaded, and Bai Lu couldn't help pouting as she looked at the circle of wb.

"I just said, I lost the game just now. It's definitely not my fault. It was just a network problem. It was too stuck."

Lin Yi fell into silence.

"From inside, I heard the voice of Dou DiZhu. Is it possible that Dou DiZhu doesn't need an Internet connection? With 3G network, you can kill at will."

Bai Lu tilted her head, somewhat confused.

"Brother Lin, what do you mean?"

"What I mean is, if you are good at it, practice more. If you can't afford to lose, don't play. The Internet is the Internet, and technology is technology. You have to always use technology as the network. Why don't you play Snake?"

 Your reading is the greatest support for the author.

  Thanks to Yunwu Gaosheng, CFM·Han, and book friend 20231020300-bA for their recommendation votes.

  Thank you very much for your support along the way.


(End of this chapter)

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