If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 242: Establish a heart for the people, establish a destiny for the heaven and earth, carry o

Chapter 242: Establish a heart for the people, establish a destiny for the heaven and earth, carry on the unique knowledge for the saints, and create peace for all generations.

At this time, Director Yang Shurong also introduced.

"These are the masters of Northeastern shadow puppetry."

"These young people are newly recruited high-achieving students from the Dunhuang Culture and Tourism Bureau. They are mainly responsible for cultural promotion."

"These beautiful boys and girls are folk dance students from the dance academy and were invited here."

"These are young people invited from above to be responsible for special effects. I think they should be needed."

Yang Shurong introduced them one by one.

Bai Lu tilted her head, her head filled with question marks.

Veteran shadow puppet artists, special effects team, folk dance students, music students, and painters, can these things be combined together?

What on earth is Brother Lin going to do?

Bai Lu brainstormed.

Could it be that... Brother Lin plans to use these big guys to make the Dunhuang murals come alive?

This guess made Bai Lu tilt her head.

Well, wonderful!

Lin Yi took Bai Lu and greeted everyone present.

Director Yang Shurong smiled and said: "I have shown the plan to everyone, and they are all satisfied. Well, those young people are all carrying the train."

As he spoke, he looked at the young people gathered together.


"Well, is it possible that we were joking."

"That's definitely what happened. I came here on the high-speed train with an internal combustion engine on my shoulders."

"Okay, okay, your main focus is cybernetic cultivation, right?"

"I've seen the plan, Brother Lin is a great one!"

Director Yang Shurong laughed and scratched his head.

"Don't tell me, the young people's opinions are pretty good. Well, the old people still can't keep up with the ideas."

As a half-joke, Uncle Yang continued.

"Xiao Lin, in order to support your plan, our Bureau of Culture and Tourism specially applied for a batch of mineral pigments, and there is a lot of support."

Lin Yi nodded and said with a smile: "I'll let you worry about it. Okay, let's get to the point..."

I was about to continue speaking.

Bai Lu reached out and gently pulled Lin Yi's sleeve.

"Brother Lin, we are all in Dunhuang. Why don't we take pictures of some murals and send them to the web?"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Yi shook his head helplessly.

"At first glance, I didn't pay attention to the Internet. In our country's cultural digital center, there are well-preserved digital materials. Everything you want is available in it."

"Moreover, taking pictures without permission or excessively will damage these murals."

For normal tourists, not only the murals of the Mogao Grottoes, but also many other things, such as paintings, calligraphy, etc., are not allowed to be photographed.

There are many reasons for this.

Lin Yi found a place casually and took Bai Lu to sit down.

"There are many reasons for this."

Bai Lu's eyes lit up and she said, "Please give me a solution!"

Lin Yi waved his hand, greeted Uncle Yang Shurong, and distributed the prepared documents to everyone, preparing to sort out the contents again.

Take advantage of this time.

Lin Yi opened his mouth to explain.

"The first thing is that the chemical reaction caused by the flash will accelerate oxidation and dispersion, causing the murals to be damaged and discolored. The color of some ancient paintings is completely different from the beginning, and this is partly responsible for it."

"On the other hand, taking the Mogao Grottoes alone, tourists taking pictures will cause congestion, change the temperature and humidity inside the entire cave, and thereby destroy the murals."

"As the saying goes, it's dry for a thousand years and wet for a hundred years, half a year if it's not dry or wet, hot for a thousand years and cold for a hundred years, and hot and cold for a few days, like the Cangzhou Iron Lion."

"Well, there is another saying that you cannot take pictures of the statues of gods. It is disrespectful. Of course, you should believe in science and not be superstitious."

Lin Yi explained eloquently.

The overwhelming output of knowledge points made Bai Lu couldn't help but nod, and nodded seriously.

"Well, what a detailed explanation."

Lin Yi reached out and pinched Bai Lu's cheek.

"You are also very fat."

"You're the fat one!"

Bai Lu reached out and pinched Lin Yi's face.

The main thing is to hurt each other.

In the conference room, everyone looked sideways. The young couple started fighting again.

Everyone: "(*▽*)?"

Feeling the gaze, Lin Yi kneaded again.

Then he coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment, turned his head and said to everyone.

"Well, let me just say a few words. Which words should I say? These are the only words I want to say."

After Lin Yi finished speaking, he reached out and took a sip of water.

The way he spoke was more like a leader than a leader.

Bai Lu pursed her lips. She had to say that this way of speaking was so annoying.

Lin Yi must be suffering from some serious illness when he talks like this.

Of course, before starting to explain the plan.

Lin Yi thanked the brothers who came to help.

Old artists, young people, a unique combination.

After saying that, Lin Yi stood up, cupped his fists and bowed to everyone.

It has the atmosphere of Huang Huihong from Foshan.

The old uncle at the head waved his hands casually.

"Xiao Lin, your plan is good and promotes culture, so we are willing to help and support each other."

As soon as these words came out.

The audience was very curious as to what Lin Yi's plan was.

Then, Lin Yi continued to speak.

This time, he was not so peaceful, and it was unbelievable.

The mere words of a marketing master can easily trick people into going to Datong, Shanxi Province to mine coal.

Bai Lu was stunned.

"I believe everyone has heard of it, reading for the rise of China."

"And there is also a saying, which is to establish a heart for the heaven and earth, establish a destiny for the living and the people, carry forward the unique knowledge for the saints, and create peace for all generations."

"What we have to do is to leave their things behind for the sake of pilgrimage, for cultural inheritance, and to promote our culture and pride."

"We use our sweat to engrave the culture, and use the knowledge you have learned to inherit the pride of pilgrimage and pass on the millennium civilization."



“In the near future, your names will be everywhere, but not just that.”

Bai Lu didn't remember anything Lin Yi said.

At the end, Lin Yi coughed lightly.

"After I finish speaking, who agrees and who opposes?"

"Ah no, after I finish speaking, I understand the applause."

Snap, snap, snap.

Continuous slaps sounded.

Although everyone didn't understand much, the young people became excited and excited following Lin Yi's speech.

Bai Lu: "(# ̄~ ̄#)!"

Isn't this purely deceiving people and trying to make a big deal out of it?

These newly graduated college students have not eaten the company's pie, but they have Lin Yi's pie with sand.

Bai Lu reached out and tugged on Lin Yi's sleeve.

He couldn't help but said: "I have to say, Brother Lin, you are also a great painter. Zheng Banqiao is good at bamboo, Xu Beihong is good at horses, so you are good at painting pancakes!"

The problem is, they really eat the pie painted by Lin Yi.

This is the most outrageous thing.

At this time, Lin Yi turned to look at Yang Shurong at the door.

"Uncle Yang, are you finished filming?"

Yang Shurong made an OK gesture.

"The filming has been completed. I have to say, Xiaolin, your speech was really good."

Lin Yi turned his head and spoke to the group of young people.

"Just now, the official wanted to record a promotional video and send it out for storage. Thank you very much for your support along the way."

(End of this chapter)

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