If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 244 Bai Lu: "I want to become an immortal"

Chapter 244 Bai Lu: "I'm going to become an immortal!"

When the camera guy heard what Lin Yi said, his eyes almost popped out.

No, Brother Lin, do you want to listen to what you are saying?

I'm just one person, filming the progress of a team of 60 or 70 people?

I'm not Sun Wukong, and I can't clone myself.

Moreover, it may not be possible to photograph even if all the hair is stripped off.

Isn’t this just bullying an honest person?

The camera guy almost cried when he saw it.

Lin Yi chuckled and said: "Don't worry, when the time comes, I will give my little brother a red envelope alone."

Bai Lu couldn't help but snicker.

I thought it would affect the world between the two of them, but now it seems that I don’t have the energy to do so.

The expression of the camera guy was full of helplessness.

I don’t want red envelopes or other photos, I just want to be with Brother Lin.

The camera guy was unhappy.

Of course, wait until you start filming the work of the working group.

The camera guy understood immediately.

The door to the new world is open!

The cultural database provides basic materials for various flying apsara statues for this project.

Some art graduates used various minerals provided above to grind them into powder and began to simulate colors in pursuit of the best.

An old shadow puppet artist from the Northeast, wearing reading glasses, is carefully copying the images of Dunhuang murals and looking at them carefully.

among them.

The stunning colors of the nine-color deer are paired with the "Deer King Jataka".

The idea of ​​using it as a script is terrifying.

The idea can be said to be so wild and unconstrained that it shocked the photography guy for 10,000 years.

When shooting, I was afraid of missing details and concentrated on them.

Even if I don’t have time, no matter what I say, I still have to worship Lin Yi Shaohuangzhi. My admiration for Lin Yi is like a torrential river, endless!

And graduates from the Conservatoire.

He got together with the big guys from the Ancient Musical Instruments Research Institute, and based on the information left by his predecessors on the murals.

Restore ancient musical instruments from Dunhuang.

Of course, this is just a rough recovery, and the final tuning and audition will ultimately be determined by Lin Yi.

Take advantage of the rest time of the Dunhuang Project Team.

The camera guy drank water and sent a message to Lin Yi.


the other side.

Lin Yi took Bai Lu to some photo studios.

The phone rang.

Lin Yi clicked on his phone and saw a voice note from the camera guy.

Just click it.

"My admiration for Brother Lin is like the endless stream of a river. To describe it in four words, it's terrifying..."

The camera boy's voice was hoarse and hysterical.

The sound made Bai Lu next to her shrink her neck.

He looked at Lin Yi in surprise and said, "Good guy, is the camera guy's work pressure too great?"

Lin Yi nodded, deeply convinced.

"It seems that he was stimulated by something. The director should pay for it and take him to wash his feet and relax."

Friends in the live broadcast room couldn't help but be shocked.

"I'm curious as to what strange mental state the camera guy was in to make this voice."

"Is there a possibility that the plan to steal Dunhuang is too frightening, so the camera guy acted like this."

"If the camera guy can be so excited, it seems like the plan must be very dazzling."

"Good guy, so why didn't the camera guy tell us anything about the plan to steal Dunhuang?"

"Don't tell me, I seem to have heard this rhetoric from the camera guy somewhere. It's pretty good."

"Well, it should be at Master Xing's place. Brothers who can't wait can long press the screen to speed up and see the plan to steal Dunhuang in advance."

"Brothers, stop fishing. There are brothers who have turned their mouths. This is a live broadcast!"

In the live broadcast room.

The sand sculpture friends were discussing intensely.

Lin Yi casually put the camera in his pocket.

Total darkness.

Friends in the live broadcast room: "..."

Millions of viewers saw this and expressed their opinions.

What kind of mean people are we?

Did you forget about us during the live broadcast? Lin Lu, on the other hand, entered the studio without noticing.

Bai Lu looked around curiously.

"Brother Lin, what are we doing here?"

Lin Yi: "Well, Lulu, do you want to dance?"

Bai Lu shook her head and said, "I don't. Do you want me to die alone?"

Previously at the bonfire party.

When I danced the bamboo pole dance, I seemed to be doing it for fun.

Although the legs were not pinched, it didn't look very good.

Each hand and foot has its own ideas, and the main focus is abstraction.

Lin Yi shrugged and said, "Forget it then. I remember that there are dance students coming this time. Let them come."

Bai Lu came forward curiously.

"If it were a serious dance, I would still know a lot."

Lin Yi's eyes lit up and he said: "Good guy, you can also dance improperly, can you show me?"

call out!

Punch him without hesitation.

Bai Lu was furious. She originally thought that because Lin Yi trusted her so much, it would be a good-looking dance.

He coughed lightly and said, "Well, let me do it. I think I'm still pretty good. Even if I'm ugly, you're the one who's being tortured."

Lin Yi glanced at Bai Lu.

"Oh, woman."

The studio staff are busy.

Copies are sent with some cultural materials.

The makeup artist received Lin Lu and the others.

Bai Lu found that everyone here was very excited, as if they were planning something big.

Under the leadership of the makeup artist.

The two of them came to the clothing tent of the studio to choose clothing.

All kinds of beautiful clothes made Bai Lu's eyes pop with stars.

So many beautiful clothes.

Bai Lu could no longer control herself.

"Brother Lin, with so many clothes, do you want to dance the Dunhuang Feitian Dance?"

Lin Yi nodded and said: "Well, there is a period where I have to exert pressure. I have been to such a high place. You should be able to do it."

I've been paragliding.

Therefore, there is no problem in exerting pressure.

Then, Lin Yi touched his chin.

"I'm afraid you'll fall."

"You still care about me."

Bai Lu tilted her head and smiled sweetly. ,

Looking at Lin Yi's smile, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

"No, I'm not fat!"

After the restoration of Dunhuang murals, you can see the Dunhuang costumes, which are mainly bright.

Most of them are bright and eye-catching colors such as red, green, yellow and blue.

The ethereal design makes Bai Lu feel like she can become a fairy when she wears it.

Of course, it was Lin Yi who made the final decision.

Seeing Lin Yi removing all the clothes that he wanted to wear.

"This won't work, the color is too dark."

"There are some issues with this design, which seems to affect the look and feel."

"Well, this doesn't work either. There seems to be something wrong."

Lin Yi said while ruling out.

Bai Lu was almost anxious to death.

Behind him, he pulled Lin Yi's sleeve and said, "Brother Lin, these are very good-looking, and I haven't tried them yet. Can you keep them?"

Bai Lu was so anxious that she almost cried.

His face was full of grievances.

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly and said: "If it doesn't work, it won't work."

"OK then."

Bai Lu flattened her mouth and was about to become unhappy.

Lin Yi then spoke.

"Of course, if you really like it, write down which ones you like. Then I will ask Director Yang to help arrange a set for us."

(End of this chapter)

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