If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 250 Gentleness comes from Chinese culture

Chapter 250 Gentleness comes from Chinese culture

"Maybe there are too many special effects and it doesn't look like you, so you think it looks good."

Bai Lu: "[○`Д○]Don't wait for me to beat you to death."

In the live broadcast room.

"My family is laughing so hard, this is a normal couple. Couples from other families should exchange sweet love words, such as you are beautiful to begin with, etc."

"Brother Lin is not a normal person. In other words, the genius is on the left and the madman is on the right. Normal people would never come up with such a wonderful visual combination."

"It's special effects. I added special effects. Hahahaha. It reminds me of this sentence."

"The combination of technology and traditional culture, two seemingly extreme things, can be combined so beautifully."

"Not to mention, Brother Lin perfectly explained to us the mixed culture of shadow puppetry and Dunhuang murals. What does it mean to be a genius!!!"

"I always feel that there is something wrong with it. Well, it's just a shortcoming or something."

"I feel inexplicably that although this scene is shocking, but with the word "Brother Lin", it seems dull. There must be big scenes later."

"I think so too."


next moment.

The holographic projection of Xiayi Bailu turned back slightly.

That glance seemed to span a thousand years of time and space.

A tear also slipped gently.

It echoes the previous story script of "Nine-Colored Deer".

The music of the instruments also transforms.

The next moment, soft and tactful.

It was like the evening breeze of late autumn, blowing in everyone's hearts.

But it also has local characteristics, perfectly showing the characteristics of ancient musical instruments.

Just when everyone is confused.

Lin Yi's voice rang out.

"It's already late autumn when we say goodbye, and the flowers will fall with just one glance."

"The figure sits alone on the window sill, making the night even more lonely."

"A journey has two ends. If you love someone, you have to let go."

"The east wind passed by without incident, bringing back memories like yesterday."

Lin Yi's voice was melodious, young and full of vicissitudes of life, like a thousand-year-old general looking forward to the future a thousand years from now.

The vicissitudes of life are just a glance away.

The live broadcast room started to boil with Lin Yi's voice.

The barrage was full, and countless fans rushed into the live broadcast room.

Lin Yi's voice sounded next.

"It's not just your tears that are shaking."

"There is only one world left."

"The wind of ridicule sings farewell."

"But I can't hear-"

"The tears that have traveled through thousands of years can only be seen in dreams."

"How much I want to see you again, even just once -"

This section of lyrics made Bai Lu freeze on the spot.

She never expected that when she was hanging on the wire and very nervous, Lin Yi yelled and asked her to turn around.

It turned out that it was designed by Lin Yi.

Lin Yi couldn't help but said: "I have to say, your state of looking back is really good. The climax of the whole dance is right here."

Bai Lu flattened her mouth and said, "You still have the nerve to say that, when you said that, I thought the wire was broken. It scared me and turned my head subconsciously."

Lin Yi touched his chin and said seriously.

"Then if you want to say that, Wia is better than you."

Bai Lu: "( ̄ε(# ̄)☆╰╮( ̄▽ ̄///)"

It shouldn’t be superfluous, so that you can get big red flowers.

Well, there are also praises and compliments from your boyfriend.

The interaction between light and shadow and reality is like the change of time and space.

Time and space flow together, truly spanning thousands of years.

Lin Yi's voice also sounded again, his voice gentle.

"Dreams are among thousands of hairs, and I am stranded in my dreams."

"The moonlight is like the past, a pale reminder of the past."

"You look at the horizon, and I look at your face."

"Keep your face in mind and look for you in the next life."

"Shaking apart, it's not just your tears -"


With the last sentence.

Lingering in deep sleep, waking up and falling into disillusionment.

In the holographic projection, Bai Lu, dressed in nine-color rosy clothing, turned into dots of starlight and cracked on the spot.

That's right, it just cracked.

Wherever the stars shine.

Turned into flowers, trees, rivers, seas, mountains and rivers.

Very beautiful, very beautiful.

But it did crack. Bai Lu: "o(╥﹏╥)oIt's over, I'm broken. Brother Lin, please pinch me up."

Lin Yi: "I'm not Nuwa, why should I pinch you?"

Seeing Bai Lu hesitate to speak, Lin Yi fell silent.

"Don't make any outrageous remarks."

Bai Lu: 'Well, there is a feeling that when we are together we are like a ball of fire, when we are scattered we are like stars. In Brother Lin's eyes, I must be hot! hot girl! '

Barrage also broke out in the live broadcast room.

"To end with a new song, I have to say that Brother Lin understands us!"

"It's complete, comfortable, and over."

"They sell toilet paper. If you don't have toilet paper upstairs, don't drop it on my head."

"This is the end, I haven't seen enough yet!"

"It feels like it was adapted from a shadow puppet show. It looks like a big movie from ancient times. It's so cool!"

"I have to say that Lin Yi is really creative. He has a head on his shoulders. He can come up with such creative ideas. It feels like he is not just a head."

"How can I live with three heads on my shoulders?"

"That's three heads, that's three tumors."

"Should I say it or not, Brother Lin knows special effects. Although Bai Lu cracked...but, I always feel that Bai Lu hesitated just now because she wanted to say that when we gather together, we are like a lump of cake, but when we disperse, we are scattered all over the sky."

"Stop talking, I already have a sense of the picture, it's originally very beautiful!"

"My girlfriend will leak air, Brother Lin's girlfriend will explode!"

"My evaluation is that we can expect another wave of return visits."


It is different from the explosive live broadcast room barrages.

The scene was visually shocked, and the audience was silent for a long time, unable to regain consciousness for a long time.

There was silence.

Everyone's eyes were shocked, with unfinished expressions on their faces.

As if waiting quietly to see if there will be a second round.

However, it seems that the curtain call has come.

People are constantly flowing between technology and culture, reality and fantasy.

It wasn't until all the lights came on that everyone reacted.

Lin Yi walked onto the stage at the right time and made a gesture of virtual pressure to signal everyone to be quiet.

The next moment, there was a blanket on the curtain.

Steal the full list of members of the Dunhuang Project Team.

Separate groups, such as painting group, music group, dance group, etc.

Then, the history of the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes murals began to show culture through pictures and text.

The scene fell into silence, quietly feeling the historical changes around us.

The last sentence.

"Beginning in 1925, scholars such as Liu Bannong and Chen Yinke went overseas to bring Chinese culture back to their homeland, and began the collection, retrieval, and copying of Dunhuang murals."

"I would like to take this opportunity to first dedicate it to those comrades who have contributed to the inheritance of Chinese culture. We still need to work hard in the future and hope that our colleagues will inherit and develop Chinese culture."

At this point, Lin Yi lowered his squeezing hands and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The ending of a movie, in other words, is the climax.

And the ending of this scene is the same.

Lin Yi smiled, looked at the orchestra beside him, and applauded.

 The new books are tentatively scheduled to be two, and it is not yet certain which one will be released.

  The introduction to the second new book is here.

  Statistics will be conducted in book club groups and comments, and books will be distributed selectively.

  I hope all book friends will speak out enthusiastically.

  Introduction: Travel to the 18th-tier star Li Xianyu, awaken the healing system, and obtain rewards through emotional points.

  Just after I was reborn, I received a message from my online dating partner.

  As a new era man.

  Let’s start with the depressed online dating partners.

  Let's break up.

  The boss of the movie queen who was doing the live broadcast suddenly said with red eyes in grievance.

  "Online dating is not love. How can we just break up?"

  Bad news, I fell in love with the movie queen boss online and broke up!

  Good news, being dragged into a romance show to support the scene obviously has a big hole.

  Host: "Have you ever been in love?"

  Li Xianyu: "I dated online, and my ex-girlfriend was having sex outside, so we broke up."

  The actress said: "I have been dating online, and someone said he was dying of cancer. He didn't want to delay me, but I caught him on the dating show."

  Host: "What's the reason for joining the love show?"

  Queen: "Chasing my ex-husband who was just over seven years old."

  He turned his head and looked at a certain salted fish with resentment.

  "We are in a sweet love story, can't you respond?"

  Li Xianyu: "Well, stay away from me, because you are too sweet, or I will have to take a few injections of insulin."

  The whole network was shocked and netizens exploded.

  Looking at actress Xu Xueting, who was looking at Li Xianyu with a resentful look on her face, she seemed to understand something.



(End of this chapter)

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