If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 253 I want to fast forward to our wedding

Chapter 253 I want to fast forward to our wedding

"Ninety-nine percent of the work before was done by them, and they will be needed in the future. We have done everything we should do."

Bai Lu frowned, feeling that what Lin Yi said made sense.

But Lin Yi was still a little humble.

Although Brother Lin didn't do much in terms of workload, what he did was all technical work.

For example, the tuning of chi and harp, music scores and coordination of musical instruments are not a big workload.

But Lin Yi's role in it is indispensable.

Bai Lu tilted her head and looked at Lin Yi.

Well, Brother Lin still knows very well. When you reach a high place, you must learn to downplay your own achievements, so that more people will like you.

Just like the Chinese lion dance before.

Lin Yi left more shots to the young lion dancers and the old masters. It is the upper and lower circles of inheritance that need more attention.

Last time Lin Yi sang, at least he showed his face.

This time I sang, the recording was played directly, and I didn’t even show up.

Soon, the driver came on a small car.

Seeing the two people squatting on the ground chatting with each other, they were immediately stunned.

Just now while waiting for the bus, I was watching the live broadcast.

The melon-eating deer suddenly disappeared and the whole process of running away.

Unexpectedly, eating melon would affect me?
The driver's brother pointed at Lin Yi and immediately waved.

"I guess, Brother Lin is still alive!"

Lin Yi: "Well, if nothing else happens, you can still see me alive for a long time. When I die, I will tell you in my dream."


Bai Lu couldn't help but smile.

Brother Lin's work is really good.

The driver’s mobile phone also has a live broadcast room on it.

In the screen of the mobile phone, there are infinite matryoshka dolls.

The driver said, "So, do you want me to drive the car back?"

Lin Lu and the other two nodded.

The chauffeur said with a serious face: "Don't worry, it's no problem leaving this matter to me!!!"

Dunhuang's friends are their friends.

The three of them unloaded the luggage from the car one after another.

This time I came to Dunhuang and got a lot of good things.

By the way, I handed it over to the nearest courier station and prepared to mail it back.

Bai Lu held the candy in her arms, tore it open without hesitation, and poured it into her little pocket.

There are many treasures in a woman's little pocket.

For example, Bai Lu is like a grocery store, so it needs to pack things.

Looking at the driver, Bai Lu hesitated, took out a few candies from her arms, and handed them to the driver with some reluctance.

"It's just a few candies. I'll buy them for you when the time comes."

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly and gave the candy to the driver.

"Brother, this has been hard work. We have to take the first step."

The driving guy waved his hand and said, "Brother Lin, I have a request."

Lin Yi chuckled and said, "Don't ask me to tell you a dream after you deliver it to the car. I really don't dare to dream."

Bai Lu nodded repeatedly and said, "Ah, yes, yes, I don't dare either."

"No, I want a live broadcast room shot."

Seeing Lin Yi nodding, the driving guy faced the camera.

Tear open the candy in slow motion and put it in your mouth.

"Brothers, you may not believe it when I tell you. There are so many people who want to share the money, and so many people who want to see the wedding. As a result, I was the first to get the wedding candy. It's so sweet!"

"Are you envious? Are you jealous?"

"Do you have the urge to rush out of the screen and hit me?"

Lin Yi: "..."

Bai Lu: "(ΩДΩ)???"

The driving guy: "(*^▽^*)" After chatting for a while, I found out that driving for this guy was just a hobby, and his main job was as a stand-up comedian in a bar.

This time, Chun Chun felt itchy.

I just want to say something and have a good time.

Lin Yi and Bai Lu chose to retreat.

The chauffeur drove away in a buzzing pickup truck.

The live broadcast room burst into laughter.

"I have to say, this guy knows the effects of the show. He's so mean. It makes me want to beat him to death."

"Well, then the little brother will tell you about his other part-time job."

"Four men, one pack of cigarettes, can enjoy talking about women for a long time; four women, one box of wine, can spend all night scolding men. I remember this is his famous saying."

"Eat melons online and give out sweets offline. I have to say that Brother Lin's fans are also talented people. It makes me laugh to death."

"Then the question is, who can guess where Lin Lu is going? The prize-free fun begins. Don't miss it if you pass by."

"Well, I also want to eat wedding candy. Woohoo."

"Well, I suggest that when Brother Lin releases an album or has a concert, prepare a box of wedding candies and give them as a gift when you buy a ticket. They will definitely be full."

"Is it possible to make a fortune just by selling wedding candies?"

"I have to say that Brother Lin's fans are all talented people, and here comes another marketing genius."

The two took the train and soon arrived at the airport.

Lin Yi bought two tickets.

Bai Lu looked at the plane ticket with an expression: "(p≧w≦q)!!!"

As soon as he said he wanted to eat roasted whole lamb, he turned around and flew to eat roasted whole lamb.

It's all like that movie, where the sister-in-law acts like a spoiled child and wants to eat shaomai, and she is as happy as driving hundreds of kilometers.

He immediately stepped forward, threw himself into Lin Yi's arms, and kissed Lin Yi's neck hard.

"Are we going to the ranch?"

Bai Lu rubbed hard.

Is this love from straight men?
Lin Yi shook his head helplessly and said: "The powder on your face has rubbed on me, please be careful."

"The roasted whole lamb you want to eat. I have tried the roasted whole lamb from Inner Mongolia. How about trying the roasted whole lamb from XJ? It is said to be very expensive."

Bai Lu didn't speak and continued to rub hard.

"Hmm, Brother Lin, I've been thinking about a question."

"What's the problem? Don't go against the grain."

Bai Lu raised her head and smiled.

"Every day I'm with you, I wish I had a remote control to fast forward."

Lin Yi tilted his head and said, "Is it because we are bored together?"

Bai Lu shook her head vigorously, her eyes full of yearning.

"Well, I want to fast forward to our wedding to see what it's like. I should like it very much. Fast forward to when we have a baby and see if the baby behaves well. I also want to fast forward to..."

"Well, it's best to have a pause so that when Brother Lin proposes, I can see more of Brother Lin from that perspective."

Lin Yi: "..."

"Have I violated the rules of heaven? How long do you want me to kneel for Qin Hui?"

The audience went numb after hearing Bai Lu's speech.

"No, after this official announcement, you really won't go behind anyone's back, right?"

"I feel like we need to be more reserved about this kind of thing. Well, at least we can't stand it anymore, let's not talk about Brother Lin."

"When it comes to reorganizing things, you have to be the person involved. Every day you shout in the live broadcast room that you want to fast forward. Unexpectedly, the person involved is more anxious than you are, hahahahaha."

"Brother Lin must have done something strange, otherwise Bai Lu wouldn't talk about these strange topics."

"Well, so where are they going to eat roasted whole lamb? It must be more than just roasted whole lamb."

"I have to say that the water friends in the live broadcast room are all good at taking care of themselves."

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(End of this chapter)

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