If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 255 The autumn wind rises and wrinkles a pool of autumn water

Chapter 255 The autumn wind rises and wrinkles a pool of autumn water

Looking at Bai Lu's movements, Lin Yi couldn't help but frown.

"Lulu, I didn't expect you to have such a hobby."

Bai Lu couldn't help rolling her eyes at Lin Yida.

"It's not time for you to bite her. Brother Lin, have you noticed that there is the smell of my shampoo in the air?"

Lin Yi nodded and said: "It should be that the fragrance of your shampoo is the same as the floral fragrance in the air..."

Bai Lu immediately raised her hands and said.

"Okay, Brother Lin, you don't need to say anything."

With that said, Bai Lu immediately lowered her head and started searching.

Without speaking, with a serious face, Kaka just searched for a while.

As a mature girlfriend, you must learn to find knowledge on your own, so that you can be happier.

Otherwise, I won't hear anything good from Lin Yi's mouth, which would be bad.

A few minutes later.

Bai Lu suddenly raised her head and said happily.

"I found it. Did you see it? I am also very powerful. The place we are going to is called the last tear of the Atlantic Ocean, and it is also the land of lavender. No wonder it smells the same as my shampoo."

Lin Yi nodded.

"Yes, from the latitude of the earth, the Tianshan Mountains where we are now and Provence in France and Spain are in the same dimension, which is a very suitable environment for the growth of lavender."

Then, as expected, there was another slap in the face.

Bai Lu shook her head vigorously and said with hope.

"So, can we see the vast lavender fields? I want to take a dip in the lavender sea."

Lin Yi shook his head and said: "If you are lucky, you can see the flowering period relatively early, but it is impossible to talk about the sea of ​​flowers. After all, the blooming season is after June."

Bai Lu tilted her head, raised her face and said, "I don't believe it. Anyway, I don't believe it. Have you ever heard the saying that man can conquer nature?"

Lin Yi: "...I have not only heard that man is determined to defeat heaven, but also that heaven is determined to defeat man. You are trying to defy heaven."

"You are not only going against the laws of growth of all things, but you are also going against biology."

Bai Lu: "..."

It's over, I don't know what to say to refute.

(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻Ahhh, I was bullied again.

Bai Lu hummed softly, lowered her head and started playing with her phone, typing away. Those who didn't know thought she was accusing Lin Yi.

After a long time, Bai Lu posted a Weibo message.

The accompanying picture shows Sailimu Lake seen across the woods and grasslands under the starry sky.

The caption is, We are going to camp by the lake in the prairie.

Bai Lu thrust the phone into Lin Yi's face.

"Brother Lin, what do you think of my photo?"

"Remember you promised me that you wouldn't..."

Before he could finish speaking, Lin Yi started singing softly.

"Remember you promised me."

"You won't let me miss you."

"But you have to go so far to follow the migratory bird returning south."

Bai Lu: "(°ー°〃)??"

What, what did I say, and I started singing.

Following his own words, he sang a song.

Needless to say, it sounds pretty good, but a little sentimental.

Bai Lu tilted her head and stared at Lin Yi.

"Brother Lin, please continue, I haven't finished listening yet."

Lin Yi turned back to the steering wheel, waved his hands and said, "Forget it, I suddenly don't want to sing anymore."

Bai Lu suddenly became anxious.

"This is non-stop. How can you stop halfway? How can you play like this?"

Seeing Lin Yi turn off the engine and stop the car, he did it in one go.

Bai Lu couldn't help it anymore, she flattened her mouth and said with grievance.

"Lin Yi, just wait. Wait until night, and I will let you know what it feels like to stop suddenly. Just wait."

Lin Yi didn't speak.

Instead, he picked up his phone and initiated a message.

Bai Lu stared at her phone. Before she could see a few words, she saw grassland, something Kazakh, something like that.


In the eyes of outsiders. Lin and Lu just participated in a love show and fell in love, traveling around at public expense. There were no so-called rules, and there were no restrictions on time or space.

In fact, there were no signs.

The two of them are like fallen leaves in the wind, or a boat on the sea. No one knows where they will appear next moment.

It's like I don't know where the fallen leaves will drift.

But Bai Lu knew that Lin Yi never did anything insignificant.

Everything we do now is for Cultural Tourism City. ,

When Cultural Tourism City started, it was a real cultural explosion.

Well, as for the previous Cultural Tourism City.

It is also literate, but it is not suitable for today.

New era culture and new era Taoist priests have appeared. How can culture not progress?

As for what Lin Yi wanted to do, Bai Lu didn't ask much. ,
After all, just follow him and run around the world happily.

The spread of my hands has nothing to do with me.

The world is full of troubles, but following Lin Yi, there are no worries at all. .

After parking the car, the two moved their luggage into the starry sky camping area.

After all, it is the off-season for tourism, and many people choose to go home for the New Year.

I met very few people along the way.

Most of them still went out, probably rushing home to celebrate the New Year.

Whether you have money or not, you can go home to celebrate the New Year. Going home has become an obsession for Chinese people. Even after returning home, you still feel like you are home.

Bai Lu fiddled with the camera for a while and then opened the live broadcast room.

The camera focuses on Sailimu Lake not far away.

Moonlight and starlight fall on Sailimu Lake.

It gives people the impression that the lake is not a lake, but a night sky.

The feeling of the world hanging upside down.

The Milky Way falls on the world, and the lake hangs upside down on the horizon.

Bai Lu fixed the camera, then adjusted the phone, and changed the title of the live broadcast room.

"Remember you promised me that you wouldn't let me lose you~"

Bai Lu nodded with satisfaction, turned around and went to set up the tent.

I hung a night light from inside and sat on the soft quilt.

Bai Lu tilted her head and said, "Brother Lin, where are we going tomorrow?"

Lin Yi touched his chin and said, "Well, then let's go catch the water monster."

Bai Lu: "(*^▽^*)Okay."

The audience in the live broadcast room heard the whining sound in their ears.

With the sound of the wind, Lin Yi was about to catch the water monster.

The live broadcast effect was immediately full.

Bai Lu tilted her head and said, "If you can't catch the water monster, I will throw you into the jungle and turn you into a water monster."

Lin Yi waved his hand and smiled.

"Don't worry, I'm not telling lies."

"There are water monsters here, and there are real written records."

The audience was stunned for a moment.

From their perspective, there is a large expanse of Sailimu Lake.

I can't tell the difference between the sky and the lake, and I can't tell the difference between heaven and earth.

With a gust of wind, the lake water rippled, and the stars in the lake rippled, and then the sky and the earth could barely be distinguished.

However, this is not very beautiful.

There was no way, Lin Yi next to him was talking about the water monster.

Thinking of those weird stories, the water friends in the live broadcast room couldn't help but hug their little quilts tightly.

No, it’s a sweet love live broadcast room, what the hell are you doing for me?

In such a romantic atmosphere, why are you trying to make me weird?

Isn’t this a bit outrageous?

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(End of this chapter)

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