Chapter 257 Come on, let’s have a baby.

A corner of the horizon.

The sun rises halfway across the lake.

Looking at each other from afar, just like back then.

Three or two egrets, eight or nine points of stars and moon.

Bai Lu took Lin Yi's hand and ran towards the lake.

All that was blown by the wind was the broken hair on Bai Lu's forehead.

It also wrinkled the water of Seris Lake.

Bai Lu raised her phone and said, "Hurry up and tell me about eggplant."

Bai Lu "(V^_^)v"

Lin Yi also raised his hand.


As the picture freezes, it is Lin Yi who is in a daze and Bai Lu who is full of excitement.

There is also a sunrise in the picture, where the sky and the earth are the same color.

Bai Lu simply photoshopped it and immediately sent a wb.

"The sunrise by the lake, if you lose it, you will lose it. Don't miss it, just pursue the sunrise. It's more beautiful than the stars!"

Lin Yi couldn't help but frown.

Bai Lu raised her face and said, "Brother Lin, what's your expression?" '

Lin Yi couldn't help but shook his head helplessly and said: "Is there a possibility that you didn't catch up with the stars and fell asleep? Moreover, good-looking is a relative false proposition."

Bai Lu: "...Do you want to ruin the place like this?"

In the early morning, before Bai Lu saw the first ray of sunshine.

Lin Yi's venomous tongue has already spread all over his face.

Bai Lu couldn't help but pursed her lips and said, "Other couples say that if something happens to your face in the early morning, it's not necessarily the sun."

"But what rubbed my face in the morning was definitely your little knowledge."

Lin Yi: "..."

"Can you please stop driving?"

Bai Lu shook her head vigorously, pointed at the lake and said, "Brother Lin, look, there are actually mandarin ducks in the lake. I remember that mandarin ducks are green."

Lin Yi: "..."

"That's not a mandarin duck, that's a duck."

Bai Lu: "..."

Well, the ducks here look really weird.

It looks like a wild goose.

The key is, the head is still green.

Bai Lu rubbed her head vigorously. Damn it, she seemed to have a brain.

"Wait a minute..."

Bai Lu seemed to realize something and spoke.

"But, I remember someone said that this is a place for migration. Could it be that these ducks also migrate?"

Lin Yi nodded.

"That's right. They can fly. They belong to the family Anatidae, order Anseriformes, and they can fly very far."

Here, it’s not just the wild geese that come here.

There are also the first migratory birds, as well as these ducks.

They will fly over the Tianshan Mountains and the Yangtze River, traveling thousands of kilometers and a long time to reach this place.

Lin Yi then spoke.

"If possible, they will stay here. Well, to use a saying in the animal world, when spring comes, everything revives, and they will stay here to give birth to babies."

"Of course, if you don't find the one you like, or if you don't succeed in reproducing, you will go to Siberia."

Bai Lu tilted her head and spoke hesitantly.

"Brother Lin, you didn't lie to me, right?"

Lin Yi shrugged his shoulders.

"Didn't you say that you have become smarter? You should be able to distinguish between true and false."

Bai Lu hummed, looked at the lake in front of her, and sang softly.

"Remember...remember you promised me that you wouldn't let me miss you."

"But you followed the migratory bird returning south and flew so far."

Bai Lu: "︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿"

"Well, I forgot the next thing. Brother Lin, please continue singing."

Lin Yi: "(⊙-⊙;)"

Bai Lu hugged Lin Yi's arm tightly and shook it.

"Brother Lin, please sing quickly, I want to hear it."

Lin Yi said nothing and continued to pack his luggage.

After spending the night under the stars last night, the next task is to run away. Bai Lu held Lin Yi's calf persistently and began to roll around.

"Brother Lin, let's not leave in a hurry. Let's leave after singing this song."

"Brother Lin, you are the best. I know you are the one who loves me the most. Please sing for me once."

"Why are we in such a hurry?"

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "No, I'm still very anxious about leaving."

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Bai Lu's eyes lit up.

It seemed like we were going to some magical place again.

"Well, go to the office and hand in the materials."

"Hand in the materials, but I remember, haven't I finished handing in the materials for Cultural Tourism City? Which place should I go to?"

"Well, the toilet."

Bai Lu: "..."

Bai Lu pointed at Sailimu Lake behind her and couldn't help but say.

"In such a romantic place, can you not say such disgusting things, we are so cute?"

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Yeah, it's cute."

"The toilet baby is hungry, I'm going to feed him something to eat."

Just as he was talking, the wild duck behind him quacked.

I pulled it towards Sailimu Lake.

Bai Lu: "..."

Okay, okay, on Lin Yi and Yaya who are allergic to romance.

Seeing Bai Lu falling into silence.

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly and said: "It's still very cold outside. Keep warm. When the sun comes out, I will sing to you."

Bai Lu immediately hugged Lin Yi's arm tightly.

'Brother Lin, I knew you were the best. '

In the live broadcast room, barrages exploded.

"My family, who knows? I was stuffed with dog food by a group of wild ducks and forest deer. It was so early in the morning that I couldn't even eat breakfast."

"Well, please do fast forward to having the baby, thank you."

"So, what should Lin Lu's child be called? I think it should be called Lin Fugui. It's very good."

"Okay, okay, let's forget about the two of you getting married. The name of the child has already been announced?"

"Brother Lin is already packing his things. The main thing is to rush when you come and rush when you go."

"Well, I finally understand. These two people have no destination at all. Sailimu Lake is the camping location?"

"So, why is Sailimu Lake said to be the last tear of the Atlantic Ocean? Can someone please educate me on this? Thank you."

Obviously, Bai Lu is also curious about the questions that the audience is curious about.

Just when Lin Yi was packing his things.

The cell phone rang, it was Director Yang Shurong's call.

Lin Yi picked it up casually.

Yang Shurong: "Lin Lu, why are you running so fast? I was planning to treat you to a meal. In the blink of an eye, everyone is gone."

"You came here, and you helped us so much, and you left without even taking a bite of the food."

Lin Yi chuckled and said: "Next time, I have other things on hand. If I have the chance, I will have a good meal."

Yang Shurong chuckled and said, "Our tusks have been installed. Although we can't bite, we seem to be fine and can speak smoothly. I want to thank you in person."

Bai Lu shrank her neck and said.

"It's so early in the morning, so I'm being polite. To be honest, I'm still a little scared. I can't talk like a pea shooter."

As the person in charge of Dunhuang Culture and Tourism Bureau.

In the past few days, the popularity on the Internet has been fermenting. I have watched the popularity rise from a little bit to a direct explosion.

And it keeps getting hotter.

The topic of Dunhuang has soared in popularity on major short video platforms or on the web.

Dunhuang finally became a hot search topic.

"Thousand Years of Tears" and "Nine Colored Deer".

"About the Silk Road at Dunhuang."

"I want to cross this desert to find my true self "Desert Camel""

Hot searches like this dominate the screen.

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(End of this chapter)

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