If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 265 Brother Lin, why are you taking off my socks?

Chapter 265 Brother Lin, why are you taking off my socks?

After hearing Lin Yi's question, the little girl said seriously.

"Well, there is indeed a saying that girls should be good at picking grapes and doing needlework, and boys should be men on horses."

"But I don't want to."

The little girl raised her face and said.

"I just want to be able to do anything. If a young man can do it, I can do it. If a little girl can do it, I will do it too."

"I am who I am, why should I live according to other people's ideas?"

"The main thing is, let me go east and I will go west!"

Lin Yi: ""

Bai Lu: " ̄へ ̄?"

The young couple saw in this little girl what it means to be rebellious.

More than sixty pounds, more than fifty pounds are bone.

But don't tell me, this is fine.

If you are not bound by the rules and step outside the rules, you may be able to become the one who makes the rules.

Bai Lu originally liked this little girl.

Like it even more now. ,

Take him home directly.

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Well, the sheep hanging competition should be okay, but if it's a sheep snatching competition, it probably won't work, right?"

The little girl nodded and said, "Yes, I'm still too young and can't reach the ground with my hands."

There is also a prerequisite for the hanging sheep competition.

It's like a warm-up game.

There are still so many horses, and you need to pick up the marked lamb on the horse's back, and then continue to compete in speed. ,
This kind of competitive competition comes from history.

In the past, sheep would be attacked by wolves, and the sheep that were snatched away would have to be snatched back in this way.

As for the hanging wolf.

Wolves are extremely vindictive animals. When a wolf dies there, they will form a group to take revenge.

In order to avoid this situation, they would take the wolf carcass on the ground, ride away on horseback and throw it away.

The emergence of this kind of competition is based on habit.

With the development of science and technology, wolves have been thrown onto the highway and fed as dogs. With the wolves gone, the sheep are no longer in danger.

Hear Lin Yi's explanation.

Bai Lu touched her chin, lost in thought.

"Well, I understand, there is only a world where lambs get hurt, right?"

The little girl shook her head and said, "No, many competitions now use fake sheep made of wool."

Bai Lu tilted her head and said, "Why?"

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly and said: "This is a small competition, there are only these people, but for large competitions, at least a few hundred people start. With so many people, the lambs were trampled into mutton rolls before they could react."

The little girl gave a thumbs up.

"Yes, that's it."

"Miss, you need to read more books. If that doesn't work, you can just watch our videos here."

Bai Lu: "╮(╯▽╰)╭No way, I have a boyfriend who studies a lot."

Bai Lu suddenly reacted, leaned down and pinched the little girl's face.

"Then...can you teach me how to read later?"

That look made Lin Yi helplessly shake his head.

As you can see from the map, the map of Yan State is really short.

It's better to say that the little Mingyue at home can do backflips.

But I have to say that Bai Lu really likes the little girl.

The little girl didn't refuse and agreed immediately.

He turned around to get water for his horse and brushed his hair.

Lin Yi was pulled by Bai Lu to sit down on the prairie.

Looking at the green ocean, chatting about something.

Bai Lu said, "Uncle Klie's family seems to be very busy. We seem to be embarrassed here."

Lin Yi: "Well, you can try taking off your shoes."

Bai Lu: "(▽`)?"

Bai Lu looked at Lin Yi strangely and whispered into his ear.

"Brother Lin, isn't it good to be here? I didn't expect you to have such a weird habit, but... I can show it to you."

Lin Yi: " ̄へ ̄?" Seeing Bai Lu's pretty face blushing slightly, Lin Yi couldn't help but say.

"What are you thinking about?"

"What I mean is, since you are so embarrassed, take off your shoes and carve out three bedrooms and one living room on the grassland, just enough to accommodate you tonight."

"Ah, yes, remember to ask for a big bed, otherwise I won't be able to sleep well."

Bai Lu: "⊙▃⊙?"

Bai Lu reached out and pinched Lin Yi's neck.

"Lin Yi, I have to kill you today, even Jesus can't keep you, I said so!"

On the prairie.

The two started a fierce battle.

Similar to wrestling, similar to free fighting.

But in fact, Lin Yi was the only one who was beaten.

Lin Yi ran away and Bai Lu chased him, but he couldn't fly without wings.

The sound attracted the attention of animals on the grassland.

Cattle, sheep and ponies came to look at him sideways.

Staring at the two of them, tilting his head in confusion.

In the quiet and peaceful grassland, why do two people sneak in? The style of painting is a bit inappropriate for the humans here?
The world is indeed a huge bullpen.

Bugs have started to appear.

The grassland in winter is already a little cold.

If it's windy, you can clearly feel it, the wind is like a knife, cutting across your face.

But fortunately, there is no wind today.

It was just a little bit cold, the two of them were wearing heavy clothes, and it still felt a bit hot from the rough and tumble.

Ding ding ding.

The phone vibrated continuously and sounded the vx notification ringtone.

When I turned on my phone, I saw 99+ messages in the vx chat group [Bian Gong Dian Po].

Kun Kun: "The picture has arrived at the place where Brother Lin camped yesterday. Don't mention it, the scenery here is indeed beautiful, but I haven't found the legendary unconfirmed organism."

Big brother: 'So why did you drive in directly when I watched your live broadcast yesterday? We can only take the official bus. '

Hua Yuchen: "Brother Lin, the first thing I said when I came out was to come to you. How did you know that I like to eat mutton? You went to a restaurant that roasts whole lamb to wait for me early. Brother Lin, you are so kind to me."

Zhao Lusi: "I remember not being banned. Why can I still talk? I can't stand it anymore."

Kunkun: "Please silence me for a little longer. Your wailing has disturbed my eyes."

Hua Yuchen: "You are just jealous of me and jealous of Brother Lin being nice to me. Brother Lin, you don't have to eat the roasted whole lamb. Can you teach me music?"

Zhao Lusi: '...'

Reba: "???"

Look at the messages in the group chat.

Bai Lu showed the same expression as the old man on the subway cell phone.

He took Lin Yi's cell phone directly and gave Hua Yuchen a ban.

However, what people didn’t expect was.

Hua Yuchen, this kid, couldn't speak, so he just used his own name and began to speak in disguise in the group.

Hua Yuchen (mentor Lin Yi.)
Hua Yuchen (What’s wrong with me? I just want to become a disciple.)
Hua Yuchen (Cuihua, where are you~)

Hua Yuchen (I was wrong, please figure it out for me.)

At this time, Bai Lu stared at Lin Yi angrily.

Is my boyfriend considered capable?

It seems too outrageous to think that a girl will steal her boyfriend, but now she has to be wary of men.

"Brother Lin, I don't want this situation to happen again. I can no longer look directly at Hua Yuchen's speech."

Lin Yi: "..."

"Do you think I can look directly at what he said?"

Bai Lu tilted her head and said, "So, they have arrived at Sailimu Lake now, so fast?"

Lin Yi nodded.

This speed is indeed faster than they thought.

 Your reading is the greatest support for the author.

  Because two books are really too late.

  I can’t thank my book friends one by one, but I still want to thank you all for your support along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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