If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 273 The romance of snow lotus, pure love

Chapter 273 The romance of snow lotus, pure love

Lin Yi glanced at Bai Lu and couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

"Lulu, I never realized that you are so powerful."

Bai Lu raised her face proudly and said.

"I won't let anyone interfere with our lives."

Lin Yi nodded, praying in his heart that some items were out of stock.

I hope they don't come over, otherwise they won't be able to leave.

At this time, those idiots Lin Yi mentioned.

On the way here.

In the car, several people suddenly sneezed in unison.

Subconsciously he looked at Hua Yuchen.

Hua Yuchen: "???"

"No, you all looked at what I was doing and I shut up."

Zhao Lusi: "You must be abnormal and have infected us with something."

Reba nodded with deep understanding.

Just when they were discussing how to treat Hua Yuchen.

Lin Yi and Bai Lu had already prepared their escape route.

Before leaving, Lin Yi also sent a wb.

Bai Lu next to her couldn't help but her eyes lit up.

In the picture, there is a back view of a little girl sitting on a horse, walking slowly on the grassland, with the starry sky above her head and the grassland below her feet.

In front is a lively bonfire and wedding scene.

All kinds of pictures come together, and a sense of fate arises.

The cutting of the pictures is also very clever.

It was obviously just a random shot, but it seemed to have been planned.

Copywriting is.

"I just happened to meet you", it just happened to be you, I just happened to fall in love with you, I hope you get married, don't worry about the number of marriages, it will be over.

Bai Lu: "ヾ(ω`)o"

"Actually, Brother Lin, it's okay not to add the last sentence."

What is several marriages?

Although the divorce rate is so high now.

But I can't say anything else.

In fact, Bai Lu also understood what Lin Yi meant. As long as it was not for commercial use, it could be used casually on weddings and other occasions.


This WB was forwarded, and the number of views exceeded hundreds of thousands in the blink of an eye, and the number is still increasing.

Just a few minutes.

It has over 10,000 comments and is growing rapidly.

Comments and reposts are also unanimously positive.

"Good guy, I remember someone said before that fans of Brother Lin are going to suffer. Who said that? Come forward."

"It seems that Brother Lin will release a new song soon. Although the song at the wedding is very good and unique, I think the high-definition song is better."

"Brother Lin, how did you know that I was going to get married? No way, no way, no one doesn't even have a girlfriend."

"No, you're going to be beaten to death upstairs."

"Brother Lin is playing a very new way of singing. Please learn from it and don't bump into others."

"Lin Lu, run quickly, the villains are coming."

"Dian Gong Dian Po arrives at the battlefield in one minute. Click the record button on the left to start recording this game."

The Milky Way fills the sky.

Maybe it's because of the wedding, but the weather is also very good today.

Especially on the grassland.


before leaving.

Uncle Klie was still trying to persuade him: "Xiao Lin, you have brought this wedding to a level that does not belong to him. Why don't you stay here and let us thank you properly."

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly and smiled.

"There's nothing we can do. There are still soldiers chasing us behind."

Uncle Kled then spoke.

"The woolen blankets we have here are really good, or you can take them away. It's so cold today."

"Wait a minute, what's the pursuit?"

Uncle Kled had doubts on his face.

Bai Lu tilted her head and said, "Uncle, if you follow our live broadcast, you will know what's going on."

Uncle Kled chuckled and patted his head.

"That's true."

As he said that, he turned around and called a few young men and women who had not drank.

Escort Lin Lu and the others to leave.

By the way, I'm going to pick up the friends behind me. Just as Bai Lu was about to mount her horse, she seemed to have thought of something and immediately greeted the little girl not far away.

"Would you like to come home with me? The bed at my sister's house is big and soft. My brother always likes it?"

The little girl touched the horse's back and shook her head vigorously.

"Ah no, I have to go home and sleep. It was said on TV that children like me should go to bed early in order to grow taller."

Lin Yi: "o( ̄▽ ̄)d"

Bai Lu: "(▽`)"

Bai Lu's heart melted, this kid is really good.

I also know that I am a child and can go to bed by myself.

Wait a minute... This look is completely different from the one galloping on the horse before.

The little girl stepped forward, jumped up and let Bai Lu rub her head.

"Next time my sister comes, I will take you to ride horses and see the grassland. I think my sister also likes horses very much."

"I have seeds here, but the growing environment of snowdrops is harsh, so I don't know if they can be grown."

With that said, the little girl stepped on her feet and handed the seeds in her arms to Bai Lu.

Bai Lu nodded repeatedly, she already liked this little girl.

Hearing this, I felt even more happy.

He carefully took the seeds and put them in the bag, and was about to say something.

The little girl continued: "You still have to learn to ride a horse, otherwise you will have to sit in the arms of your big brother and ride a horse, and you will lose your happiness."

Lin Yi suppressed a smile and looked down at Bai Lu.

Bai Lu looked at the little girl and smiled slightly.

"You don't understand my sister's happiness."

under the moonlight.

Lin Lu said goodbye to everyone one by one by the bonfire.

The wedding is over, but the wedding has just begun, and it's a lively time.

The two of them were riding horses, clattering forward.

Go back the way you came.

Away from people, the temperature is slightly cooler.

He huddled in Lin Yi's arms and covered himself with clothes.

The two of them walked along the road against the breeze.

The main thing is that everything comes in a hurry and goes in a hurry.

Ten minutes later, I found my car.

The young men and women also stuffed the specialties on horseback into Lin Yi's trunk.

There are not many specialties, but there are many varieties.

The most popular ones are yogurt pimples and cheese.

He waved goodbye to the knight who was seeing him off.

The two drove directly to the airport.

Bai Lu was in the passenger seat, blowing warm air, biting a yogurt pimple and playing with her mobile phone quietly.

Yes, I'll go home right away.

With Snowdrop, Xiaoju will have a new friend.

No, Xiaoju won’t eat the snowdrops.

We must protect the snowdrops, he said, stroking the snowdrops gently.

He turned to stare at Lin Yi and said softly: "Next, we are going to take off. We will fly for several hours."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Well, I guess it will be tomorrow morning by the time we get home."

On Bai Lu's mobile phone, there is a map of China.

He casually drew another small circle on the rooster's tail.

Following Lin Yi, I have been to many places.

Let's see when we can fill up this map.

It's also my own little wish.

Seeing the mark on the map, Bai Lu's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Brother Lin, we seem to have achieved something."

"What an achievement."

"Of course, we have been to the most southeastern and northwest places of the motherland. The map has been unlocked!"

Bai Lu spoke excitedly, her eyes brightening.

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(End of this chapter)

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