If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 275 Well, it’s not good to be in autumn, although it’s exciting

Chapter 275 Well, it’s not good to be on the swing, although it’s exciting
Of course, this is because several film crews of "Three Thousand Years of Love", including Lin Yi's crew, are still staying in Dunhuang to shoot and follow the progress.

Even if you pull one out and bring it back.

The soonest possible would be tomorrow.

So, of course, it’s all about showing off your happiness.

Bai Lu beside her also finished her sexual intercourse at this time.

He said softly: "Okay, let's go home and make dolls, but I still want a little daughter. Brother Lin, you have to work hard."

Lin Yi: "..."


As the two of them pushed open the door to the small courtyard.

The breeze is just right and the sun is shining warmly.

The salty sea breeze blows through the grove, making everything fresher.

Xiao Mingyue was sleeping on the swing bed in a crazy posture.

During the days when Lin Yi and Bai Lu were away, there were staff who came regularly to feed the cats, clean the cat litter, etc.

Instead, Xiao Mingyue gained a lot of weight.

Belly facing the sky, feet apart.

Bai Lu stared at Xiao Mingyue, tilted her head and said.

"I remember that the Internet said that cats are very vigilant animals. Why are they still sleeping despite such a loud movement?"

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly and said, "How do I know?" '

It seems that Xiao Mingyue has regarded the small courtyard as her own territory.

On the wall next to it, there is also Xiao Mingyue's reward.

I went out to play a lot and my life was comfortable.

Bai Lu stepped forward and poked Xiao Mingyue's belly.

"Xiao Mingyue, we are back."

Xiao Mingyue opened her eyes and looked at the two people.

"Meow meow."

He screamed, turned over and continued to sleep.

The main thing is that nothing can affect my sleep.

Bai Lu: "( ̄△ ̄;)"

"I feel like Xiao Mingyue is just like men, they don't cherish it when they get it."

Lin Yi: "???Why are you just like a man?"

Bai Lu then said: "I remember how pitiful Xiao Mingyue was when she was just picked up, but she was clingy and acted like a spoiled child."

"Now he is extremely cold and clingy. He doesn't even let me hug him when he sleeps. It's so sad to say."

Saying that, Bai Lu shook her head helplessly.

Lin Yi said helplessly: "So, what does it have to do with men? Come on, Mingyue."

With that said, Lin Yi waved his hand.

Xiao Mingyue turned over, stretched, jumped into Lin Yi's arms, and rolled gently.

Lin Yi nodded and said: "Look, sometimes you have to look for the reasons from yourself."

Bai Lu: "???"

A good distinction.

Holding Xiao Mingyue in his arms, Lin Yi turned around and walked into the room, lay down directly on the sofa, and opened a cup of happy water.

After one sip, my whole body felt refreshed.

Bai Lu, on the other hand, held the bouquet and carefully placed it in the vase.

Traveling thousands of kilometers, I came back with flowers that were destined to wither.

I have to say that this kind of persistence is sometimes difficult to understand.

Place the flowers and sprinkle some water.

Bai Lu turned around and swooped down.

It hit Lin Yi hard and turned over to lie on the sofa.

"Wuhu, comfortable!"

Lie down directly.

At this moment, the small bright moon above Lin Yi took off directly.

He was launched into the air and landed on the ground, looking at the two of them resentfully.

He turned around and ran to the balcony to continue basking in the sun.

These two idiots always put me in dangerous situations.

The sun shone on the small house, and the two of them felt the warmth of the sun.

At this time, there are many things in the display cabinet.

The marathon trophy, the plaque sent by Zhang Xueyou's brother, the one Lin Yi got back when he rescued someone, the pink little lion's head, the bouquet of flowers, etc.

Well, how can this not be counted, family members.


Bai Lu stretched out, hugged Lin Yi and rubbed hard.

After rubbing it for a while, he said, "I still need to take a shower first. My body smells like roasted whole lamb. I'm always hungry."

I tossed and turned and played for several days. I'm so tired that I don't even bother to eat.

There is always a smell of roasted whole lamb, which makes Bai Lu hungry. The best way to solve it is to take a bath.

Watch Bai Lu take a shower.

Lin Yi charged up his phone and took Bai Lu's phone to watch videos.

It doesn't matter if you don't open it. Once you open it, it's all yours.

Good guy, the short video is me, wb is me, even wx pinned to the top is me.

Lin Yi seriously suspected that Bai Lu was a legendary yandere.

Oops, I'm surrounded by yandere rebels.

Lin Yi opened the short video and it was all about himself.

Swipe it, Lin Yi # wedding # "Just meet you" #, the romance of the wedding scene.

Browse again, Gufeng#歌# takes stock of the high-quality ancient songs that have exploded on the Internet recently.

After swiping for the third time, Lin Yi#蜀embroidery# is about Chinese luxury goods, which are really not affordable for ordinary people.

Lin Yi rubbed his eyebrows, feeling numb.

Good guy, a short video account is all about me?
At this time, Bai Lu had already taken a shower and was wiping her hair.

"Brother Lin, why are you looking at my phone?"

"My phone is out of battery and turned off. Return it to you. Your phone is not fun at all."

Lin Yi said helplessly.

Bai Lu looked wary and immediately took the phone. ,
"Brother Lin, how many Happy Beans have you lost to me?"

Lin Yi: "..."


Although it is already daytime.

But when I am exhausted, it is quite tiring no matter what.

Just close the curtains and sleep for who knows how long, it seems like a century.

Wait until the curtains are opened.

It was already evening.

The setting sun dyed the sky red, and by the way, the yard.

Lin Yi was wearing pajamas and brewing a pot of Phoenix Dancong.

Sitting on the swing bed in the small yard, swaying gently.

The mist from the tea in the cup floats upward as if it wants to merge with the clouds.

Bai Lu put Lin Yi's shirt on her body.

Wearing Lin Yi's big pants and pretending to be Lin Yi, he was singing songs and recording something on his mobile phone.

Lin Yi turned his head and glanced.

"Are you writing a love diary?"

"Ah no, I'm making important calculations."

Bai Lu pushed up her glasses and said seriously.

"I want to calculate how long it will take for us to have a baby, and what is the probability that it will be a girl."

Lin Yi: "..."

"Sent it at five o'clock. Let's have a cup of tea first."

Lin Yi patted the place next to him.

Bai Lu nodded, came forward and sat on the swing bed, and started to shudder slightly.

Looking at Lin Yi who was energetic next to him.

I couldn't help but tilt my head. I had slept for a long time, but I still looked very tired.

But Lin Yi seems to be in high spirits all the time.

It's like a robot, so it won't get tiring.

Bai Lu tightened Lin Yi's shirt, feeling like she was shrinking into Lin Yi's shell.

He casually put his feet in Lin Yi's arms.

"Brother Lin, I've been walking for too long recently, Jiojio is very tired."

Lin Yi: "..."

"Are you a cat?"

Bai Lu nodded immediately and said softly: "I am Brother Lin's kitten."

Lin Yi shook his head and said: "I mean, you have cat disease, why don't you wear shoes and socks?" '

Bai Lu: "..."

"So, rub Jio for me, Brother Lin."

While scrolling through his phone, he smelled the smell of Lin Yi's shirt.

He shook his head helplessly and said: "It seems that the plan to have a baby will be postponed for a while. The plan cannot keep up with the changes."

Yes, this is real...

Plans can’t keep up with changes~
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(End of this chapter)

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