If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 286: Go to Wuzhi Mountain and go to the West to learn scriptures

Chapter 286 Go to Wuzhishan and go to the West to learn scriptures


The live concerts continue.

From outside, one can hear the vengeful high notes of the singer.

Lin Yi nodded confidently.

"Brother Zhang must not have hemorrhoids."

The two said as they put on their full armor again.

Ran to the parking lot.

It stands to reason that for a concert of this scale, it would be extremely difficult to find a parking space.

After all, it was already crowded even outside.

But fortunately, Zhang Ge specially prepared a VIP parking space for the two of them, and they quickly found the car and sat inside.

Sitting inside AE86, you can still hear the singing in the concert.

Bai Lu pricked up her ears.

"Brother Lin, did you hear that?"

Lin Yi took out snacks and a few bottles of drinks.

That's right, it was sent from the concert.

He immediately opened the lid and handed it to Bai Lu, and drank it himself.

I sang a song and added two lines today, so I should reward myself.

The only solution to worries is Coca-Cola.

I opened my mouth only after I finished drinking.

"What did you hear?"

Bai Lu squinted her eyes like a little fox and sang.

"I just want to be with you for the rest of my life~"

Lin Yi waved his hand and said: "Okay, stop singing. If you sing a few more lines, you have to pay and the copyright will be revoked."

Bai Lu snorted and said, "What I mean is, I want to stay with you for the rest of my life."

Lin Yi nodded and said: "This song is indeed very good. Brother Zhang's creative skills have always been online."

Bai Lu: "[○`Д○]Lin Yi, I have to kill you today!!!"

Bai Lu had many thoughts in her mind.

Sure enough, straight men are straight men.

Do you know what love words are?

At this time, shouldn’t I say, I want to take you to many places?
You just took the initiative to kiss me just to escape the song. Am I a clown? Am I a tool person? ! ! !

I have seen people running away from drinking, but I have never seen people running away from singing.

As the car started, I looked at the scene of reversing behind me.

Bai Lu couldn't help but shake her head.

I spent another night with Brother Lin that was so dreamy that it was unreal.

I can still vaguely hear the singing behind me.

Bai Lu tilted her head and said, "I have to sing more than thirty songs in a concert. Will it be very tiring?"

After all, Bai Lu felt her throat was a little dry after singing this song.

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "I don't know, but it should be fine."

Bai Lu: "..."

"Of course you're not tired. I'm the one singing, and the audience sings more than you. As long as you get a share of the singing, you don't get any money."

Lin Yi nodded.

"What you said reminds me that when I hold a concert, I should release the lyrics in advance so that I don't have to sing them."

Looking at Lin Yi who was delighted.

Bai Lu fell into silence.

Already in his mind, Lin Yi was waving his hands on the stage, and the fans and audience below were singing very hard.

Trying to make a fool of yourself at your own concert.

The scene was so horrifying that I couldn’t even imagine it.

Bai Lu couldn't help but said: "Brother Lin, you are really not afraid of being chased and beaten after the concert."

The scenery outside the window keeps going backwards.

Originally, Lin Yi had no intention of going back today.

"So, Brother Lin, where are we going?"

"Where do you want to go?"

"Shopping! Eat! Shopping! Eat! Tonight I want to make the happiest little train, just shopping and eating, shopping and eating!"

Bai Lu waved her little fist excitedly.

Lin Yi turned around and said helplessly.

"Lulu, do you know that the little train makes a whining sound when it runs?"

"What is it, woo woo woo?"

Bai Lu was stunned for a moment.

When she reacted, her pretty face turned red.

At this time, Lin Yi's music was also played on the car CD.

"The sparrows outside the window are talking too much on the telephone poles."

"What you said makes it feel like summer."

Bai Lu gently rolled down the car window.

With the night breeze blowing on my face. Suddenly he realized something and quickly closed the window.

"No, I still have a headache after eating ice cream this afternoon."

"This gust of wind makes me feel like I'm freezing. Could this be the legendary... beautiful frozen person?"

Look at Bai Lu who is thinking seriously.

Lin Yi couldn't help but cover his face.

Help, someone take away my stupid girlfriend.

Of course, Bai Lu soon stopped thinking about it.

Because the scenery outside the window has become more and more remote.

He turned around and looked at the navigation position, his eyes almost popping out of his head.

"No Brother Lin, do we really want to go to the west to learn scriptures?"

On the navigation, three words were clearly written.

That's right, it's the Five Finger Mountain pressing down on Sun Wukong.

He turned to stare at Lin Yi and said, "Brother Lin, I'm not ready to learn Buddhist scriptures from the West yet. I'm still young."

"What are you thinking about?"

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly and continued.

"This is the highest mountain in Hainan. The main peak is 1867 meters above sea level. Let's go up and see if there are any talismans."

Bai Lu squinted her eyes and said there was no problem.

Been to the beach.

Been to the grassland.

Went to Sailimu Lake to see wild ducks.

I also went to the desert to see the Crescent Moon Spring.

There are also outrageous ones, like going to the Northeast and slapping the butt of a silly roe deer.

But, I haven’t climbed the mountain yet.

Although it was a bonfire party and we walked up the mountain.

But none of them have climbed the mountain. Most of them have driven up.

When seeing the destination of Wuzhishan.

Bai Lu's mind was filled with the sunrise in the early morning.

White clouds are underfoot, and there are stars in the sky.

It's like becoming a fairy.

When Bai Lu fantasizes.

Lin Yi coughed lightly.

Bai Lu immediately turned her head, her eyes threatening.

"Brother Lin, I suggest you stop saying weird things."

Although, there are already many romantic and beautiful scenes in my mind.

But it is unstable after all.

Lin Yi can break the illusion with just one sentence.

Who knows, what words will come out.

There will be some outrageous operations. I can't predict it anyway, so it's better to let Brother Lin say nothing.

Lin Yi: "I just cleared my throat, don't be so nervous."

Bai Lu stretched her legs and said.

"I'm afraid you won't take me to climb the mountain."

"But the problem is, I didn't say I wanted to climb the mountain."

Bai Lu: "???"

"But our current destination is Wuzhishan."

"I don't care. If you don't take me, I'll just roll around and cry. Anyway, I won't be embarrassed."

"I also said you wouldn't give me food to eat."

After saying that, Bai Lu raised her face.

It means lying down and wallowing if there is a disagreement.

Lin Yi's eyes lit up and he said, "You put it that way, I'm really looking forward to it."

"I'm looking forward to climbing the mountain. The climb may be long, but the scenery at the top is worth it."

Looking at Bai Lu's serious look.

Lin Yi said: "I said, I'm looking forward to seeing you acting like a fool and rolling around."

So, for the next few minutes.

Bai Lu gave Lin Yi a good demonstration of what it means to roll around.

Act coquettishly, act shamelessly, roll around, act cute.

Use your best in everything, both hard and soft.

All methods were used, and he even turned into an alpaca and spit in Lin Yi's face.

Seeing Bai Lu like this.

Lin Yi quickly waved his hand and said, "I didn't say I wouldn't take you to the top of the mountain to watch the sunrise, nor did I say I wouldn't go to the mountain. You're making it very difficult for me."

Bai Lu: "???"

No, it’s because if people don’t get angry, they will be treated as fools.

(End of this chapter)

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