If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 293 Building momentum, the pinnacle of cultural tourism city

Chapter 293 Building momentum, the pinnacle of cultural tourism city

As for Lin Yi.

The reporter nodded in agreement.

In fact, it is already a great thing to be able to do any of the four sentences in Hengqu.

Lin Yi then said: "The other type is the scientists who devote all their efforts to the scientific research industry to make human civilization shine in the sky."

"It's not just in one industry."

"In the words of a great man, you can catch the moon in the nine heavens above, and catch turtles in the five oceans below."

Bai Lu randomly found a place to sit down.

He held his chin and listened carefully.

Not to mention, Brother Lin is indeed quite handsome as he looks now.

Don't say it, what Brother Lin said makes sense.

Woohoo, so serious, I cried to death.

The reporter also nodded repeatedly.

At this time, the big stone in my heart finally fell.

After all, most of the previous comments about Lin Yi on the Internet were just fake, which is not credible.

However, many reporters said that it was a poor show and did not follow the routine.

This made the official reporters panic a lot.

After all, I have run once before, so this mission has a long way to go.

But fortunately, the rest went smoothly.

And Lin Yi used the official platform to announce several things.

For example, personal concert time, album time, the opening time of the Cultural Tourism City, and the approximate time of the National Games.

These things, without exception, are almost crowded together.

If it were broadcast, the Director of Culture and Tourism would probably die laughing on the spot.

Wait until the interview is almost over.

The reporter was very touched and said: "Thank you very much, Brother Lin, for making the interview end so smoothly. I will leave you a final message for the fans." '

In front of the camera.

Lin Yi nodded seriously, stroking his chin and thinking.

Then he spoke to the camera.

"World peace, universe quiet."

Reporter: "φ(* ̄0 ̄)"

Bai Lu: "(ω)"

The reporter couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly. ,
I have to say, this sentence is still outrageous.

But it fits Lin Yi's character.

Bai Lu next to her showed a true expression.

Such a big blessing, Brother Lin will give it to you.

Why don't you thank Brother Lin quickly?
As the interview ended, everyone took a group photo in front of the Cultural Tourism City.

Watch the official interview car leave the scene.

Bai Lu breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at Lin Yi.

"Brother Lin, your answer just now was great, but what you were wearing was a bit inappropriate and strange."

Bai Lu looked Lin Yi up and down.

Beach pants, a shirt and tie, and the same helmet as the contractor, with the words "Safety" written on it.

It feels strange no matter how you look at it.

Lin Yi shrugged and said, "It's very strange for me to take this matter seriously."

Bai Lu: "..."

Don't say it, it seems to be the case.

Bai Lu reached out and hugged Lin Yi's arm, and said softly.

"But no matter what you become, I like you."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "I like it too." '

Bai Lu: "Bah, I can only like it, not anyone else."

Lin Yi: "Don't tell me, you have such a small nose, you are quite possessive."

Bai Lu glanced at the Cultural Tourism City, which was still under construction.

He turned around and said with anticipation in his heart.

"So Brother Lin, when are we going home?"


Seeing Bai Lu nodding.

Lin Yi felt helpless and nodded.

"Let's go home now."

Bai Lu: "( ̄︶ ̄)OK"

"Of course, there is something else."

In Bai Lu's confused eyes.

Lin Yi went to visit the staff who were still working in the Cultural Tourism City. Among them, Bai Lu actually saw many familiar faces.

Yes, they are the inheritors of intangible cultural heritage. Among them was Master Huang, who was directing and placing a huge lion head on a tower.

The design is simply bursting with beauty.

There are also old craftsmen who carve railings and columns.

Etc., etc.

Only then did Bai Lu understand that it was Brother Lin's idea to play each other's best.

These old craftsmen or inheritors are also very happy to be able to bring culture to the cultural tourism city.

Very energetic.

For ordinary people, this is a cultural and tourism city, a place to travel, eat, drink and have fun.

But for the inheritors of intangible cultural heritage, there are also these craftsmen.

It is the stage to showcase their blockbuster success for decades.



Although I feel homesick.

But Lin Yi still took Bai Lu with him, driving slowly on the road around the mountains and the sea.

The sea breeze blew gently on Bai Lu's face.

Her long hair was floating gently, and the smell of lavender on her hair filled the entire car.

Turning his head to open his phone, news was pushed on the interface.

That's right, it's the official interview clip with Lin Yi.
Ten minutes later, it was still warm.

But the number of comments and likes has exceeded 10,000, and as soon as it is refreshed, the number increases exponentially.

Bai Lu couldn't help but shake her head.

Click on the comment area, and the sand sculpture friends have successfully occupied the high ground.

"Hey, isn't this my Brother Lin? I haven't seen you like this for a few days, and he was interviewed by the official?"

"Okay, okay, I thought it was Brother Lin. Unexpectedly, it was Chairman Lin. What we didn't see was that Brother Lin had already become the chairman of the Cultural Tourism City?"

"Brother Lin sets a fire on the cultural and tourism city and plays with the princes with a beacon fire. That will be a sure blow."

"Why do I feel that something is wrong with Brother Lin? It seems that he is not Brother Lin anymore. He couldn't have been caught and forcibly interviewed."

"What, I heard something. Brother Lin confirmed that the solo concert and the opening of the cultural tourism city will be at about the same time."

“There are so many fun things to do together, so book a flight to Hainan in advance.”

"Fake fans are still cheering in the comment area, but real fans have already booked their tickets hahahahaha."

"Official, nonono, free promotion tool."


A few days ago.

The two people who chose to show off did not start a live broadcast.

Lin Lu’s live broadcast room was immediately closed.

Millions of viewers in the live broadcast room are waiting for food.

Bai Lu, who noticed something, opened the live broadcast room.

What catches the eye in the lens is the moon rising slowly from the horizon.

The light and the moon are both in the sea, and as the scenery recedes, they remain on the sea.

Nothing to see either.

But every time I see it, I feel calm.

Of course, it might also be because of Lin Yi.

Staring at the live broadcast room, Bai Lu spoke.

"Brothers, life has beaten me in every possible way, and my flesh has become firm and elastic, but the best way to stay in shape is not to eat cakes drawn by men."

As he spoke, he sang softly.

"Still be free and sing my song forever."

“Travel thousands of miles.”

"Forgive me for this life of uninhibited indulgence and love of freedom."

"I am also afraid that one day I will fall."

In fact, this song "Boundless Sea and Sky" touched the hearts of many people.

How many people are not wandering on the road.

Bai Lu also likes this song very much.

My favorite sentence is, still be free and sing my songs forever.

As the live broadcast room opened, a large number of sand sculpture friends rushed into the live broadcast room.

When I heard Bai Lu's words, I couldn't help laughing.

One after another, the words "Boundless Ocean and Sky" were posted on the barrage.

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(End of this chapter)

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