Chapter 298 Who doesn’t want to be buried?
Soon, Hua Yuchen found several mineral water bottles.

Fill it with sand and small stones, test the sound carefully, and then distribute it to everyone.

As for myself, of course I can do whatever I want.

As he said that, he took out the guitar he carried with him from the car.

At this point, next to it is the driveway.

There was a constant flow of traffic coming and going.

Since Lin Yi became popular, a song started a wave of resignations on the Internet, and more and more convoys went to snowy areas.

The program team is also specially selected.

This road just allows you to see most of the scenery.

Mountains to rivers, valleys to glaciers.

The night sky to dawn, the Milky Way and stars.

Brothers from all over the country, rushing for freedom, rushed to the snow area.

Many people have four words posted on their cars.

To pursue, to love, rather than stand still.

When they saw the film crew parked on the roadside, many people stopped curiously to watch the excitement. When they saw the familiar faces inside, they took pictures one after another.

I would say this is the most popular one.

On the one hand is Brother Qiang, who has become popular recently and has successfully topped the list of TV series with his new drama "Hunting Ice".

But the only true traffic god is Kunkun.

Many people have already shouted Kunkun's name. ,
Some people who didn't understand the reason also started making noises.

He directly called Kun Kun.

When they saw everyone holding water bottles and the young man at the head shaking his hair, everyone thought of the young man who sang "Broad Sea and Sky" on the top of Wuzhi Mountain.

A young man singing with the God of Song.

Everyone's eyes lit up and they stopped to join in the fun.

Thousands of miles of no-man's land, this kind of excitement is rare.

"By the way, who is that?"

"You don't know, God likes basketball and took away the boss. He likes music and takes away Brother Huang. He likes dancing and takes away Elvis. And this one is the talent who is said to be better than three people."

"You are so awesome, so who is the boss? I saw that the Internet has been going dark some time ago. Obviously there is no news for such a long time."

"Damn it, I haven't scored a goal in two years, how can I avoid being hacked?"

"Keep in mind that the dead are the greatest."

Just when everyone was thinking about it.

The sand hammer made of mineral water bottles was already shaking gently.

Bai Lu also booked a flight ticket.

You take your national highway and we fly our plane.

The main thing is not to disturb each other.

︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿.

Listening to the shouts all around.

Kunkun resisted the urge to get up and respond.

Only when the true God comes to an end can we witness the true believers.

When he saw countless anti-fans fighting for him, Kunkun knew that he was not alone, especially now.

I was moved to tears.

The mage began to play gently along with the rhythm of the maracas.

The beat gets more intense and the guitar becomes more frenetic.

The cheerful rhythm makes countless riders’ eyes light up.

Lin Yi spoke softly, his voice relaxed.

It's like walking in the sky, unstoppable.

"In the icy forest."

"I've been traveling alone for too long."

"Like an empty can being thrown away."

"Who cares about the rust in your heart."

"That muddy mountain road."

"It can end this loneliness."

"Then go away."

"Travel towards the distant sky."


A convoy about to depart.

Countless people stuck their heads out of the car windows.

They all shouted out.

People are not individuals, but they start by embarking on this path.

They have a common goal.

That is to end loneliness and go to the sky you want. "Stay with me until the end of the world."

“A longing heart needs no reason.”

"The shining years of youth."

"Hold your warm hands."

As the chorus sounds.

Bai Lu swayed gently to the rhythm.

To be honest, it's a bit overwhelming.

This song is more suitable for listening to on the road than "Desert Camel".

It’s easy to be impulsive and drive somewhere.

Bai Lu shook her head vigorously, and her eyes became clearer.

Chicken Soup Master, Brother Lin!
With his speech at the foot of the mountain, he successfully persuaded countless people to drink poisonous chicken soup and choose to walk up the mountain to take advantage of Wuzhishan.

This time, it’s chicken soup with music.

Easier to get on top of.

When the chorus is often played.

Everyone present, although not all the lyrics have been memorized.

But I remember my own lyrics.

Or those tears of missing the scenery, cherishing everything for today.

Or in the cold forest, I have been walking alone for too long.

Just like them, they embark on a journey for various reasons.

As Lin Yi's second chorus fell at the end.

Everyone, including young lovers.

They all sang along.

"Let me not stay,
Let me never look back. "

Buzz! ! !
Some older brothers who couldn't bear their temper started the engine directly and rushed out with a kick of the accelerator.

This song is top notch!

No one can stop me.

"I can't wait any longer. Get in the car and I'll accompany you until the end of the world."

"You are the boss, but brother, I am a brother."

"Brother, you smell so good."

"You are young once. Don't wait, don't expect, and don't dwell on the joys and sorrows of the past. Take the first step bravely, and half of the journey is completed."

"Brother Lin, wait until we come back to watch your concert."

"They call the dancing heart in the dark the moon, and this time the body flying on the mountain road is the sun."

"Obviously I added 95, why does it feel like aerospace engine oil? I can't hold it in anymore."

For a moment, the off-road convoy that originally stopped.

They rushed out one after another.

There are many cars of all kinds, and the most eye-catching one has to be Wuling Hongguang, the one with the lowest configuration, but it turns out to be the fastest.

The roaring sound made many people feel ashamed.

Take people to the snow area with your life.

In the eyes of everyone, the song "Until the End of the World" has new meaning because of this journey.

I don't care what's behind me.

I have friends by my side, I have the accelerator under my feet, and this road in front of me is what I want now.

Regardless of fame and fortune, this is the path I want to pursue now.

The audience in the live broadcast room were stunned when they saw this.

"Good guy, I just came back with a takeaway. Why are there so many people here?"

"A lot of people."

"Brother Lin's song "Until the End of the World", I believe that as long as the fuel tank is not empty, it will be very simple to rush to the end of the world."

"This song is not the reason for starting. Those who hesitate are just lacking a song, a person or a thing to push forward."

"So, is this the reason why Hua Yuchen almost knocked Zhao Lusi away when he stepped on the accelerator?"

"Just take a look and cherish it. One glance at the mage is enough to save you."

"What, you're crying, you want me to bury you~~~"

"Who wouldn't want to bury it? What kid wouldn't want to bury it?"

Seeing in the live broadcast room, people have already begun to cry in advance.

The young lovers above didn't pay attention.

But Bai Lu and Lin Yi fell into silence as they watched the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Hmm, the barrage is weird.

But there is no possibility that the situation at the scene is even weirder?

(End of this chapter)

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