Chapter 357 The Romance of the Chinese People

The little girl looked at her empty right hand that had been raised for a long time.

His big eyes were full of confusion and confusion.

No, what is the reason for this?

Why didn’t I believe it, but my body believed it?
When the little girl is confused.

Bai Lu couldn't help but laugh.

Lin Yi turned to look at Bai Lu and smiled.

"So Lulu, do you believe I have two small cakes in my hand?"

Bai Lu nodded vigorously and vowed.

"I believe it. Besides, I tasted it just now. It's strawberry flavored. It's delicious."

Bai Lu looked like that.

If it weren't for the water friends in the live broadcast room who saw Linyi's empty hands, they might really believe it.

As she said that, Bai Lu raised her face, as if she was very proud. Just now the little girl said that she was in love.

"Then Lulu, please stretch out your hand."

Bai Lu obediently stretched out her hand.

Lin Yi put his hand on Bai Lu's palm and let go.

An exquisite silver necklace fell into Bai Lu's hands.

Bai Lu's eyes were full of surprise, and her eyes were shining as she stared at Lin Yi.

"Brother Lin!"

"Is this for me?"

Lin Yi nodded.

Even before she came, she knew that Bai Lu would definitely like the clothes and accessories here, so she greeted them in advance and asked them to prepare.

It is best to prepare local handmade jewelry from the Dai ethnic group.

After a lot of searching, I found this necklace.
The appearance of this little girl also gave me an opportunity to send him away.

Watching the two show their affection.

The little girl's face suddenly fell.

Even a little twisted.

No, spreading dog food?

And tricked the dog into killing him?

I was like a dog on the roadside. I was suddenly kicked while walking. Who in my family knew how I felt?

I saw the two of them were about to kiss.

The little girl quickly said: "But this is not a cake, this is a necklace!"

Lin Yi nodded and said: "Yes, I selected the most suitable necklace for Lulu from dozens of styles."

Another wave of dog food.

The little girl nodded and gritted her teeth.

"Okay, it's the necklace you picked out, but this isn't a cake either. You're still lying..."

Don't wait to finish.

Lin Yi reached into his backpack and took out a well-wrapped small cake, about the size of a palm.

There are still a few stars on it.

Just like a galaxy on the river.

Bai Lu's eyes suddenly lit up. She held Lin Yi's arm, stood on tiptoes, and kissed Lin Yi hard on the face.

Little girl: "????"

Looking at the small cake placed in Bai Lu's palm.

The little girl's eyes almost popped out.

Suddenly I regretted why I wanted to get beaten up.

Honestly, isn't it good to be a single dog on the roadside?
I was like a dog caught in the rain on the roadside, spying on other people's happiness. Unexpectedly, I stepped in and got kicked a few times.

The little girl really didn't want to say anything more.

I have the urge to destroy the world.

Of course, the greater impulse is to slap yourself twice.

Lin Yi looked at the little girl's appearance and smiled with satisfaction.

"So, did you forget that I said I had two small cakes?"

"Can I get your little cake and return your Kongming Lantern?"

As he said that, he placed a small cake of the same style into the little girl's hand.

The little girl's eyes also lit up. In the live broadcast room, everyone screamed when they saw this scene.

For a moment, it seemed like a group of monkeys from Huaguo Mountain came out of the mountain.

"No shit, no shit, no shit?"

"I don't know what to say other than shit."

"My eyes lit up, then my eyes lit up, and my eyes lit up three times!"

"Brother Lin is really good at playing. He played with three dogs at once. I was the most pitiful one, the one without the cake!"

"The little girl's expression can be put into a play, so that people can learn from it, from disbelief at the beginning to conviction (happiness)."

"Hahahaha, this expression, I want to learn from it."

"When the little girl saw the necklace, her guard was broken. When she chose the necklace from thousands of choices, her guard was broken. When she saw the little cake, her guard was broken like a dog in the rain. But when she received the small cake, all her guard was broken. It all turned into joy, Brother Lin’s rank, playing with people is the same as playing with dogs.”

"Okay, I'm terribly strong now, please give me a girlfriend."

"Well, you must be the one who got slapped by your girlfriend from the central square just now."

"I seem to have learned the routines from Lianzong, and I will definitely be able to use them in the future."

"I don't want to like Brother Lin, but Brother Lin really has two small cakes."

I took the Kongming Lantern from the hands of the happy little girl.

Bai Lu's eyes kept shining as she stared at Lin Yi.

"It's like he's been brainwashed."

"Brother Lin, I'm done, I'm in love!"

Lin Yi reached out and put his hand on Bai Lu's forehead.

To stop Bai Lu from kissing herself.

"It's time to make a wish while you're at it."

With that said, he handed the Kongming Lantern to Bai Lu.

"Now, let's talk about the Kongming Lantern."

The two sat by the river, watching the sky lanterns rising around them and the lotus lanterns drifting along the river.

Suddenly, there were three seas of stars.

In the sky, in the air, and in the river.

No wonder it feels like walking in the starry sky.

The breeze blew Bai Lu's hair on her forehead.

Adds a messy feel.

Looking at the sea of ​​stars, Bai Lu spoke softly.

“On this day, people create their own sea of ​​stars, made with fire in the river, paper on the earth, and bamboo in the sky.”

"While human beings continue to make progress, they still do not forget to spend the rest of their lives romantically."

Lin Yi looked at Bai Lu's raised face.

'Starlight' reflected in Bai Lu's eyes,
For a moment, Lin Yi was stunned.

Needless to say, Bai Lu is really pretty in certain situations.

Moreover, making a wish seems to actually work.

Bai Lu actually had a flood of thoughts and ideas. It seemed that it was only a matter of time before she became smarter.

The lotus lanterns in the river swim slowly along the current.

It was as if a large galaxy was converging towards the distance, condensing into a sea of ​​blessings.

The Dai people seem to have learned how to create a romantic atmosphere by nature.

Of course, we are not just talking about the Dai people.

It is the Chinese people, and what flows from their blood is not only the pride of thousands of years, but also countless condensed romances.

In Xishuangbanna's spring-like scenery all year round.

Tenderness and romance are not only found in this festival, but are also gently hidden among the flowers, plants, stars and sea.

Lin Yi casually handed the pen to Bai Lu.

"It's time to make a wish, why don't you make a wish yet?"

Bai Lu tilted her head and said, "Of course I'll wait until you finish writing. Brother Lin, what did you write?"

Lin Yi handed the Kongming Lantern forward.

Bai Lu's pretty face turned red, and she came forward to take a look.

After seeing the writing on it, I can no longer live in Bengbu.

No, what are you writing about?

(End of this chapter)

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