Chapter 363 Brother Lin, I love you

That's right.

Hua Yuchen actually prepared a speech.

And this speech is still meaningless.

In other words, they were all polite words.

Just these polite words lasted more than ten minutes.

After hearing this, Zhao Lusi felt impatient at first, then shocked, and then his expression management gradually got out of control.

If it's not still live.

Zhao Lusi really had the urge to beat the mage to death with a stick.

The key is, I just thanked myself for one sentence, but I thanked Brother Lin for a few minutes, and why did I spend so much time in vain?
At this time, on the plane.

Lin Lu and the two connected to the WiFi on the plane.

I turned on my phone and watched the live broadcast.

See the content of the live broadcast room.

Bai Lu's face was filled with speechlessness.

"Good guy, Brother Lin, I can confirm that the Master absolutely loves you. Thank you so much."

"Moreover, it's obviously a failure to confess, why do you make it look like it's finally going to work out, or win an award or something?"

"I remember during the concert, I just said "Eternal God."

Lin Yi couldn't help but shook his head.

"Don't worry, you won't have this kind of expression when you win the award. I'm probably going to cry soon."

Bai Lu's face showed suspicion.

Yes, she doubted whether the mage really stole her boyfriend.

However, Bai Lu didn't think that the mage would cry.

But unexpectedly, the mage in the live broadcast room actually started crying, his eyes turned red.

"In "Three Thousand Years of Love", I met someone who was very important to me. If it hadn't been for him, I wouldn't have been able to learn to examine myself, let alone be tolerant, and I wouldn't have learned to examine my career."

Zhao Lusi glanced at Hua Yuchen.

Mention me now?

The belated look is meaner than grass.

I don't care.

But even as he said this, Zhao Lusi's ears perked up, and he was relieved a lot because he didn't mention his unhappiness just now.


Why does it sound more and more wrong the more I hear it?

"Thank you for allowing me to meet him, allowing me to find my true musical path in my confusion, allowing me to take a big step forward in my career and stand my true self in front of the public."

"And, he gave me the best gift, helped me selflessly, and walked to the center of the world with the song "I really want to love this world". Thank you Brother Lin..."

I heard the word Brother Lin.

Zhao Lusi no longer lives in Bengbu.

Especially when he heard later, when he thanked Bai Lu for taking care of Brother Lin, Zhao Lusi started thinking about killing him.

While his face was full of anger, he was also full of hopelessness.

Stop thanking me. What's the difference between this and resenting the whole world?

I really want to run away, but I can't.

Otherwise, let this world be destroyed. I really can’t survive.

on the plane.

Lin Yi fell into silence and immediately muted the live broadcast room.

Bai Lu was more direct, shutting down the live broadcast room without hesitation, and permanently blocked her from adding that she was not interested.

Bai Lu was really tortured.

"Brother Lin, I really can't stand it anymore. I asked him to give a farewell speech, but he ended up confessing his love here. I seriously doubt that he is from Nantong."

As he spoke, he stared at Lin Yi.

That look in his eyes meant that he could see through Lin Yi.

Seeing that there was nothing strange about Lin Yi, he felt relieved and jumped directly into Lin Yi's arms, rubbing Lin Yi hard.

I quickly found a comfortable position.

At this time, Lin Yi finally recovered from the silence buff given by the mage.

"No, he must be suffering from some illness."


Live in the live broadcast room of Hua Yuchen and Zhao Lusi.

The Master seemed so moved that he spoke there for more than 20 minutes and finally mentioned Zhao Lusi again. "Thanks, bye."

It can be seen that Zhao Lusi really doesn't want to meet Hua Yuchen anymore.

Even if it's just a moment.

Even in the same space, I feel a little breathless.

Well, I'll check it out myself when I go back.

Must be mage phobia.

As this sentence ended, Zhao Lusi turned and left.

Leave a word and a back view.

"See you again, thank you."

Immediately, the screen in the live broadcast room went black.

The audience became excited when they saw this.

After all, the audience of idiots on the Internet is always waiting for food. Regardless of what to eat, eating melon is definitely the happiest.

Hua Yuchen didn't expect it either.

From the beginning to the end of the program, the highest traffic time in the live broadcast room is when the game ends.

The barrage exploded on the spot.

Of course, after a black screen.

"Hello, Master. Goodbye, Master."

"The first time I saw the judge's live broadcast room, I felt really happy after watching the judge finish."

"Have you seen the clowns and licking dogs in the live broadcast room? This is the final result of being moved by yourself, so don't make any small essays. It's really uncomfortable to watch. Moreover, nine and a half times out of ten, they all only know how to do it. Those who read a little bit and finish the rest are not human beings.”

"The Master finally understood that what he sang was not a song and he had to start atonement for his sins, but this must be done with merit."

"The mage is powerful, but it's a pity that the mage chose to fight hand to hand. He did not choose to use his strength to silence people, but chose to do it the way he did."

"The finally clean."

"In fact, everyone knows that this is the script, but the script can't stand it. It can be said that Zhao Lusi is better off being sentenced."

"So, Lin Lu is really in love?"

"Otherwise, what do you think? By the way, Lin Lu seems to have disappeared again. Welcome to watch the spin-off drama "Where Are Lin Lu?" of "Three Thousand Years of Love"!"


in the afternoon.

The warm sun is just right and the sea breeze is slightly cool.


The two drove ae86 and were heading home.

Bai Lu was sitting in the passenger seat, feeling the breeze blowing across her face, which made her a little itchy and couldn't help but giggle.

As the hair flowed, it had already reached Lin Yi's face.

"Brother Lin, how does my hair smell?"

"Smell more, otherwise I'll wash my hair in vain."

Bai Lu groaned. ,
For girls, whether a person is important or not has nothing to do with what they are wearing or whether it is a famous brand.

It’s about how much time you spent putting on makeup and whether you washed your hair.

This is the sense of ritual for girls to go out.

As for boys' sense of ritual, it may lie in whether they give away the things they have carefully prepared.

Or whether you are prepared or something else.

Lin Yi couldn't help but shook his head and reached out to take away the hair from his face.

When he turned around, he saw Bai Lu staring at him.

"Brother Lin, I suddenly remembered something. You said that driving speed is related to one's happiness. What is my approximate driving speed?"

Lin Yi was slightly stunned.

I didn't understand what Bai Lu meant.

When she turned around, she saw Bai Lu extending her palm out of the car window.

Seeing this action, Lin Yi suddenly realized.

A person's driving speed is closely related to his or her happiness, as mentioned earlier.

Unexpectedly, Bai Lu thought about it at this time.

Before, Bai Lu was a little embarrassed to talk about these issues.

But now, Bai Lu has let herself go.

 Update completed, normal update in the early morning
(End of this chapter)

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