If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 368 Let’s go to Shaoxing and try drinking rice wine?

Chapter 368 Let’s go to Shaoxing and try drinking rice wine?

"I want to stand beautifully on the boat, look at the blue bricks and white walls, and slowly retreat. From my perspective, there are only faint water ripples."

"Then, hmm, it's better to have a mandarin duck or something and walk slowly on the river."


"I just yelled when there was an injustice on the road. I took action when it was time to take action. I took Brother Lin and bumped into them. Don't ask why, just ask because, there is no such thing as a smooth life."

Lin Yi: "..."

I originally thought it was a light fantasy.

Unexpectedly, you are going to Liangshan.

Lin Yi stared at Bai Lu with a caring look in his eyes.

What Bai Lu described before is still possible.

But later, it probably won’t work.

After all, in most places in the south of the Yangtze River, there are no mandarin ducks, ducks who hand in homework.

Lin Yi reached out and rubbed Bai Lu's soft hair and nodded.

Xiao Mingyue was furious at that time.

And, that’s to protect animals.

"Mingyue, is that water so delicious? Why are you shaking your head? Let's discuss something?"

Bai Lu then spoke.

"I still want to stay by my side and protect me."

Just bully cats for not being able to speak, right? If I could speak a few human words, I would definitely start cursing.

"Brother Lin, I suddenly have another question."

Bai Lu looked at Lin Yi and threw herself into Lin Yi's arms.

Bai Lu turned to look at Xiao Mingyue, who was shaking her head and drinking water.

The eyes staring at the two of them were full of helplessness.

Think of this.

Bai Lu waved her fist excitedly, as if she suddenly thought of something.

"Otherwise, how about you become a boatman?"


Xiao Ming and: ~o(=∩ω∩=)m
Do you think I am willing?

"That's not right. Brother Lin, you can't turn into a boat. In that case, I won't be able to stand by your side."

"By the way, can mandarin ducks fly? What should we do if we are really hit and killed?"

Xiao Mingyue shook her head and walked away.

Lin Yi couldn't help but shake his head.

Okay, okay, regarding my girlfriend, there seems to be something wrong with her head.

Lin Yi couldn't help but cough slightly.

"First, on the water in the south of the Yangtze River, there are mostly wild ducks. Those are protected animals and can fly. Even if they can't fly, they can turbo duck and swim very fast."

"Second, it's the mandarin duck. In fact, the mandarin duck is also a kind of duck, but it's the kind that can fly. The mandarin duck represents yin and yang, that is, male and female. Wen Yuan is a good name for the male mandarin duck. In the Wei and Jin Dynasties, At that time, there was a famous general with this name.”

"In animal taxonomy, it is Anatidae, Mandarin Duck genus, you understand."

"The cry is quacking."

Bai Lu: "[○`Д○]"

"No, how could such a romantic thing from me change its taste when it comes to your mouth?"

Lin Yi couldn't help but said.

"No, you're going to kill the mandarin duck. How romantic is that?"

Bai Lu chuckled.

"Then we're not having a romantic affair."

Lin Yi: "Yuanyang really wants to thank you. They are so happy, and they have to give everything for the happiness of others, right?"

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly, reached out to take the form under Bai Lu's hand, took it out, scanned it, and added the contact information on it.

Bai Lu tilted her head and said.

'What's happening, Brother Lin, don't you want to mail it back? '
Lin Yi shook his head helplessly and said: "In the past, chariots and horses were slow, but now oxen and horses are fast, and they all have wx. Wouldn't it be better to just add vx?"

Bai Lu tilted her head and said.

"Brother Lin, you don't understand, this method of mailing is still very romantic!"

Lin Yi: "So, you are a fool."

It seems that everything has something to do with romance in Bai Lu's eyes.

Although Bai Lu wrote the word Jiangnan on it.

However, Jiangnan is still a huge place. It's not just a location, a very clear place. The person on the other side didn't know where exactly these two people were pointing.

Zhejiang, Hangzhou, Suzhou...

A lot of places can be regarded as Jiangnan,

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly and said softly.

"Since we are going to Jiangnan, we have to decide on a location. We can't just go to any place."

When Bai Lu thought about it, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

He nodded gently and said: "Then it's up to you, Brother Lin, to choose. I have a bit of a problem with choosing."

Lin Yi turned his head and laughed.

"That night, sweet and sour pork ribs or big elbow, which one do you want to eat?"

Bai Lu waved her hand without hesitation.

"Children only make choices, of course adults want them all."

Lin Yi: "..."

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly.

Bai Lu nodded excitedly.

it is more than words.

Today, Bai Lu has followed Lin Yi to many places in China and has seen many unique scenery in China. Of course, she has met many compatriots of all kinds.

Speaking of far away places, I have also been to Saibei, Yili, Xishuangbanna, these relatively border places, but...

Speaking of which, I experienced so many cultures.

But I have never experienced the culture of the Central Plains, the main body of Chinese culture, the culture that spread out from the Yellow River Basin.

Jiangnan, Central Plains.

These are all thoughts in Bai Lu's fantasy.

But every time he has an idea, Brother Lin will always take it upon himself to realize it as soon as possible. There is even something special every time.

Thinking of this, Bai Lu hugged Lin Yi's neck tighter.

Lin Yi was choosing a specific place to think about in Jiangnan.

This made it difficult to breathe.

Couldn't help but turn to look at Bai Lu.

Bai Lu raised her face and smiled.

"Brother Lin, I love you so much."

Lin Yi: "...So, your love makes me a little suffocated. Can you say hello first next time?"

Bai Lu: "So Brother Lin, have you made your choice?"

Lin Yi nodded.

Bai Lu immediately stepped forward curiously.

When you see the specific choice.

Bai Lu was stunned on the spot.

I originally thought that Lin Yi would choose a beautiful place based on the culture, food, background, scenery, or other characteristics of different regions.

But in fact, I still think too much.

Lin Yi directly used his mobile phone and opened a software.

Jiangnan is divided into 99 places above.

Each place has a special number.

I chose a wave directly at random, and soon the number was set at 51.

Bai Lu didn't know much about Brother Lin's brain circuit, and she could be shocked every time.

Couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

"Brother Lin, awesome."

Bai Lu came forward curiously.

Let’s see which number 51 is, Shaoxing! .

Lin Yi shrugged and said, "So, next we will go to Shaoxing to record an outdoor party song for the official."

Bai Lu: "I remember that Shaoxing's specialty seems to be rice wine, but I don't know if it's beautiful there."

As he said this, his little hands began to be dishonest.

He reached out and moved around Lin Yi's body.

Of course, it's not that I want to be a hooligan, I just want to cause something.

 Your reading is the greatest support for the author.

(End of this chapter)

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