If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 370 Take me to Jiangnan, the dreamy water town

Chapter 370 Take me to Jiangnan, the dreamy water town
It opens with a few hell of a joke.

Bai Lu and Lin Yi burst into laughter.

After washing up.

The two drove into the ae86 and headed to the airport.

Although I knew that this time there was a purpose, to record off-site music for the official, but I couldn't stand Bai Lu's pleading.

Now that everyone is out.

Why not go shopping and eat?
Although Bai Lu is only responsible for being a little train, she should also be happy.

Therefore, Lin Yi agreed, as long as time permits.

In addition to the destination of Shaoxing, you can go to several more places.

before the plane takes off.

Even Lin Yi couldn't bear it at this time.

wb is to record the footprints of love.

Thinking of this, I reached out and re-edited wb.

"Today the sign is cleared, it's time to go to Jiangnan."

Bai Lu leaned against Lin Yi gently, kept poking Lin Yi's face with her little hands, and murmured in a low voice.

Treat wb as your circle of friends.

Bai Lu launched wb.

Bai Lu raised her face and said.

Lin Yi quickly covered Bai Lu's mouth.

Just a few words.

"If this persimmon dies, Xu Xiaoding will tell you to fill the city with Xuanbei Liangdao. There are three million sword immortals in the sky. You have to lower your eyebrows when you see me. I dare to ask the immortals in the sky if they have the courage to come to this world... Wuwuwu"

[When spring catches up with Jiangnan, I will live with spring! 】

"The Yili we went to before was always said to be Jiangnan beyond the Great Wall. Now, we are going to the real Jiangnan."

'Brother Lin, isn't this passionate? '

If it weren't for the lack of literary thoughts in my head, I would have to write 800 WB posts a day to say anything!

Bai Lu seemed to realize something, and immediately sat upright, staring at Lin Yidao.

Bai Lu's biggest hobby is to share her daily life.

Hmm, don't say it, life has indeed become a lot happier.

"Please, stop talking, really stop talking."

Many people have already turned their attention to him.

In the past, because I was in the hands of others, my posting was restricted, but after being with Lin Yi, I was restricted.

See if you want to add a few sentences.

But after thinking for a long time, he mumbled helplessly.

"Forget it, I can't write that well. It always feels like it's superfluous."

Lin Yi tilted his head and said.

"Are you sure it's not because of your limited educational level?"

Bai Lu raised her face and said: "[○`Д○], Brother Lin, it's okay for you to know about this matter. I don't want you to tell it and let others know... I will let you hang a knife on your bed!"

Lin Yi: "..."


The belated second disease is far more violent than the belated aunt.

And my girlfriend falls into this category.

What should I do if I am afraid of killing my husband and waiting online?

at this time.

wb comment area.

"Okay, okay, I asked you why there is no live broadcast today. He is preparing to run away."

""Three Thousand Years of Love" has been in production for such a long time. Ever since the director needed a break, Lin Lu and the two of them are really too lazy to broadcast live."

"But don't mention it. From the beginning to now, the two live broadcast rooms have always been far ahead among the four live broadcast rooms."

"Hmm, Bai Lu's live broadcast is actually okay, but Brother Lin, although he is careless, has always made it clear before that he is not interested in the entertainment industry. Live broadcasting these contents is also very responsible for us."

"I'm in Jiangnan, so where is Brother Lin? I'm going to go offline to have a real wave. Tell me, where is their destination?" "The opportunity to refresh offline NPCs, brothers in Jiangnan, is a thousand Don’t miss it.”

"So, aren't we going to record a new song for the official? I'm already looking forward to the new song."

"Actually, you can just sing "Shu Embroidery" again."

"I think the new songs are better. I want to listen to the new songs even more. I'm looking forward to them. I also want to go to the Jiangnan water town. I also want to follow Brother Lin and run around everywhere."


the other side.


"Three Thousand Years of Love" belongs to Zhao Lusi Hua Yuchen's live broadcast room. It has been closed due to the failure of confession.

Belonging to the two protagonists of the live broadcast room.

They have all left one after another.

In contrast, for the other two couple guests, it may be that the popularity of this show is not bad, or maybe they really sparked a spark while getting along.

Of course, the former is more likely.

Success in the confessional segment.

The most likely thing is that Lin Yi's popularity is here, and a wave of offline popularity is enough.

The director didn't want them to leave.

After all, if this is the case, Lian Zong will become Lin Yi and Bai Lu's personal show.

The young couple quickly landed from the plane and arrived at Xiaoshan Airport, the nearest airport in Shaoxing. After landing, Bai Lu immediately went to buy a wave of specialties.

Whatever is delicious, beautiful, or fun, come here first.

The phone buzzes.

vx chat group, group chat for both male and female friends.

Unread messages came to Jiujiujia again.

Although Zhao Lusi and Hua Yuchen did not withdraw from the group.

However, at Zhao Lusi's strong request, the mage was directly banned.

The mage still relied on changing the group nickname, hoping to gain some attention, but not many people paid attention to him.

Kunkun: "@林伊, Brother Lin, we will accompany you until the end. You have to believe that we love you. (It’s over, I seem to have been infected by the mage.)"

Big brother: "Hahahaha, I really haven't had much to do recently and I haven't made any appointments. I just took this opportunity to relax. Of course, I still like the atmosphere of this show."

Reba: "If there is no suitable schedule, following Brother Lin is the best way. So Brother Lin, when will you take us to play together?"

Zhao Shuting: "+1, it's really boring."

Zhao Lusi: "You should be glad that it was me who took away the mage, Peak Ruth, and exchanged the limits for one, why don't you praise me quickly."

Seeing this, the mage felt a little aggrieved.

I wanted to send a message but was banned.

You can only constantly modify the group nickname.

But neither attracted attention.

Soon, the conductor teacher sent out a video invitation in the group chat and said with regret on his face.

"Unfortunately, during the confession of love session, a couple of guests left us forever due to an accident."

"I hope you can... huh?"

The female director teacher tilted her head, her eyes full of alertness.

No, who wrote this script? Why does it sound weird? Don't tell me, just to be lazy, you copied someone's speech for me.

Although, it is indeed true.

Face Hot has indeed left this show forever, but it doesn’t mean he has left this world forever. There will still be opportunities for cooperation in the future.

Of course, Zhao Lusi made it clear that he would never appear or cooperate with any mage in the future.

The female director coughed slightly and continued.

"After going through the previous dozen sessions, our couple guests have developed a deep relationship, have a better understanding of each other, and understand why they are moved."

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  Thank you very much for your support all the way

(End of this chapter)

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