If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 374 I have to say that you are still serious about eating.

Chapter 374 I have to say that you are still serious about eating.

Bai Lu had no idea.

The two of them succeeded in causing a dog on the roadside to be kicked for no reason.

A drowned dog is spying on other people's happiness from a corner.

Finally, unable to bear it any longer, he let out a sharp explosion.


Bai Lu, on the other hand, was only led by the helpless Lin Yi.

Soon he left Baicao Garden and headed to Sanwei Bookstore.

And I got my wish and saw the word "Zhao" in the book, but in fact, it may be because the commercialization is too serious.

Instead, the original feeling was lost.

Just like many people, they change their mobile phone wallpapers to the life they want, the car they want, or whatever goals they want.

But I only glanced at it, turned around, unplugged the charger, and changed to a more comfortable position to watch videos.

The two of them quickly headed to the meeting place arranged by the cameraman.

Bai Lu leaned against the passenger seat, feeling a little drowsy. Maybe it was because she had walked too much. Of course, it was more likely because... she drank too much.

After all, Bai Lu's drinking capacity is indeed not very good.

It was drizzling outside, but Bai Lu felt that her body was extremely hot. She turned to stare at Lin Yi and couldn't help but say.

"Brother Lin, is this rice wine popsicle so high-end? Is it 100% fake?"

Lin Yi couldn't help but shook his head and said: "With so few dollars in total, do you still want to eat a gold ring out of rice wine popsicles?"

"According to the reading of rice wine, it is generally twice the amount of beer, which is about 15%. It is mixed with 1% of popsicles, which is 1.5% alcohol content."

"Well, if you really can't do it, just sit at the same table with a dog..."

Just as he was talking, Lin Yi didn't hear Bai Lu's rebuttal. He turned around and saw that Bai Lu in the passenger seat had fallen asleep leaning on the window.

Her eyelashes trembled slightly, and her face turned red.

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly, and the speed of the car also slowed down a lot. By the way, he connected his mobile phone to the car audio and played soothing music.

In this case, the speed will be much slower.

By the time we arrived, the cameraman was already very hungry and took the camera crew to eat.

Lin Yi parked the car in a secluded place.

He turned to look at Bai Lu.

He didn't wake up yet. Instead, he scratched his nose and mumbled something.

"I can't eat any more. Have some more. I want to try that one."

Lin Yi: "..."

Okay, okay, I don’t know how much this guy likes to eat. He even eats in his dreams.

I conveniently sent the photo I just took to the web.

And it is accompanied by the text [About Baicao Garden and Sanwei Bookstore in those years. 】

Of course, it doesn't mean anything special.

The main thing is to report peace.

After all, the live broadcast room has been closed since yesterday.

From Hainan to Shaoxing, Lin Lu did not broadcast live or publish any news online.

The sand sculpture netizens in the live broadcast room are waiting for food.

I have begun to wonder if these two people have eloped.

Or, he did something big behind their backs.

But when they saw this WB, the water friends in the live broadcast room said "f*ck".

"No, why did it remind me of that text, the fat bee crawling on the cauliflower, hahahahaha, that must be what Brother Lin meant."

"Okay, okay, I thought the Jiangnan mentioned was the Jiangnan water town. The first thing we saw, except for the drizzle, was the water-like tenderness of the Jiangnan women. But we never expected that what we saw was Bai Lu. "

"I guess Brother Lin has the same idea. It's a pity that he didn't get what he wanted, hahahahahaha."

"So, it seems that Brother Lin's new song is about to be released again. I'm already looking forward to it. When will it be released? I'm so anxious. I'm so anxious, King Jiji is so anxious."

"Not to mention, Mr. Lu Xun's works and my childhood shadow are the beautiful snake. Even now in the middle of the night, I still dare not look into the dark place."

"Hmm, I'm different. I learned how to catch sparrows in the snow. I tried it many times when I was a child. Later, when the sparrows became protected animals, I never tried it again." "So, Lin What were the two of you doing there? Could it be that they were looking for inspiration, or were they recording songs there?”

"It shouldn't be possible. To be honest, when I first mentioned Jiangnan, I always thought it was Hanshan Temple in Gusu City or something."


Of course, the sand sculpture netizens didn’t expect it either.

These two people came here completely at random.

The main focus is cyber location selection and free love.

Lin Yi's idea is very simple.

The official is very sincere and has already visited the thatched cottage three times. It would be rude to not go there again.

It's better to take advantage of going out to play.

By recording a song for the official, the director can also pay for a publicly-funded tour!
The official face is indeed given a lot.

Whether it’s the first few songs or the reports from the Cultural Tourism City, there are all kinds of help.

Officials really treat Lin Yi as their biological son.

Although, Lin Yi considers himself to be very thick-skinned.

However, it would be a bit unkind to refuse an official invitation. After all, favors are different from money, and favors still have to be repaid.

After all, the favor is here.

For Lin Yi to be where he is today, the official assistant behind him is indispensable.

The random destination is Shaoxing.

The local rice wine is also quite good.

This hazy drizzle is very consistent with people's imagination of the Jiangnan water town. It is also very good to write a song based on this place.

Just thinking about it.

There was a humming sound coming from beside me.

Bai Lu was sitting in the passenger seat, stretching hard and squinting her eyes. Not sure if it was intentional or not, she punched Lin Yi in the face with her little fist.

By the way, he pinched Lin Yi's face.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and stared at Lin Yidao.

"Brother Lin, where are we now?"

Lin Yi did not answer, but looked at Bai Lu and said.

"So, what on earth did you dream about eating? You're drooling all over the mat."

Bai Lu obviously hadn't woken up yet, so she said in a daze.

"Well, I ate a lot of things, shelduck, roast chicken, drunken fish, stewed chicken, lots of them, they were all delicious..."

Just as she was talking, Bai Lu seemed to realize something.

He quickly reached out and wiped his mouth.

"I'm not drooling. I'm obviously drooling."

Lin Yi: "..."

I have to say that Bai Lu's brain circuit is still okay.

Bai Lu ate all the delicious food in Shaoxing that she had briefly mentioned in her dream.

This can be regarded as weight loss in disguise.

But this... memory, I have to say, is still very scary. After all, Lin Yi just said it casually.

If Lin Yi was asked to say it again, Lin Yi might not be able to finish it. However, Bai Lu actually remembered it so clearly that he would not say it anymore and could eat it completely in his dream.

This is a bit scary.

Lin Yi couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

"I have to say that you are serious about food."

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  Thank you very much for your support along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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