Chapter 379: Things about the slim gold body

Of course, most of the scenery in Lanting was constructed later.

In other words, it is adapted from the content of the story, plus some romantic imagination.

In fact, everything as far as the eye can see.

As early as thousands of years ago, it had completely changed its appearance.

In the Orchid Pavilion.

Lin Lu and Lin Lu walked slowly.

Quietly waiting for the camera guy to finish shooting.

At this moment, the camera guy made a video call.

Lin Yi picked it up easily.

"What's wrong, what happened."

"Brother Lin, look quickly."

The camera guy said softly.

He said and turned the camera.

In the bamboo forest, I saw an old grandfather, who was in a small pavilion, splashing ink and writing with big hands.

In the rain forest, the drizzle is hazy, adding a sense of atmosphere.

"Brother Lin, what do you think about adding this scene to the recorded material?"

"I think it's okay. Take me with you and give me your seat."

While Lin Yi was discussing with the camera guy.

Bai Lu looked at the canteens on both sides.

Although there are reeds blocking the view.

But, there seem to be fish swimming inside.

When it rains, the fish will stick their heads out to breathe.

It seems that there is a different flavor.

After receiving location information.

Lin Yi squeezed Bai Lu's hand.

"time to go."

Bai Lu nodded vigorously.

"Okay, rush, rush."

"So, where are we going now?"

Lin Yi shrugged.

"Hmm, let's go find the camera guy, and by the way, find an old man, and have a serious talk about life."

Bai Lu tilted her head, her eyes bright.

"Brother Lin, let's go fishing when we have time. What do you think? I haven't experienced what fishing feels like."

Lin Yi turned around and said.

"No, are you sure?"

Bai Lu said with a little strange look in her eyes.

"What's so uncertain about this? There's no risk anyway. Is it possible that a fish can slap me to death?"

Lin Yi fell into silence.

"Well, there's one thing. I don't know whether I should mention it or not. Fish are quite muscular. A fish weighing five to six pounds can break its ribs with just one tail."

Bai Lu: "???"

No, you definitely mean fish.

Isn't it some mutated thing?
He weighs six to seven pounds and can break his ribs with just one slap, which is outrageous.

Lin Yi then shrugged.

"And this stuff is really addictive."

At this time, Bai Lu was still immersed in the shock of Xiaoyu hitting someone. ,

He waved his hands casually.

"Well, anyway, liking you is the most addictive thing in my life."

Lin Yi: "..."

Bai Lu: "..."

Bai Lu also reacted.

Couldn't help but tremble.

"Hmm, such straightforward words of love are indeed not suitable for us."

Lin Yi: "...If you could do something tactful, I wouldn't feel so uncomfortable. I feel like there are ants crawling all over my body."

Bai Lu: "Me too."

Just as the two were talking.

Walk slowly along the path.

Lin Yi, on the other hand, held his cell phone and searched for the location. It didn't take long to find the location.

The camera boy immediately pulled the two of them down.

At this time, the two of them saw that the entire film crew was squatting in the grass, carefully observing the old man in the pavilion not far away.

The old man has a serious face, rough skin and strong hands. He holds the brush in his hand and seems to be creating something every time he writes.

"Brother Lin, I don't know how well this old man writes, but this essay is really good. I wanted to take a picture of it, but it feels a bit rude."

"After all, I am not version t0. Otherwise, Brother Lin, go and ask if you can film it?"

To be honest, the camera guy called Lin Yilai.

Another aspect is to take a good look at what the old man wrote.

How is the writing going? Is it good? Then when the time comes to construct the film, you will have more ideas.

In the live broadcast room, seeing the old man's actions, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Don't tell me, the old man's mental state is really good. Every time I write, I feel like I am giving guidance!"

"That's right, old general, you know Tianshui Jiang Boyue."

"Don't tell me, this picture, this atmosphere, I really don't want to break the dreamy feeling."

"So, Brother Lin should know a little about magic, right?"

"Brother Lin read it very seriously. I wonder if the camera can see it. What did the old man write?"

"If I can't predict Brother Lin, why can't I predict others? I bet this old man wrote the Lanting Collection!"

"Okay, okay, I actually made you guess it."

Soon, the camera guy focused his camera on Lin Lu and the two of them.

Lin Lu, on the other hand, walked towards the small pavilion as if he were a tourist.

But Lin Yi looked at the contents of the paper curiously.

Seeing the pen and ink on it, every stroke and stroke, seems to have a soul.

Between swipes and splashes of ink.

Let the originally cool and moist atmosphere.

There is also an extra scent of ink.

Thin gold style is to use the side edge of the pen to write a font that is as thin as a knife and has a tall and straight posture.

Lin Yi said softly.

Bai Lu: "ヾ(≧▽≦*)o"

"Although I don't understand it, when I see this word, it really looks good... Well, it's just a little too thin. It's different from other words for fat. It has an edge..."

Bai Lu briefly explained her thoughts.

The people in the live broadcast room also followed Lin Lu's words and had some understanding of Chinese calligraphy.

in the perception of many people.

The calligraphy is not that beautiful. There is calligraphy everywhere around me. In texts, manifestos, and shop signs, there are all kinds of calligraphy.

Over time, I also developed my own sense of calligraphy.

It’s not like you can’t tell the difference between beauty and ugliness after seeing calligraphy.

Lin Lu and Lin Lu stood behind the old man and did not bother him.

Watching the old man write quietly.

Every word is taken very seriously.

It's like carving something on a stone with a knife.

Be serious and meticulous.

And after every word falls, it can refresh the eyes.

It's like the difference between a grain of rice and a bowl of rice.

Every time a new word appears, it adds a flavor to the whole picture.

As he finished writing, the old man also let out a sigh of relief.

I also found the two people hiding behind me.

Lin Yi reached out and took Bai Lu's hand, squeezing it.

"Why are you pinching me?"

"Why don't you hurry up and send me a bottle of water and snacks."

Although Bai Lu was a little reluctant to give up.

But he still handed over the snacks in his pocket honestly.

At this time, the camera crew also rushed out.

The old man was not surprised by the sudden appearance of several people, but instead smiled.

Obviously, I have known for a long time that these young people were hiding in the grass not far away, waiting for me to write.

Looking at the old man's gentle smile.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

(End of this chapter)

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