If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 381 I’m thinking, is this something ridiculous?

Chapter 381 I’m thinking, is this something ridiculous?
The old man may only like some of Lin Yi's songs.

Or maybe you’ve only heard part of the song.

Little did I know that Lin Yi had also sung many love songs.

Bai Lu stretched out her hand and pinched Lin Yi's waist and said viciously.

"It's all your fault. The old man told me that you insist on making me sing sweet love songs. It's all your fault. My reputation among middle-aged and elderly people has dropped a lot."

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly.

"Even if you don't sing love songs, during this period of time, haven't you put all your body and mind into falling in love?"

Bai Lu: "[○`Д○]"

"It's your fault too. If it weren't for you, whether I could be in love alone is all your problem!"

I saw Bai Lu cheating.

Lin Yi couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

'So, do you want to sing a love song? '

"You have a new love song, okay, okay."

Looking at the smile on Bai Lu's face.

The smile on Lin Yi's face became even more helpless.

Of course, the things the old man said were related to him, but they didn't have that much to do with him.

In contrast, the problem of mages is more serious.

Online practices in the entertainment industry.

This is more outrageous.

If it weren't for the fact that the mage still had a musical foundation, he would have been defeated by some rising stars long ago.

It's a pity that Lin Yi has a hard time understanding why the mage always writes weird songs but can't write songs seriously.

Otherwise, with the strength and traffic, it would be easy to clean up and make money, instead of being a clown who prides himself on being the eternal god in the Chinese music scene.

That’s not right, he is indeed the eternal God.

It seems like no one else does it.


Half an afternoon.

The grandpa very cooperatively changed into Hanfu, put on clothes, and cooperated seriously with the shooting.

The framing of the cameraman and Lin Yi was completed.

When I heard Lin Yi's song, I couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

"You are so young and can create so many songs easily. I have to say that you are a genius."

"Uncle, you've thanked me, do you want to go have a meal together?"

Lin Yi asked tentatively.

After all, the old man is a foreigner and came here just for tourism, so it is quite happy to go out to eat and drink together.

Bai Lu also continued.

"That's right, let's go out to eat and drink together. Uncle, you have helped us so much, at least we need to drink some wine."

“Shaoxing rice wine is pretty good.”

It seems that he is afraid that the old man will have a bad impression of him.

Then he said: "Of course, I don't drink. Sir, you have a bar with the camera guy and Brother Lin. The feeling of the wine is still very good."

Lin Yi gave a thumbs up and rubbed the egret's head appreciatively.

In the face of the official, it is easy to solve the problem with just one song and scenery, but the appearance of the old man added a touch of color to the song.

It's the equivalent of surprises and easter eggs.

This song has become completely different since the old man joined it.

This is called adding color to life.

No matter how beautiful the scenery is and its vitality is strong, it always needs to add some reversal. For example, when the white clouds have dusk, they become regretful.

When the old man joined in, he gave the song a sense of imagery and added a touch of life.

The feeling of comparing the two to each other.

The old man shook his head and laughed.

"Forget it. I'm going back tonight. I still have some things to do."

He reached out and patted Lin Yi on the shoulder, his eyes full of admiration and said: "When you have time, come to my place. The Fen wine I raise is also very good. Xifeng wine and Dukang wine are also very good."

Bai Lu scratched her head and looked at Lin Yi doubtfully. "I remember, isn't Du Kang the name of the god of wine?"

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly and said, "The Dukang here refers to Baishui Dukang, a strong-flavor wine produced in Dukang Town, Baishui County." '

Bai Lu's main focus is that there is culture, but not much.

The old man nodded and said: "That's right, don't tell me, Xiaolin, you really know a lot."

As he said that, the old man looked down at the time and said.

"It's almost time. Let's take a walk now. We can just take in the scenery on the road and go home."

With that said, he waved goodbye to Lin Lu and the other two.

Holding the Four Treasures of the Study in his hand, he slowly disappeared in the mist of drizzle, as if he had never appeared before.

But there is a looming figure among them.

And the volume of the preface to the Lanting Collection left to Lin Yi proves that the old man has at least left a negligible trace on them or the world.

After the camera guy finished sorting it out.

He also took the camera crew with him and followed Lin Yi into the car.

After fastening the seat belt.

Lin Yi adjusted the reflector, only to find that Bai Lu, the co-pilot, had been frowning, as if thinking about something.

Lin Yi tilted his head and said.

"What are you worried about? If you are worried like this, could it be that... the world is going to be destroyed?"

Bai Lu shook her head gently.

"I'm not worrying about anything, but thinking. Brother Lin, do you understand what thinking is?"


Lin Yi couldn't help laughing.

This sound also attracted the camera crew in another car, and they all looked this way.

Lin Yi said while covering his face.

"I'm sorry. I have received professional training and usually don't smile unless I can't help it."


The camera crew couldn't help but scratch their heads.

It's so strange, something seems to have happened.

Lighting engineer: "Hmm, it seems like something interesting happened to them?"

The camera guy nodded and said, "Teacher Bai Lu said she was thinking, so Brother Lin couldn't help it."

Lighting engineer: "I think this is not about making content, but about feeding us dog food in strange ways."

Everyone in the camera crew nodded in agreement.

Obviously, after such a long time, ordinary dog ​​food can no longer stimulate them, so Lin Lu chose strange dog food.

But it's impossible for them to be fooled, it's definitely impossible.

The camera guy immediately took out his cell phone and sent a message to Lin Yi.

"Brother Lin, we won't follow you as light bulbs, we will run away directly."

Lin Yi made an OK emoticon.

By the way, I told the camera guy to give me some of the material I shot in the afternoon and edit it for my own use.


Keep starting the car.

Lin Yicai felt relieved a lot, but there was still a strange smile on his lips.

Bai Lu couldn't help but frown.

"Brother Lin, I will really be angry if you do this!"

"Is it funny that I think about it?"

Uh-huh, it makes me look like I have no brain.

"Brother Lin, you have to say what you are thinking at this time to reflect your emotional value, do you understand?"

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly.

'Actually, there are not that many questions that women think about all day long, and many of them are meaningless questions. '

(End of this chapter)

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