If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 388 is like our daughter, coming and going like the wind

Chapter 388 is like our daughter, coming and going like the wind

If there hadn't been a wave of top publicity for Lin Yi from the official.

I'm afraid the concert won't be as popular as it is now.

And the popularity is still rising.

Specifically how Lin Yi will operate,

To be honest, even Bai Lu couldn't imagine it.

After all, Brother Lin's brain is not the brain of an ordinary person, it is the brain of a Trisolaran, which is very outrageous.

Below is the most searched topic.

Countless water friends in the live broadcast room rushed to leave messages below.

"Don't say it, don't say it. I was at a certain B today and saw the online reservation for Brother Lin's concert. I made the reservation directly. Brothers, don't try to steal it."

"Don't tell me, Brother Lin really cares about our student party. The ticket price is not much, and if the distance is close, the fare and admission will be included. Brother Lin is serious. I will be Brother Lin's licking dog for the rest of my life."

"By the way, I mean, is there a possibility that Brother Lin wants to use his concert to create a wave of popularity in Cultural Tourism City?"

"It doesn't matter whether he's fired or not. With Brother Lin's actions, I'm willing to be a licking dog for Brother Lin!"

"Yes, if other people were so popular, the concert would cost tens of thousands anyway, but Brother Lin's ticket price is only two thousand, and it also includes travel tickets to the Cultural Tourism City."

"So, after the concert, the cultural tourism city will be opened. Good news, good news one after another."

"Hmm, for your speculation, I just want to say one thing, the wind is free, don't try to predict the operation of the wind."


The same operation as before in the "Three Thousand Years of Love" program group.

Even if Lin Yi announces it now.

The concert is only possible that evening.

The audience also understands.

After all, Lin Yi's current popularity is too high.

Safety, rules, and venue should all be considered.

And when I saw the reservation quotas online, there weren’t a lot of them. Whoever grabbed them first got them.

But the most outrageous thing is.

Many platforms for booking live broadcasts have been opened simultaneously, and everyone can watch the live broadcast of the concert that day.

Bai Lu immediately followed the location given by the friend in the live broadcast room and took a look.

“blib station, Kuaiyin, Douishou, Cloud Music, bluedog, so many live broadcast channels for reservation???”

The most outrageous thing is.

When other people's idols hold a concert, the live broadcast can only be scheduled for three days at most, and they will be singing or interacting for three days.

Lin Yi came directly. Within ten days, that is, within twenty days, it is possible to hold a concert anytime.

Bai Lu: "╰(‵□′)╯"

"I guess, Brother Lin, I feel like I've been cheated."

Turning to look at Lin Yi, Lin Yi was still so calm, as if what happened had nothing to do with him.

Lin Yi stared at Bai Lu, couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

"So Lulu, are you doing some new performance art?"

"Don't worry, maybe our concert will start tomorrow. After all, we can't rush this kind of thing..."

Bai Lu blinked her eyes and said.

"I understand, this is called fate. It's like our daughter. It's not certain when she will come. It's impossible to rush."

Lin Yi: "..."

No, how could it involve my daughter?

I need a reasonable explanation.

Bai Lu, on the other hand, touched her chin and thought quietly.

This concert is unprecedented.

The exact time is not available, and the exact person is uncertain.

Doesn’t the security department need to be trained in advance?
Or, it is necessary to report it to the official.

The venue also requires planning, because different songs require different sets.

As a result, Brother Lin seemed to be fine and none of this had anything to do with him.

It’s simply outrageous, outrageous!
Just when Bai Lu was looking forward to whether there would be new songs.

Ding ding ding.

Lin Yi's cell phone rang.

I opened my phone and saw a message from the Cultural Tourism City project team.

Lin Yi frowned as he watched.

"What's going on? Let me see." Bai Lu came forward very curiously.

On the mobile phone is the list of partners of the concert media live broadcast platform.

A long and long one.

Bai Lu's jaw almost dropped to the ground.

"Brother Lin, I seriously doubt that Jiuyi or the Biggest Venice are collaborating with you."

Lin Yi: "..."

I saved the picture casually and posted it to my web.

In Bai Lu's opinion, this is indeed a good thing.

Guide viewers to make reservations for live broadcasts on regular platforms and watch them. The viewing content and quality are guaranteed, and they will not be cheated.

After looking at the copy, Bai Lu was stunned.

[Online reservations for concerts are currently available online, but everyone, please note that live broadcast reservations on 91, Maximum Venice, and other platforms are deceptive. I have not cooperated with them. If you click on it accidentally, Please download the anti-fraud app as soon as possible, the download link is...】

Bai Lu: "???"

In one sentence, Brother Lin's copywriting was changed.

Bai Lu shook her head vigorously.

"It's all my fault, Brother Lin. I've been reading these things all day long, and it's all gone wrong for me."

Lin Yi: "???"

"No, it's obviously all on your phone...wuwuwu."

Before she could finish speaking, Bai Lu held her mouth tightly.

Bai Lu's eyes had the meaning of amomum villosum.

"Don't say it!!!"

While the two were fighting, the phone rang.

National Anti-Fraud Center: @林伊, thank you for supporting the work, download the anti-fraud app, ensure a healthy life, and reject telecom fraud!


Outside the small courtyard.

Lin Yi saw that the mailbox at the door was open again.

Bai Lu immediately came forward and turned her head curiously.

"Brother Lin, guess who sent it this time?"

As he said this, he stepped forward, his expression suddenly a little confused.

"No, Xiao Mingyue, what are you doing here?"

That's right, inside the mailbox, Xiao Mingyue was having a cold stomach and Yang Tian was sleeping. She saw the two of them turned over and meowed as a greeting.

And because of the action.

Turning over, the sun shone on Xiao Mingyue's body.

I performed a show for the two of them on what a flash bomb is.

"Isn't there something underneath Xiao Mingyue?"

Lin Yi suddenly said.

As he spoke, he stepped forward and took the ems package in his hand, his expression suddenly became strange.

Bai Lu came forward curiously.

"Brother Lin, what's in it?"

Lin Yi shook his head gently.

"Hmm, I can't talk about it for now, I'll talk about it later."

With that said, he reached out and opened the courtyard door.

Xiao Mingyue also jumped out of the mailbox, walked slowly with the two of them, and jumped onto the swing bed in the small yard.

Because of its weight, the swing bed swayed slightly.

It makes a squeaking sound.

It brings a sense of peace and tranquility to the small yard.

Don't tell me, it feels pretty good.

Bai Lu also sat on it, shaking gently.

Staring at Lin Yidao.

"So Brother Lin, what exactly is inside?"

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  Thank you very much for your support all the way

(End of this chapter)

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