If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 395: Men love each other, no, men farm and women weave, or men play and women sing

Chapter 395: Male love... ah no, men farm and women weave, or men play and women sing
Of course, Bai Lu knew what Lin Yi was thinking.

What songs will be included in the concert must be shown in advance.

At that time, you will be able to learn from five hundred teachers.

Make money listening to other people sing.

Thinking about the atmosphere of the chorus, Bai Lu felt very happy. ,
Brother Lin is really good at the hundred ways to mess around and take advantage of others.

The two didn't delay.

Lin Yi immediately picked up the rhythm.

By the way, I opened a bottle of soda and poured it into the tall glass next to me. In winter, it actually gave the audience a feeling of summer.

Then I borrowed him.

Bai Lu kept swaying to the cheerful rhythm.

He spoke softly, with a relaxed and cheerful tone, with the joy of little 213, which made the atmosphere in the live broadcast room much more relaxed.

"The orange sunset swallowed the horizon."

"The night slowly unfolds to reveal the stars."

"I listen to Jay's music on my headphones."

"From waiting for you to finish class to writing by hand."

Lin Yi then sang along.

“Sparkling soda and you both feel summery.”

"Eye with soft brows like the sea."

"My heart beats like the wind without me noticing."

"At this moment, the world is focused on your appearance."

Then the two of them looked at each other and started to lick each other softly. The sweetness was so sweet that the water friends in the live broadcast room couldn't stand it.

The two sang together.

"I will accompany you to meet romance in the summer in a small town."

"You look beautiful when the evening breeze blows against your ears."

"Time passes very slowly in the drunken evening."

"I met my significant other in the summer in a small town."

"This city is something I miss and like."

"The sultry season becomes dreamy because of you."

The cheerful rhythm directly made the atmosphere in the live broadcast room explode.

"I guess, it sounds really good. The atmosphere of this song is so full that I actually feel like I'm dreaming back to summer."

"Well written, Brother Lin. I didn't expect Bai Lu to sing so well. With such a cheerful and relaxing feeling, I bet Bai Lu has really found love!"

"The prelude made me happy. I also want to go to the small town and find a love that belongs to me."

"It sounds good. This sweet love makes my body warm a lot."

"Well, watching the live broadcast and listening to you singing, I need to take insulin. Can you please restrain your eyes? There are so many people watching in the live broadcast room."

"I can't stand it anymore and I want to fall in love. I will be brave this time. I want to fall in love with you or not! @"

"Are you in love? You just want to be a pervert!"


Lin Yi sang until the evening wind blew by my ears, and you looked beautiful.

Couldn't help but look at Bai Lu subconsciously.

It was said that when the night wind blew by Bai Lu's ears.

Bai Lu is really good-looking, which makes her heart beat easily. Or maybe it's the right person appearing at the right time that makes her heart beat so much.

Fortunately, Bai Lu didn't feel Lin Yi's gaze.

Otherwise, I would not be happy. Thanks to a burst of laughter, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was immediately opened up.

Hmm, like a little weird flower blooming unscrupulously.

Although it is very beautiful, it also smells sweet and greasy.

Bai Lu hummed softly to the rhythm.

As the interlude ended, Bai Lu also sang softly.

That cheerful feeling, as if all the troubles in the world had nothing to do with her, she would just be happy.

Swaying and singing softly.

"The orange sunset swallowed the horizon."

"The night slowly unfolds to reveal the stars."

"I listen to Jay's music on my headphones."

"From waiting for you to finish class to writing."

Lin Yi also said the next sentence.

Listening to Lin Yi's singing.

Bai Lu turned her head and looked at the smile on Lin Yi's lips.

Couldn't help but laugh.

It was in this small town that I met Lin Yi.

Then we spent one dreamy and outrageous day after another. But, taken together, it's a bit like poetry, flowing slowly and lingering, making it unforgettable.

And the two sang this song together.

The song clearly expresses your thoughts when you are in love.

As the sun sets gradually.

Xiao Mingyue woke up, stretched out, and jumped into Bai Lu's arms. Feeling the tenderness, she raised her head and looked at the two of them.

Something is wrong, 12 out of 10 something is wrong.

There is something in these two eyes.

Why is this still drawing?

Maomao didn't understand what was going on.

Some time ago, weren't we fighting every day?

I couldn't sleep due to the screams, but now I'm having sex?

Human emotions are really difficult to understand.

Could it be that this is what is said in the legend, the beating is kissing and scolding is love, and if you love to the extreme, you will kick. The relationship between these two people is quite deep.

Lin Yi's accompaniment brought Bai Lu's thoughts back.

Bai Lu also followed the rhythm and continued singing softly.

"I will accompany you to meet romance in the summer in a small town."

"You look beautiful when the evening breeze blows against your ears."

"Time passes very slowly in the drunken evening."

"I met my significant other in the summer in a small town."

"This city is something I miss and like."

"The sultry season becomes dreamy because of you."

When singing here.

Bai Lu couldn't help but look at Lin Yi again.

No matter it's hot or cold.

Life has become very dreamy because of the appearance of Brother Lin!


The water friends in the live broadcast room also exclaimed in surprise.

The imagery of this song is simply too strong.

From the orange sunset in front engulfed in the horizon, to you looking beautiful behind you, or the sound of soda in front.

Directly to the audience in the live broadcast room, it lasted a whole summer.

In everyone's mind, since the show started, every scene between the two in front of the camera is full of details.

Is this a song?

This is clearly dog ​​food.

This is clearly bringing memories with the audience in the live broadcast room.

After all, the relationship between the two is different from that of normal people, and many viewers in the live broadcast room were involved.

In the orange sunset.

The two of them rode their car quietly along the coastline.

The two embraced each other in the dark night.

A rain of blue fireworks exploded in the sky.

Bai Lu also appears in every song written by Lin Yi.

You once said you loved me, and since then, you have appeared everywhere in my life, in every detail, but every time you appear, you are sweet.

Netizens in the live broadcast room didn't have time to sigh. ,

The two sang the chorus again.

"I will accompany you to meet romance in the summer in a small town."

"You look beautiful when the evening breeze blows against your ears."

"Time passes very slowly in the drunken evening."

“I met the other side in small town summer.”

"This city is something I miss and like."

"The sultry season becomes dreamy because of you."

As the voice gradually fell.

Bai Lu gently tapped the small plate in front of her.

He looked at Lin Yi next to him.

Although I don’t really want to say it, it’s not a very appropriate description.

Men's love...ah no, the feeling of men farming and women weaving.

Hmm, it has a great atmosphere, I really like it.

(End of this chapter)

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