If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 400 The concert begins, thousands of people are present

Chapter 400 The concert begins, thousands of people are present
“Teachers are scarce, resources are scarce and expensive.”

"It's no wonder that fewer and fewer people are learning it. Of course, this guqin is the earliest guqin, and it has no abridged version."

"And that one is the recovered Se."

Before Lin Yi could finish speaking.

Bai Lu's eyes suddenly lit up and she said.

"Se, what Se Se, isn't it good in the car?"

Lin Yi: "..."

"Your head is full of weird things."

Lin Yi couldn't help but shook his head.

'The harp and the singing harp are not the color you said. '
In fact, in that photo of ancient musical instruments.

There are not only musical instruments such as harps, zithers, and zithers, but also chimes. Compared with other musical instruments, chimes are really easy to recognize.

The director of the museum had previously said that he would try to borrow the legendary chimes. Of course, the original version would definitely not be possible.

At best it's a repaired version.

But this is already pretty good.

Lin Yi was not prepared to borrow the original version. After all, there were many changes outside. If he broke it, he would really become a sinner for the ages.

But the replica version is enough.

Before, all I could see were pictures of museums.

I was especially surprised that all these can be brought to the concert. The curator of the museum did not learn well and actually spoiled the show.

Can't you learn from yourself and play with smoke bombs? How happy it is.

While thinking about it, Bai Lu also recalled the specific content of the copy.

Obviously, the content is also related to Lin Yi. .

"Today, with regard to the antique cultural relics excavated at the Cultural Tourism City site, the comrades from the museum and the Archaeological Institute have been excavating and cleaning up day and night, and all have been inventoried. In fact, the Cultural Tourism City is a real treasure."

"After being cleared out, there are a total of more than 2,000 large and small treasures, including particularly precious national treasure-level cultural relics left by the Tang Dynasty, which have been collected by museums."

“But under the coordination of Linyi County and Provincial People’s Government, the cultural tourism city, these treasures will be put on display in the Hainan Museum before the construction of the cultural section of the cultural tourism city is completed. After cleaning, these treasures will soon be It will appear in front of everyone’s eyes, allowing people a thousand years from now to appreciate the beauty of a thousand years ago.”

“Under Mr. Lin’s instruction, the museum will also make every effort to display the details of some of the musical instruments in the concert.

These ancient musical instruments that have been collected by museums for a long time will eventually be played again thousands of years later, resounding in the sky and displayed in front of everyone's eyes..."

After reading this, Bai Lu was too lazy to read.

Not for anything else, because the following remarks are somewhat similar to the Master's remarks, and the entire article is dedicated to thanking Lin Yi. ,

Lin Yi's various contributions and all kinds of sacrifices.

Anyway, that’s a lot.

Bai Lu couldn't help but frown, her eyes full of strangeness.

"Brother Lin, why do I need to thank you so much? What did you do behind my back?"

Lin Yi shrugged.

"I didn't do anything. Hmm, washing your feet behind your back doesn't count."

Bai Lu: "(ˉ▽ ̄~) Tch~~ It's impossible. You are with me every day, how can you have time to wash your feet."

Lin Yi then said: "I didn't do anything. I just donated my share of the exhibition proceeds in the museum."

To be honest, Lin Yi was not thinking about making money from the museum. This was also unrealistic.

After all, people have done so much, and it is very troublesome to clean it up and save it for themselves.

It's better to sell face.

Before the cultural part of the Cultural Tourism City was built, all exhibitions that belonged to them were donated.

The remaining part is the legitimate proceeds of the museum.

It can not only get some good reviews, but also get people to help preserve cultural relics. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

Of course, the biggest gain is that Lin Yi can have a good rest and doesn't have to be bothered by these trivial matters, which is already good. Bai Lu suddenly counted with her fingers.

"So, this batch of treasures is much more precious than the treasures discovered last time on Sea Silk. Well, and it is also more significant, right, Brother Lin?"

Lin Yi nodded.

In terms of the quality and value of individual treasures, they are definitely not as good as those on the Maritime Silk Road.

But it can’t hold up in large quantities.

This is like the difference between discovering a dinosaur and a group of dinosaurs. A dinosaur can only prove that there are dinosaurs.

But with a group of dinosaurs, we can do research, revisit that period of history, and determine other things.

And so many pieces add up.

I can’t say that I am as rich as a country, but my value is also very scary. I can let Lin Yi say, I am not interested in money, not at all. The happiest time was when I was delivering food.

Bai Lu nodded seriously.

"Together, the few clay pots dug out, just one or two, are already worth more than the entire Cultural Tourism City?"

"Okay, okay, then we can be considered rich."

Lin Yi shrugged.

In fact, they had already become rich before.

However, this Cultural Tourism City project is a sure profit for itself.

Even if it is completely renovated and expanded, I can still save a lot of money.

Lin Yi shrugged.

"You can't say that. After all, it's enough to make money or something. Anyway, we two are not short of money."

"The significance of the cultural tourism city is for thousands of generations. It will pass on Chinese culture and let more people realize that a part of their own backbone comes from this thousands of years of culture."

"This value is far more important than those antiques."

Bai Lu waved her hand and said.

"Brother Lin, when you say this, it makes me look stupid. I also know the meaning of this is very important."

"Well, maybe you are suddenly so serious, and I can't accept it, but there is nothing wrong with what you said."

Those antiques are truly priceless.

But the backbone of the Chinese people is more important than these. In some cases, the material foundation is not as important as the spirit.

In fact, many wealthy people have not straightened their backs.

But when culture becomes pride, Chinese people can hold their heads high no matter where they go in the world.

As the only four remaining ancient civilizations.

Chinese people have never been an individual race, but a civilization.

A country derived from the fire of civilization.

Lin Yi also gave a thumbs up.

"I have to say, Lulu, your ideological awareness has improved a lot."

Bai Lu raised her face and snorted.

"That's natural. It's called red when you're near vermilion, black when you're near ink. Do you know if you've been around you for a long time and been affected by it?"

"I also learned a saying that people with sufficient food and clothing know honor and disgrace, you know?"

Lin Yi shrugged.

It's over. Bai Lu has really become literate. It's a bit hard to fool her. What should I do? Wait online. It's quite urgent.

 Your reading is the greatest support for the author.

  Thank you very much for your support along the way.

  The author had acute gastroenteritis today and just got home, so the update is a little late.
(End of this chapter)

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