If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 403 "Feather Clothes Song" A swan song after a gap of years

Chapter 403 "Feather Clothes Song" A swan song after thousands of years
Facing Bai Lu's question, Lin Yi shrugged helplessly.

Bai Lu's thoughts are still easy to guess.

If you don’t go to a concert, there must be something more tempting than a concert.

Lin Yi helplessly cooperated and said.

"So why? I would be really lonely when I go to the concert without you."

Bai Lu said seriously.

"I want to buy a ticket, and then I'll be responsible for eating and drinking down there, while watching Brother Lin working up there."

Lin Yi: "..."

"Look at your potential. Cultural Tourism City is mine, isn't it also yours? Whatever you want to eat, you can just spend the money when the time comes."

Bai Lu snorted.

This is also true.

He reached out and poked Lin Yi's face.

"Then, I will reluctantly accompany Brother Lin and go to the concert to perform."

What the two of them didn't know was a strange topic.

It successfully became a hot search topic and occupied the hot search lists on major platforms.

"No, it would be a bit outrageous to ask you to hold a concert while you hold a crowd of thousands of people."

The comments under the topic exploded in a short time.

"Thank you for the invitation. I was already so hungry that I couldn't bear it anymore. When I arrived at the scene, I realized that Lin Lu was eating so well."

"Am I here for the concert, just for food and drink? I seriously doubt whether these two people will propose at the concert, directly turning the concert into a flowing banquet, and then into a proposal scene. "

"In that case, I'm willing to spend an extra five hundred yuan to buy a ticket. Don't ask, it's just part money."

"Don't mention it, the order at the scene is really good. Some scalpers wanted to buy more tickets, but they were directly kicked away by the bar friend. I have to say, the bar friend is awesome!"

"What, how can there be only friends in this scene? Why are there not us Zaun players? Take us with you."

"Yeah, take us with you."

"Brothers who are going to the venue, please start a live broadcast and show us how to get the ticket money back at the concert. Thank you."

"There are many outrageous things in the world, and there are many concerts, but the one who occupies the most outrageous concerts is Brother Lin."

"You may not believe it, but I saw a lot of properties for sale near Cultural Tourism City!"

"I've been in Cultural Tourism City for an hour. I spent less than fifty yuan eating and drinking. Brothers, can you believe this?"


at this time.

The words "Lin Yi concert" dominated the hot searches.

The live broadcast room also started live broadcast on all major platforms simultaneously.

The first picture given.

It is the city wall of Cultural Tourism City, and the water friends under the city wall who are dressed in matching clothes, wearing a suit of armor, and behind them are more than a dozen horses.

Audiences flocked to the live broadcast room platform.

Found that the screen was stuck.

When there is too much traffic, it is easy to get stuck.

However, dozens of staff on all major live broadcast platforms were on standby, and the glitches were only slightly delayed for a few seconds before they were quickly repaired.

The audience in the live broadcast room never expected it.

The concert started in Cultural Tourism City.

And unexpectedly, the picture in the live broadcast room was the city wall outside.

In the scene in the live broadcast room, the first batch of water friends who came to the concert had already changed into classical costumes, that is, batches of armor.

Sharp-eyed sailors have discovered that the horses behind them are horses from Ili, and there are several little girls among them. If you watch the live broadcast often, you will definitely be able to call them by name.

The eight doors of the Cultural Tourism City also slowly opened.

Several carriages slowly walked out from each gate, and on them were the cultural music of various ethnic groups.

Lin Yi invited performers from all over the country.

Bring your own orchestra and start playing music. ,

Bai Lu was sitting in the car at this time, looking at the shocking pictures on her phone, her eyes almost popped out.

No, is this really a concert?
Is it so shocking and magnificent?
It's obviously Brother Lin's concert, but now the live broadcast is all the outside part, and the outside part is shocking enough.

but why.

The concerts have already been broadcast live.

Lin Yi, the protagonist of the concert, has not arrived at the concert yet.

As the horn sounded, the orchestras from the eight gates all started playing the same song, and the girls from Caiyunzhinan all started dancing.

Guqin, pipa, guzheng, and various ancient musical instrument ensembles.

In the eyes of netizens, this concert was very shocking and magnificent.

In the eyes of professionals, it is even more shocking, the kind that makes your heart tremble.

Yes, after more than a thousand years, "Feather Clothes Song" was restored by Lin Yi and the museum staff with the joint efforts.

We also invited many friends and even big players from the national team to come and help.

After all, this piece of music has special meaning to China.

Feather Clothes Song is said to have been created by Xuanzong and sent to Yang Guifei. It is a piece that combines poetry, music, and dance, witnessing another peak of the Tang Dynasty.

The dance posture is also the same: floating and spinning back to the light snow, as if sending off a dragon in surprise, the small hanging hands are suppressed and weak, and the clouds are about to come to life when the skirt is slanted.

Because of Mr. Bai's words, blue clouds appeared in the high places of Li Palace, fairy music was heard everywhere, slow songs and slow dances were made of silk and bamboo, and the emperor could not see enough of it.

It makes countless people yearn for "Feather Clothes and Colorful Songs".

With the decline of the Tang Dynasty, "Feather Clothes and Colorful Songs" was also completely lost.

It was not until the Empress Li Yu of the Southern Tang Dynasty that she restored "Feather Clothes and Colorful Songs" through fragments of documents.

After the Great Zhou Dynasty, he was seriously ill. During his serious illness, Li Yu and Xiao Zhou Hou communicated. With the departure of the Great Zhou Hou, "Feather Clothes Song" disappeared again.

And after nearly a thousand years, "Feather Clothes Song", which has witnessed countless history, reappears in front of the world, and reappears in the prosperous age, which is of extraordinary significance.

The start was a blast.

As the music of "Feather Clothes and Colorful Clothes" played.

This unusual concert completely kicked off the show, telling the world that Lin Yi is not only Lin Yi, but also a passionate young man.

The culture of Cultural Tourism City is the backbone of Chinese people.

Just when everyone was thinking about why they didn't see Lin Yi.

At this time, Lin Yi, the protagonist, is still driving to Cultural Tourism City. Yes, he is still on the road.

Rebroadcast images from major live broadcast platforms.

At this time, the entire network was shocked.

Netizens were even more dumbfounded.

"No, the concert started so unexpectedly. It was so shocking. Come on, Brother Lin, you are my god!"

"It looks very shocking to outsiders, and even more shocking to insiders. This is "Hagoromo Nishang Song", which has been lost for more than a thousand years. But you told me that it was released at the beginning of the concert, and later on What’s so shocking!”

""The Song of Feather Clothes" is legendary!"

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(End of this chapter)

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