Chapter 406: Know our cultural pride first
Lin Yi held a very serious concert.

We are very serious about contributing to culture.

Although Lin Yi's concert was a bit unexpected, rumors of a concert were revealed a long time after the opening.

Keep putting it off.

To the surprise of all the audience, the concert suddenly started. The sudden official announcement and sudden ticket sales caught countless people off guard.

The sudden flow of water is even a bit funny.

But with this song.

The atmosphere in the audience was on fire, and the audience suddenly remembered that Lin Yi could be bad, but he was never good.

In the prelude, the bass drum and the guqin and zither cooperate.

Among the many ancient musical instruments in China, drums are the most widely used and most popular, and they are also the most inspiring.

Dozens of drums sounded in unison.

The entire cultural and tourism city was shaking with the sound of drums.

On the big screen behind him, a snow-white white dragon was constantly flowing in the mountains and rivers.

It's like a whirlpool on the battlefield... There is a saying that one trace can cut through the snow of a thousand mountains, and a chain can cut several pieces of clothing. If you are lucky enough to subdue the dragon tree here, you can fight with hundreds of people in Tianmen.

Under Lin Yi's arrangement, the prelude was deliberately extended for a while.

And in it, the roar of the national team choir and the matching high notes are added, making it seem like you are really on the battlefield, like taking a leisurely stroll.

Or, wandering through this thousand-year history, I can’t help feeling sad.

In conjunction with the cultural images constantly displayed on the big screen.

The nearly 10,000 spectators at the scene couldn't help but gasp and get goosebumps.

Staring at the stage very seriously.

In the live broadcast rooms of major live broadcast platforms, the number of people online in real time has exceeded one million, and the number is still rising.

Under the triple shock of hearing, vision and taste.

The effect is immediately full.

Lin Yi spoke next and really sang out the feeling of cultural pride.

What is sung is the beautiful rivers and mountains of China.

"I roar with the dragon's roar and soar my ambition."

"The blood burns the winter and the sky rises."

"Look at the world inside and outside the Great Wall."

"The mountains and rivers are filled with smiles."

"I screamed and jumped across things."

"Come on the snow to create miracles."

"Come to the Double Olympic City to impress you."

"The sonorous heart of China is hundreds of millions."


With the giant screen in the background.

Use naked-eye 3D to transform the mountains and rivers of China.

Everyone was stunned.

Yes, what follows is the preparation for the Winter Games.

This song is not only the opening ceremony of the concert, but also the opening ceremony of the Winter Games. No wonder it is a white dragon.

As for the scene, the visual team was also in Dunhuang before.

It also added a shocking effect to the scene, it was snowing.

Yes, there is little snow in Hainan, but under their influence, the graceful snowflakes fall from the sky, adding a touch of white to the entire cultural tourism city.

The feeling of entering winter early.

If it wasn't in Hainan, it wouldn't be at the concert.

Lin Yi seemed to be standing in the snowy mountains.

Fortunately, the major live broadcast platforms have been diverted, otherwise any live broadcast platform alone may collapse.

The total number of live broadcast online users has exceeded two million and is growing at a rapid rate.

The number of people continues to rise, and some small live broadcast platforms have experienced lags.

The number of people online has increased almost like a rocket, a straight line.

The audience at the Cultural Tourism City were so shocked that they were speechless and even forgot about the delicious food in front of them.

Many people dropped the delicious food on their chopsticks to the ground without any reaction.

As soon as Lin Yi opened his voice, the whole place fell into silence.

It's like pressing the freeze button.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were the first to react.

Damn it, the barrage was directly displayed on the screen. Unexpectedly, Lin Yi, who is rarely serious, actually held a concert seriously. Can you believe this?

"Holy shit, shit, shit, the cooperation between Brother Lin and the national team is so effective. Those who play the drums at the back give me goosebumps."

"The soundtrack, the treble of the chorus, and the live effect made the song soar."

"So, is the snow at the scene real? I guess, I guess. I always feel like the dragon might rush into my face and ask me whether he looks like a human or a god."

"This naked-eye effect is really explosive, and the opening scene is a surefire success."

"I have to say that the red color on Brother Lin's body has never faded. He advertised to the official in the first song. Brother Lin is also a player."

"Although Brother Lin has only sung this part now, I have confirmed that this concert will be the most outrageous and shocking concert in several years."

"Brother Lin sings so well."

"Although these two are not in the same position, there seems to be no problem in describing them."

"It shocked me and my friends from Baicao Garden to Sanwei Bookstore. Brother Lin is so awesome."

Live screen.

In preparation for the Winter Games, the scenes of the scene and the participating athletes continued to flow, and finally turned into a white dragon.

Take the audience to browse the beautiful scenery of China's prosperous times.

Kyushu, eight seas and five mountains are constantly circulating.

Everything is constantly appearing on the screen, and it does not appear bloated and verbose, but brings a sense of novelty.

Lin Yi continued to sing.

"I am filled with pride from the East."

"Drink a bottle of five thousand years of glory."

"Heroes from all over the world give me your advice."

"I say hello to you with respect."

"The light of 2008 still shines brightly."

"The sacred fire is still burning brightly."

From Hainan to Saibei.

From Jiangnan to Western Xinjiang.

Wherever Lin Yi has been, what he took with him before leaving was the national pride, culture and backbone of the place.

Lin Yi is thousands of miles away, but he is not as good as the culture of thousands of years.

Going to the mountains and rivers, I don’t know how long it will take to climb to the top of the mountain of culture accumulated from the soil.

So what Lin Yi brought back was only part of the culture.

Then the singers from the national team also took action.

Performed a duet with Lin Yi.

"Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are all in the painting."

"The rise of the golden era."

"The bamboo slips in Spring and Autumn turned yellow and entered the mud."

"The legend of China's confidence."

"The Cangshan Mountain is covered with snow and is waiting to be described as magnificent."

"A common desire connects you and me."

“Thousands of volumes of poems, books, and ancient music have been collected into a collection.”

"A few strokes shake the world."


The high notes accompany the chorus.

The rendering power shocked nearly 10,000 spectators at the concert.

They all stood up and applauded.

The sound of applause almost overturned the table.

The opening song, whether in terms of culture, character, or other aspects, infinitely increased the significance of the concert.

The audience at the scene was shocked and breathless.

A few hundred dollars for concert tickets.

You can eat the best quality food from all over the country.

You can see the cultural pride of China and its beautiful rivers and mountains.

Many people have seen many concerts, but this is the first time that the national team is performing in such a shocking way.

My family members don’t understand. After watching a concert, I became proud.

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  Thank you very much for your support all the way

(End of this chapter)

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