Chapter 414 It’s like a dream

"The plot twists and turns again and again, and the fish head in my hand no longer tastes good."

"This ticket is really worth it. There are delicious things to eat, drink, listen to, and look good. There is also dog food to eat. It's really a pleasure."

"This wave can be regarded as lovers finally getting married."

"I just waited for a while and started shouting, marry him, marry him."

"So, I'm really curious about what's in the box behind Xiao Mingyue."


On the other side,
"Three Thousand Years of Love" program group.

In fact, the program has come to an end, and it is mainly about daily life. At the end, there is not much traffic left.

But there was a proposal session at the end, which was a successful ending to the show.

But I didn't expect that everyone else was just doing the plot and the process.

Who would have thought that Lin Lu and these two people would directly do something real. To be serious about this aspect, Lin Lu has to be here.

The director shook his head helplessly.

"After this wave of love, I, like Bai Lu, felt like I was in a dream. It was really outrageous."

"My wife also sent me a message, asking me why I didn't go and how I should go. If I go, Lin Yi will definitely get some money out of my hands."

That's what I said jokingly.

In fact, the director also contributed a lot to this concert. Even if he wanted to give some money, Lin Yi would not allow it.

The assistant next to him shrank his neck and said.

"So, I still want to go there and eat something delicious."

The director waved casually and patted the assistant on the back of the head.

"Look at your worthless look. Why don't you drive and pack a little later? I'm sure you can pack it."

Assistant: "...So, the ones who eat leftovers are even more useless, director. Didn't you ask for the tickets?"


"I've let you know everything. If you don't give me a good idea today, I bet I'll throw you out of the window."

The assistant shrank his neck and said, "By the way, why don't you contact Lin Ge and Bai Lu to create a couples variety show, or a parent-child program like Where Are Dads? It should be very effective."

The director shrugged helplessly.

"I'm not from the same journey. When I first asked Lin Yi to come here, I was just rushing to give him money. Now that I'm not short of money, why do I need to make a variety show? Just a song can be higher than the salary. What's more, there are It’s as big as the Cultural Tourism City.”

The assistant nodded in understanding, looked at the content of the camera, tilted his head and said: "Speaking of the director, you two can be considered brothers. What is inside this."

The director touched his chin and said, "I don't know, but based on my understanding of Lin Yi, it's probably not a ring inside."

The two looked at each other and realized the seriousness of the problem.

According to Lin Yi's character, the probability that there is a ring in the box is very slim. If it has anything to do with the proposal, maybe it has nothing to do with it at all.

At the concert.

And under the attention of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room.

Xiao Mingyue finally ran to Lin Yi's side unsteadily. Xiao Mingyue was tired from such a short journey.

He immediately turned over and lay down at the feet of the two of them. He obviously didn't want to move anymore, as if I had nothing to do with the destruction of the world.

Bai Lu squatted down gently.

I couldn't help but reach out and rub Xiao Mingyue's fur. After washing it, it was indeed soft and soft, as if I wanted to hold it and rub it into my arms.

He reached out and took out the box behind Xiao Mingyue.

It feels very small and light, as if there is nothing inside. However, if there are any small items inside, you can't feel them with the strength of your hands.

Bai Lu turned to look at Lin Yi, her eyes full of hope.

"So Brother Lin, what is this place? Is there anything interesting?"

"It won't be a diamond ring, although it's a bit vulgar."

Lin Yi shrugged and said, "Indeed, I don't really like diamond rings either."

Bai Lu nodded and said, "That's right, so what kind of material is the ring inside?"

There was a saying at that time that a diamond is forever, and a diamond will last forever. Unexpectedly, it was actually advertised, and some people still like it today.

Even if diamonds are no longer on the street, and their significance value is much higher than their actual value, there are still countless people willing to rush for them.

In essence, diamonds are just carbon under high pressure.

When carbon is compressed to a certain mass, it will turn into crystal clear diamond, but it is not very scarce among all elements.

According to the earth's environment, the status of gold is unshakable. After all, the amount of gold has been determined since the Big Bang, and there is currently no way to artificially synthesize it.

The color looks tacky though.

But it’s worth it if you can’t stand it.

Add a sentence, if something happens to me one day, this is your money to run away. Isn’t it more popular than the false lies of eternal romance?
These little bits of knowledge were all discussed in depth between Bai Lu and Lin Yi before.

Therefore, Bai Lu didn't really mind the material of the ring.

Gold and silver, gold overlaid with silver.

To be honest, it's okay. After all, neither of them is short of money. Measuring the value of love with material things is like measuring money with morality.

Using material things to measure love is just to use material things to prove how noble and noble your love is. In fact, it is worthless.

It's not as good as a love story from my youth.

Just when Bai Lu was thinking about it.

Lin Yi spoke softly.

"I never said that this box contains rings."

Bai Lu: "(っ°Д°;)っ"

Good guy, Lin Yi seemed to have said vaguely before that there was no ring in this, but he was so full of surprises that he still remembered this sentence.

Unexpectedly, after working on it for a long time, I found out that the box contained something other than a ring.

Sure enough, it was still impossible to predict Lin Yi's operation.

At this time, the audience had forgotten to eat the big banquet, and their heads were full of food. It seemed that they were too excited to control themselves.

I had even forgotten that the purpose of coming here today was to watch the concert, but before I even listened to two songs, the proposal process had already begun.

In the live broadcast room.

"No, Brother Lin said there is no ring in the box. What is in it?"

"That is to say, is there a possibility that it is some special art form? After all, Brother Lin's style has always been very abstract and outrageous. We need to learn to understand it."

"If it is an empty box, Sigma Man's art has reached its peak at this moment. It is estimated that Bai Lu will not make any noise and perform a show without physical objects. Both of them are masters of all things."

"To be honest, I don't like diamonds either. They are really meaningless things."

"Diamonds are forever, and one will be passed down forever. They have different meanings, do you understand? There is a reason why you can't get a wife if you want a man."

"Sorry, I'm married and I drive a Mercedes."

(End of this chapter)

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