If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 429: Away from the hustle and bustle of the city

Chapter 429: Away from the hustle and bustle of the city

"I thought Brother Lin would give up, but I didn't expect that I would be unable to predict what Brother Lin would do. I could never guess what outrageous thing Brother Lin might do next."

"But I'm already looking forward to it. After all, the content shot by Brother Lin is indeed online. I wonder what shocking content he will bring this time."


It’s similar to what the stupid netizens said.

Although Lin Yi and Bai Lu usually just eat, drink and have fun, the quality of the content they record is very good.

The last time I went to Saibei, the content I filmed was used by the authorities in a documentary to promote local cultural tourism.

Therefore, the official chose to cooperate with Lin Yi.


Before this.

Lin Yi did receive many invitations to programs.

For example, singing variety shows, life variety shows, couples variety shows, and the most outrageous ones are variety shows with children. Make an appointment in advance. It's simply outrageous.

They all found Lin Yi, hoping to cooperate with him.

After all, Lin Yi’s performance in "Three Thousand Years of Love" was indeed very eye-catching, and he even pushed this variety show to the peak by his own efforts.

Therefore, Lin Yi's strength is unquestionable.

However, what is more difficult is that Lin Yi's life has no script and every day is live broadcast, so the contract will not include too many rules for Lin Yi.

And it opens up a lot of privileges.

Meaning, it's very simple, as long as Lin Yi comes to participate, nothing else matters, as long as you come.
However, they were all rejected by Lin Yi.

After all, if you have money now, you still need to make money and have enough to spend.

Isn't it much happier to just lie down and do nothing than to go out and work?

Moreover, they are all capital. No matter how relaxed it is, it can't compare to "Three Thousand Years of Love".

Even though the director is a bit of a jerk, he even uses his own credit card to wash feet.

But I have to admit that the director did not give Lin Yi many restrictions, and Lin Yi really felt comfortable participating in this variety show.

Therefore, Lin Yi rejected all variety shows.

He also stated that he currently has no intention of participating in any variety shows.


After the morning run, Lin Lu and his companion slowly returned to the small courtyard. Lin Yi opened his mobile phone and saw a lot of messages.

You don't need to guess who the message is addressed to.

Sent by the camera guy.

A bunch of messages.

"Brother Lin is awesome, so will you take me with you this time? Brother Lin, you know me well. I am willing to go through fire and water for you."

Lin Yi: "... Got it, you can stay in the Cultural Tourism City first, contact the operation, and you two can cooperate. Come back to me after a while."

The cameraman: "There was a loud bang in the sky, and I made a brilliant appearance. JPG."

Wait until the cultural and tourism city officially starts operations soon.

There are still many things to do. The popularity of the concert cannot continue like this, it must continue to operate.

This requires the cameraman and the operations team to work together.

Stay in the cultural and tourism city and shoot some necessary content.

Although Lin Yi did not reveal too many details of the plan.

But judging from the information we have at present, these two things should be combined and flourish together.

Of course, the most important thing is.

Only some of the ancient musical instruments displayed in the museum appeared in the concert; the main chimes, sheng and a large number of other ancient instruments did not appear at the concert.

Most likely they stayed behind, ready to blow up the place again.

Save it for more important occasions, and the more important occasions are official ones.


At this time, the husband and wife were chatting in the WeChat group.

KunKun: "@Brother Lin, Brother Lin, Brother Lin, if there is something fun, will you take us with you? It is really fun when we play together."

Reba: "That's right, 10,000 people signed a blood letter to go out and play together."

Big Brother: "Actually, I don't really want to go out and play, I just want to drive. I suggest you take me with you. I really don't want to play anymore because I'm working on scripts every day."

Lin Yi glanced at his phone and handed it to Bai Lu. Bai Lu: “???”

Good guy, no, you be the good guy, and leave the rejection to me, right?

So I am the biggest complainer around you.

But on second thought, he let out a playful smile.

He reached out and took Lin Yi's phone, tapped the keyboard, and sent a message.


Bai Lu raised her face and couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

Not to mention, he really is Little Lin Yi. Even his typed replies carry the feeling of Lin Yi.

Shocked, I played Ringo in the city.

Bai Lu returned the phone to Lin Yi, raised her face, and said with a little pride on her face.

"Brother Lin, please call me next time if you need anything."

"Great summoning spell, Lulu, I suggest the kind that slides!"


If Lin Yi wants to travel to various parts of China and shoot content about China, he will inevitably have to do a lot of physical work.

If you want to experience it.

It's not impossible to bring them along. For example, Kun Kun has some strength that can be used, so using him to capture strong men is also a good choice.

Lin Yi couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

"Well, I have to say, it already has my flavor."

Then he turned and walked into the room.

Took out the suitcase.

After so many days of in-depth communication, Bai Lu already knew what Lin Yi was going to do and immediately started packing her clothes.

The level of tacit understanding between the two is improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just from one word or one action, you can know what the other person wants to express.

Bai Lu was like a bird about to break out of a cage.

His face was filled with joy.

While packing clothes and daily necessities and cosmetics into the suitcase, I thought carefully about what I had not forgotten.

No, I forgot the most important thing.

"Brother Lin, where are we going to play?"

Lin Yi packed his toolbox and said without raising his head.

"Well, go wandering, go to a place no one knows, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and be able to pursue poetry and the distance."

Bai Lu: "..."

Um, I let you do the pressure, right?

But the thing is, you don’t have to go out to pursue poetry and distant places.

Thinking of this, Bai Lu turned her head.

The swing bed outside the window was swaying gently in the wind.

The small curtain made of leaves above made a rustling sound, and although it was winter, it gave people a feeling of summer.

Occasionally, a small bird of unknown species chirps.

It adds a contrasting sense of tranquility to the originally silent scene.

Well, if you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

A small yard seems to be the best choice.

After all, even people can't come in, let alone other things, so why should we go out?

But having said that.

But it’s also very fun to go out and play.

Bai Lu was very curious about where Lin Yi was going to take her.

After all, the journey became very dreamy when following Lin Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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