If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 431: Even after being cured, you will still drool

Chapter 431: Even after being cured, you will still drool
“I just feel like it doesn’t fit.”

Hearing this, Bai Lu widened her eyes, slapped Lin Yi on the body, and said.

"You are just a scumbag. If you are not suitable for me, then you don't want me. No man is good."

Lin Yi tilted his head and shook his head helplessly.

"No, your female boxing is not of very good quality to be honest."

Bai Lu scratched her head a little embarrassedly.

"Don't worry about it, I learned it anyway."

"When you see shit, you should press the toilet, not hold it in front of me and ask me to flush it for you, understand?"

"Uh-huh, Brother Lin, help me flush the toilet."

Lin Yi: "..."

He reached out and touched Bai Lu's head.

The temperature was normal, it just started to go crazy.

Bai Lu continued, "AE86 is really good and comfortable to sit on. There's really no need to get tired of the old and fall in love with the new. He'll be very sad if he hears that, you know?"

As he said this, he reached out and patted ae86.

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly.

"It's not like I get tired of the old and love the new..."

"Then there's even less reason to change."

Bai Lu then spoke.

"ae86 has come such a long way with us, we absolutely cannot leave him behind."

A long time ago.

Bai Lu felt that she understood the concept of "letting go".

After all, there is really no point in keeping many things. If you keep them, they will only cause more troubles, so it is better to throw them away.

So when cleaning up, we often have to throw away a lot of things.

Valuable things are given to friends.

But Bai Lu really didn't want to throw away the things in the small courtyard, as if many things were meaningful.

When you see it, it’s like a photo, with large amounts of memories popping up in your head, so you can’t throw it away.

The same goes for the AE86. After all, it has been with the two of them for so long, traveling all over the country. Every time they go home, they either go back to the small courtyard or to him.

So it must not be thrown away.

I will have to accompany you for a long time in the future.

Thinking of this, Bai Lu shook her head again and briefly explained her thoughts. After she finished speaking, Lin Yi fell silent.

Wow, he seems inexplicably powerful.

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly, turned around and got into the car with Bai Lu.

The destination is the nearest airport.

After all, the journey is quite long and requires boarding a plane. Xiao Mingyue does not have the relevant documents and is an illegal resident, so she cannot board the plane.

But it doesn’t matter, after all, I’m happy when I’m at home.

Bai Lu leaned on the passenger seat, adjusted the seat to a comfortable position, and tilted her head to look at Lin Yi.

"So Brother Lin, why do we need to change cars? The AE86 is really good."

Lin Yi shrugged and said, "It's really good, but the comfort is still a little poor."

"No, I feel very comfortable."

Bai Lu realized something and immediately moved forward and stared at Lin Yi.

"Brother Lin, you're not the kind of person who gets bored easily, are you? You're not going to change my car along with me that day?"

Lin Yi shrugged.

"I'm just saying this, you have to believe me, don't worry, no one would like me unless you are blind."

Bai Lu nodded.

This is indeed true.

No, I was scolded.

"We are a pair of a tortoise and a turtle. Of course, you are the turtle."

Lin Yi then spoke.

"The main thing is, if we have a child in the future, this car is still a little less comfortable. Besides, you're not sitting very comfortably in the passenger seat."

"If you want to go out for fun, you need to be able to carry a lot of stuff and have a rest area, so you can consider an RV or MPV or something else."

Hearing this, Bai Lu's eyes lit up.

She came close to Lin Yi, stared at him and said softly, "I thought you were a scumbag who gets bored easily, but I didn't expect that you wanted me to stay away for a longer time. I'm sorry, I wronged you, let me kiss you."

Lin Yi: “…Don’t do this.”

Lin Yi's consideration is indeed meaningful.

After all, when it comes to traveling, to be honest, the ae86 is still a little insufficient, and is not even as comfortable as an mpv.

If you don't mind the hassle, an RV is also a good choice.

After all, Lin Yi still likes children very much, and it seems that Bai Lu is also looking forward to the birth of the child.

Although it takes a long time, we should always prepare in advance.

Although by then, it will still be very heavy for Aji.

Bai Lu touched her chin as she thought about it.

"Brother Lin, I have an idea."

"Oh, you actually have an idea too."

"Once we have a baby, we can buy a car and a house. The house must be near the school."

Lin Yi: "..."

"Go out and receive twenty military sticks."

"Why? There's nothing wrong with my plan."

While the two were talking, they had already arrived at the airport parking lot.

Bai Lu asked curiously while packing her things.

"So Brother Lin, where are we going?"

Lin Yi shrugged and said, "Won't we know in a while?"

As he said that, he pulled the suitcase and took Bai Lu to get the tickets.

Soon I saw the words "Hu Jian" on the ticket.

Bai Lu tilted her head, not paying attention to why she was going to Hu Jian, but was thinking about what delicious food there was in Hu Jian.

For Cantonese, this should be considered a relatively famous dish.

I immediately opened my phone and started searching to see what delicious food Hu Jian had.

"Brother Lin, wait for me. Let me check what delicious food there is."

"Your saliva is about to flow onto my shoulder, why don't you suck it back?"

"Then don't worry about it. I just want to drool. I will drool even if you cure me."

Lin Yi: "..."

My girlfriend really seems to be very stupid.

Soon, the plane landed at Hu Jian Airport.

This time, the program crew did not arrange a vehicle for Lin Yi and Bai Lu. After all, all the people on the director's side were placed in the Cultural and Tourism City by Lin Yi.

The director was busy dealing with the ending of "Three Thousand Years of Love".

The two of them rented a Mercedes as usual.

Bai Lu never took her eyes off her phone, always trying to see what delicious food there was.

At the same time, I secretly wondered what Brother Lin might be doing.

Soon, they got in the car and headed for their destination.

Bai Lu turned her head and stared at Lin Yi with a burning gaze, as if she wanted to see through Lin Yi.

Lin Yi noticed the gaze and turned to look.

"What are you going to do?"

Bai Lu raised her face, pride written on her face.

"I think I know where we are going. The clue you gave me was the leaves, right? I guessed it."

Lin Yi nodded, without saying anything, but stepped on the accelerator to increase the speed.

Silence fell in the car.

Bai Lu tilted her head, revealing the face of an old man in the subway.

"No, Brother Lin, why don't you continue asking? Ask me instead, ask me!"

Urgent, urgent, urgent, the kind of urgency that makes him turn into King Gigi on the spot.

Lin Yi shrugged and said helplessly.

"I really didn't intend to ask any further questions."

Bai Lu: "Hurry up and ask. If you don't, I'll throw you out of the car right now. Ah, I've been guessing for so long. Don't you think I'm stupid if you don't ask?"

(End of this chapter)

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